11:07:26 Started by user Andrea Poli
11:07:26 Running as SYSTEM
11:07:26 Building in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay
11:07:26 [WS-CLEANUP] Clean-up disabled, skipping workspace deletion.
11:07:26 The recommended git tool is: NONE
11:07:26 No credentials specified
11:07:26 > /usr/bin/git rev-parse --resolve-git-dir /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/.git # timeout=10
11:07:26 Fetching changes from the remote Git repository
11:07:26 > /usr/bin/git config remote.origin.url https://github.com/link-it/govway.git # timeout=10
11:07:26 Fetching upstream changes from https://github.com/link-it/govway.git
11:07:26 > /usr/bin/git --version # timeout=10
11:07:26 > git --version # 'git version 2.23.1'
11:07:26 > /usr/bin/git fetch --tags --force --progress -- https://github.com/link-it/govway.git +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
11:07:26 > /usr/bin/git rev-parse origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10
11:07:27 Checking out Revision fd486bb2929856f3e0b4b09b66dadd28af0d9749 (origin/master)
11:07:27 > /usr/bin/git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
11:07:27 > /usr/bin/git checkout -f fd486bb2929856f3e0b4b09b66dadd28af0d9749 # timeout=10
11:07:27 Commit message: "[Documentazione] Aggiornata versione spotbugs/sonarqube"
11:07:27 > /usr/bin/git rev-list --no-walk fd486bb2929856f3e0b4b09b66dadd28af0d9749 # timeout=10
11:07:27 Run condition [Boolean condition] enabling prebuild for step [BuilderChain]
11:07:27 Run condition [Boolean condition] enabling prebuild for step [BuilderChain]
11:07:27 Run condition [Boolean condition] enabling prebuild for step [BuilderChain]
11:07:27 Run condition [Boolean condition] enabling prebuild for step [BuilderChain]
11:07:27 Run condition [Boolean condition] enabling prebuild for step [BuilderChain]
11:07:27 Run condition [Boolean condition] enabling prebuild for step [BuilderChain]
11:07:27 Run condition [Boolean condition] enabling prebuild for step [BuilderChain]
11:07:27 Run condition [Boolean condition] enabling prebuild for step [BuilderChain]
11:07:27 Run condition [Boolean condition] enabling prebuild for step [BuilderChain]
11:07:27 Run condition [Boolean condition] enabling prebuild for step [BuilderChain]
11:07:27 Run condition [Boolean condition] enabling prebuild for step [BuilderChain]
11:07:27 Run condition [Boolean condition] enabling prebuild for step [BuilderChain]
11:07:27 Run condition [Boolean condition] enabling prebuild for step [BuilderChain]
11:07:27 [GovWay] $ /bin/bash /tmp/jenkins10309398088263196453.sh
11:07:27 =============================
11:07:27 General Info
11:07:27 Workspace: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay
11:07:27 Build: false
11:07:27 Deploy: false
11:07:27 Test: false
11:07:27 Test Integrazione: false
11:07:27 =============================
11:07:27 =============================
11:07:27 Environment Info
11:07:27 HOME: /var/lib/jenkins
11:07:27 ANT_OPTS: -Xmx512m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=700m -XX:+UseG1GC
11:07:27 MAVEN_OPTS:
11:07:27 SOFTHSM2_CONF: /home/ec2-user/lib/softhsm/softhsm2.conf
11:07:27 =============================
11:07:27 =============================
11:07:27 Java
11:07:27 openjdk version "11.0.12" 2021-07-20
11:07:27 OpenJDK Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.12+7)
11:07:27 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11.0.12+7, mixed mode)
11:07:27 =============================
11:07:27 =============================
11:07:27 Git Info
11:07:27 Url: https://github.com/link-it/govway.git
11:07:27 branch: origin/master
11:07:27 commit: fd486bb2929856f3e0b4b09b66dadd28af0d9749
11:07:27 previuos commit: fd486bb2929856f3e0b4b09b66dadd28af0d9749
11:07:27 previuos successful commit: 323275897e78b0fc6f803f794156646e6c6fa721
11:07:27 commit message: [Documentazione]
11:07:27 Aggiornata versione spotbugs/sonarqube
11:07:27 =============================
11:07:27 =============================
11:07:27 NODEjs Info
11:07:27 v18.17.1
11:07:27 {
11:07:27 npm: '9.6.7',
11:07:27 node: '18.17.1',
11:07:27 acorn: '8.8.2',
11:07:27 ada: '2.5.0',
11:07:27 ares: '1.19.1',
11:07:27 brotli: '1.0.9',
11:07:27 cldr: '43.0',
11:07:27 icu: '73.1',
11:07:27 llhttp: '6.0.11',
11:07:27 modules: '108',
11:07:27 napi: '9',
11:07:27 nghttp2: '1.52.0',
11:07:27 nghttp3: '0.7.0',
11:07:27 ngtcp2: '0.8.1',
11:07:27 openssl: '3.0.10+quic',
11:07:27 simdutf: '3.2.12',
11:07:27 tz: '2023c',
11:07:27 undici: '5.22.1',
11:07:27 unicode: '15.0',
11:07:27 uv: '1.44.2',
11:07:27 uvwasi: '0.0.18',
11:07:27 v8: '',
11:07:27 zlib: ''
11:07:27 }
11:07:27 =============================
11:07:27 =============================
11:07:27 OWASP ZAP Info 'ZAP_2.15.0'
11:07:27 Associo diritti di esecuzione agli script zap ...
