Standard Output
START, sleep ... INVOKE from file '/tmp/': '#!/bin/bash /usr/bin/openssl ocsp -index /tmp/index9802519661861499624.txt -port 64900 -rsigner /tmp/cert14157252901716937120.pem -rkey /tmp/cert16515948359167012267.key -CA /tmp/certificateAuthority17628319614142326429.pem -text -out /tmp/ocsp.log' PROCESS FINISH Process terminated with code: 1 ERROR stream: Error setting up accept BIO 140179460626336:error:02006062:system library:bind:Address already in us ...[truncated 21560 chars]... eep ... INVOKE from file '/tmp/': '#!/bin/bash /usr/bin/openssl ocsp -index /tmp/index2590648741668336184.txt -port 64901 -rsigner /tmp/cert10659377677816642049.pem -rkey /tmp/cert1035976547406506300.key -CA /tmp/certificateAuthority15230799974099731525.pem -text -out /tmp/ocsp.log' PROCESS FINISH Process running STARTED Process terminated with code: -1 Reading error stream failed: Stream closed Reading stream failed: Stream closed STOP, sleep ... STOP