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[audit] Testing Sicurezza Messaggio ModiPA Audit.[45.1:3431] Giro Ok con informazioni utente passate negli header http JWK pattern:IDAR01 audit:AUDIT_REST_01 e audit spedito come array (servizio che genera una risposta tramite jwk. Anche la validazione dei certificati token è tramite jwk) (from

Failing for the past 1 build (Since Success #1031 )
Took 1.3 sec.

Error Message

audit.feature:3367 - status code was: 401, expected: 200, response time: 1154, url: http://localhost:8080/govway/rest/out/DemoSoggettoFruitore/DemoSoggettoErogatore/RestBlockingAuditRest01-JWK-AudienceAsArray/v1/idar01/oauth, response: 

Stacktrace audit.feature:3367 - status code was: 401, expected: 200, response time: 1154, url: http://localhost:8080/govway/rest/out/DemoSoggettoFruitore/DemoSoggettoErogatore/RestBlockingAuditRest01-JWK-AudienceAsArray/v1/idar01/oauth, response: 
	at ✽.Then status 200 (audit.feature:3367)

Standard Output

feature: classpath:test/rest/sicurezza-messaggio/audit.feature
scenarios: 84 | passed: 82 | failed:  2 | time: 345.5366

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