11:07:27 Associati diritti di esecuzione agli script zap
11:07:27 Update ...
11:07:27 Execute: /opt/openjdk-11.0.12_7//bin/java -classpath /opt/zaproxy/ZAP_2.15.0/*:/opt/zaproxy/ZAP_2.15.0/lib/* org.zaproxy.zap.ZAP -cmd -addonupdate -port 8280 -host
11:07:28 Defaulting ZAP install dir to /opt/zaproxy/ZAP_2.15.0
11:07:39 Add-on update check complete
11:07:46 Update effettuato
11:07:46 =============================
11:07:46 Fermo application server ...
11:07:46 [00;31mTomcat is not running[00m
11:07:46 Fermo application server effettuato
11:07:46 Ripulisco log application server ...
11:07:46 Ripulisco log application server effettuato
11:07:46 Predispongo dir testsuite ...
11:07:46 Predispongo dir testsuite ok
11:07:46 Ripulisco output jacoco ...
11:07:46 Ripulisco output jacoco effettuato
11:07:46 Fermo sonarqube ...
11:07:46 Gracefully stopping SonarQube...
11:07:48 Stopped SonarQube.
11:07:48 Fermo sonarqube effettuato
11:07:48 [Boolean condition] checking [false] against [^(1|y|yes|t|true|on|run)$] (origin token: ${GOVWAY_BUILD})
11:07:48 Run condition [Boolean condition] preventing perform for step [BuilderChain]
11:07:48 [GovWay] $ /bin/bash /tmp/jenkins6548927130943049967.sh
11:07:48 ATTENZIONE: siamo in modalità di DEBUG (build disabilitato): non è stato prodotto il build
11:07:51 Archive Name [govway-installer-3.3.15.p2.build-master.tgz]
11:07:51 Archive DIR [govway-installer-3.3.15.p2.build-master]
11:07:51 ATTENZIONE: siamo in modalità di DEBUG (deploy disabilitato): non è stato re-installato il nuovo software
11:07:51 Ripulisco dati precedenti ...
11:07:51 Predispongo output jacoco ...
11:07:51 Riavvio application server ...
11:07:51 [00;32mStarting tomcat[00m
11:07:51 Tomcat started.
11:07:51 [00;32mTomcat is running with pid: 15830[00m
11:07:51 Attendo che GovWay sia completamente riavviato (timeout 120sec)
11:07:51 .
11:07:52 .
11:09:05 .
11:09:06 .
11:09:07 .
11:09:08 .
