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(from org.openspcoop2.protocol.spcoop.testsuite.units.sicurezza.WSSecurity took 0.21 sec)


Test Name: Ant test
Suite Name: Ant suite

Group(s): Sicurezza, WSSecurity, WSSecurity.WSSEncryptMessaggioAlterato

[Method Execution Trend Chart]

Reporter Output

Ricevuto SoapFAULT codice[EGOV_IT_200] actor[]: spc/MinisteroErogatore ha rilevato le seguenti eccezioni:
Generatosi errore durante il processamento Message-Security(Receiver): Generatosi errore durante il processamento Message-Security(Receiver): Element with 'Id' attribute value (#ED-4ffb8a8a-c490-4d1e-8f32-c9ca1689048d) not found [WSS-Encrypt ReferencesSearch]
Controllo fault code [EGOV_IT_200]