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[idac02] Testing feature idac02 SOAP.[1:8] IDAC02 Autenticazione Client (from org.openspcoop2.core.protocolli.modipa.testsuite.soap.bloccante.BloccanteSoapTest)

Took 2.3 sec.

Standard Output

feature: classpath:test/soap/bloccante/echo.feature
scenarios:  1 | passed:  1 | failed:  0 | time: 3.6701
feature: classpath:test/soap/bloccante/proxy.feature
scenarios:  1 | passed:  1 | failed:  0 | time: 2.2342
feature: classpath:test/soap/bloccante/idac02.feature
scenarios:  2 | passed:  2 | failed:  0 | time: 3.2136

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