11:09:09 GovWay è tornato operativo
11:09:09 [GovWay] $ /bin/bash /tmp/jenkins11603675666383558830.sh
11:09:09 **********************************************
11:09:09 Verifica Accesso Console
11:09:10 Accesso GovWay : Login effettuato con successo
11:09:10 **********************************************
11:09:10 **********************************************
11:09:10 Verifica Accesso Console Monitoraggio
11:09:15 Accesso GovWay : Login effettuato con successo
11:09:15 **********************************************
11:09:15 [GovWay] $ /bin/bash /tmp/jenkins15611699820095186281.sh
11:09:15 **********************************************
11:09:15 Verifica Stato API Configurazione
11:09:25 Stato API : il servizio è correttamente in esecuzione
11:09:25 **********************************************
11:09:25 **********************************************
11:09:25 Verifica Stato API Monitoraggio
11:09:30 Stato API : il servizio è correttamente in esecuzione
11:09:30 **********************************************
11:09:30 [GovWay] $ /bin/bash /tmp/jenkins8532535114314371919.sh
11:09:30 **********************************************
11:09:30 Verifica Stato Gateway
11:09:30 Stato GovWay : il Gateway è correttamente in esecuzione
11:09:30 **********************************************
11:09:30 [GovWay] $ /bin/bash /tmp/jenkins4615053190124589277.sh
11:09:30 Processo di build terminato correttamente
11:09:30 [Boolean condition] checking [false] against [^(1|y|yes|t|true|on|run)$] (origin token: ${GOVWAY_TEST})
11:09:30 Run condition [Boolean condition] preventing perform for step [BuilderChain]
11:09:30 [Boolean condition] checking [false] against [^(1|y|yes|t|true|on|run)$] (origin token: ${GOVWAY_TEST_INTEGRAZIONE})
11:09:30 Run condition [Boolean condition] preventing perform for step [BuilderChain]
11:09:30 [Boolean condition] checking [false] against [^(1|y|yes|t|true|on|run)$] (origin token: ${GOVWAY_TEST_INTEGRAZIONE_BYOK})
11:09:30 Run condition [Boolean condition] preventing perform for step [BuilderChain]
11:09:30 [Boolean condition] checking [false] against [^(1|y|yes|t|true|on|run)$] (origin token: ${GOVWAY_TEST_INTEGRAZIONE_TRASPARENTE})
11:09:30 Run condition [Boolean condition] preventing perform for step [BuilderChain]
11:09:30 [Boolean condition] checking [false] against [^(1|y|yes|t|true|on|run)$] (origin token: ${GOVWAY_TEST_INTEGRAZIONE_SPCOOP})
11:09:30 Run condition [Boolean condition] preventing perform for step [BuilderChain]
11:09:30 [Boolean condition] checking [false] against [^(1|y|yes|t|true|on|run)$] (origin token: ${GOVWAY_TEST_API})
11:09:30 Run condition [Boolean condition] preventing perform for step [BuilderChain]
11:09:30 [Boolean condition] checking [false] against [^(1|y|yes|t|true|on|run)$] (origin token: ${GOVWAY_TEST_INTEGRAZIONE_MODIPA})
11:09:30 Run condition [Boolean condition] preventing perform for step [BuilderChain]
11:09:30 [Boolean condition] checking [false] against [^(1|y|yes|t|true|on|run)$] (origin token: ${GOVWAY_TEST_INTEGRAZIONE_TRASPARENTE_KARATE})
11:09:30 Run condition [Boolean condition] preventing perform for step [BuilderChain]
11:09:30 [GovWay] $ /bin/bash /tmp/jenkins12689610336402807115.sh
11:09:30 Pulizia risorse temporanee ...
11:09:31 Pulizia risorse temporanee effettuata
11:09:31 [Boolean condition] checking [false] against [^(1|y|yes|t|true|on|run)$] (origin token: ${GOVWAY_TEST})
11:09:31 Run condition [Boolean condition] preventing perform for step [BuilderChain]
11:09:31 [Boolean condition] checking [false] against [^(1|y|yes|t|true|on|run)$] (origin token: ${GOVWAY_STATIC_ANALYSIS_SPOTBUGS})
11:09:31 Run condition [Boolean condition] preventing perform for step [BuilderChain]
11:09:31 [Boolean condition] checking [false] against [^(1|y|yes|t|true|on|run)$] (origin token: ${GOVWAY_DYNAMIC_ANALYSIS})
11:09:31 Run condition [Boolean condition] preventing perform for step [BuilderChain]
11:09:31 [Boolean condition] checking [true] against [^(1|y|yes|t|true|on|run)$] (origin token: ${GOVWAY_STATIC_ANALYSIS_SONARQUBE})
11:09:31 Run condition [Boolean condition] enabling perform for step [BuilderChain]
11:09:31 [GovWay] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/jenkins13381472352098296552.sh
11:09:31 + echo 'Fermo application server ...'
11:09:31 Fermo application server ...
11:09:31 + sudo su -c 'service tomcat stop'
11:09:31 [00;31mStoping Tomcat[00m
11:09:31 NOTE: Picked up JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS: --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.io=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.util.concurrent=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.rmi/sun.rmi.transport=ALL-UNNAMED
11:09:32 Pid Tomcat: 15830
11:09:33 [00;31mwaiting for processes to exit[00m
11:09:34 [00;31mwaiting for processes to exit[00m
11:09:35 [00;31mwaiting for processes to exit[00m
11:09:36 [00;31mwaiting for processes to exit[00m
11:09:37 [00;31mwaiting for processes to exit[00m
11:09:38 [00;31mwaiting for processes to exit[00m+ echo 'Fermo application server effettuato'
11:09:38 Fermo application server effettuato
11:09:38 + echo 'Impostazione output jacoco ...'
11:09:38 Impostazione output jacoco ...
11:09:38 + sudo su -c 'cp /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/testsuite-result/pdd/coverage/jacoco.exec /opt/jacoco/output/jacoco_tests_pdd.exec'
11:09:38 + sudo su -c 'cp /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/testsuite-result/pdd-sql/coverage/jacoco.exec /opt/jacoco/output/jacoco_tests_pdd_sql.exec'
11:09:39 + sudo su -c 'cp /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/testsuite-result/utils/coverage/jacoco.exec /opt/jacoco/output/jacoco_tests_utils.exec'
11:09:39 + sudo su -c 'cp /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/testsuite-result/utils-sql/coverage/jacoco.exec /opt/jacoco/output/jacoco_tests_utis_sql.exec'
11:09:39 + sudo su -c 'chmod -R a+r /opt/jacoco/output/*'
11:09:39 [GovWay] $ /bin/bash /tmp/jenkins15511958320922519294.sh
11:09:39 Invocazione sonar via bash ...
11:09:39 /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube /opt/govway/tools/scripts
11:09:39 Buildfile: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build.xml
11:09:40 sonar:
11:09:40 [delete] Deleting directory /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:40 [mkdir] Created dir: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:40 -prepare:
11:09:40 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/utils/src
11:09:40 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_utils*.jar
11:09:40 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_utils-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:41 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_utils-test-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:41 -prepare:
11:09:41 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/generic_project/src
11:09:41 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_generic-project*.jar
11:09:41 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_generic-project-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:41 -prepare:
11:09:41 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/core/src/org/openspcoop2/message
11:09:41 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_message*.jar
11:09:41 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_message-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:42 -prepare:
11:09:42 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/core/src/org/openspcoop2/core
11:09:42 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_core*.jar
11:09:42 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_core-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:42 -prepare:
11:09:42 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/core/src/org/openspcoop2/protocol
11:09:42 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_protocol*.jar
11:09:42 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_protocol-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:42 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_protocol-api-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:43 -prepare:
11:09:43 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/core/src/org/openspcoop2/monitor
11:09:43 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_monitor*.jar
11:09:43 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_monitor-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:43 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_monitor-api-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:43 -prepare:
11:09:43 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/core/src/org/openspcoop2/security
11:09:43 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_security*.jar
11:09:43 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_security-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:43 -prepare:
11:09:43 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/core/src/org/openspcoop2/pdd
11:09:43 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_pdd*.jar
11:09:43 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_pdd-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:43 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_pdd-test-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:43 -prepare:
11:09:43 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/protocolli/as4/src
11:09:43 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_as4-protocol*.jar
11:09:43 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_as4-protocol-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:44 -prepare:
11:09:44 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/protocolli/modipa/src
11:09:44 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_modipa-protocol*.jar
11:09:44 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_modipa-protocol-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:44 -prepare:
11:09:44 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/protocolli/sdi/src
11:09:44 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_sdi-protocol*.jar
11:09:44 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_sdi-protocol-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:44 -prepare:
11:09:44 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/protocolli/spcoop/src
11:09:44 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_spcoop-protocol*.jar
11:09:44 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_spcoop-protocol-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:44 -prepare:
11:09:44 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/protocolli/trasparente/src
11:09:44 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_trasparente-protocol*.jar
11:09:44 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_trasparente-protocol-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:45 -prepare:
11:09:45 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/web_interfaces/lib/audit/src
11:09:45 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-lib-audit*.jar
11:09:45 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-lib-audit-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:45 -prepare:
11:09:45 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/web_interfaces/lib/mvc/src
11:09:45 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-lib-mvc*.jar
11:09:45 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-lib-mvc-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:45 -prepare:
11:09:45 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/web_interfaces/lib/queue/src
11:09:45 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-lib-queue*.jar
11:09:45 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-lib-queue-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:45 -prepare:
11:09:45 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/web_interfaces/lib/users/src
11:09:45 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-lib-users*.jar
11:09:45 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-lib-users-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:45 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: tools/web_interfaces/lib/js
11:09:45 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: tools/web_interfaces/lib/jsplib
11:09:45 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: tools/web_interfaces/lib/web-content/css
11:09:45 -prepare:
11:09:45 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/web_interfaces/loader/src
11:09:45 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-loaderConsole*.jar
11:09:45 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-loaderConsole-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:45 -prepare:
11:09:45 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/web_interfaces/control_station/src
11:09:45 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-govwayConsole*.jar
11:09:45 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-govwayConsole-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:46 -prepare:
11:09:46 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/web_interfaces/monitor/src
11:09:46 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-govwayMonitor*.jar
11:09:46 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-govwayMonitor-allarmi-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:46 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-govwayMonitor-core-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:46 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-govwayMonitor-eventi-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:46 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-govwayMonitor-statistiche-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:46 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-govwayMonitor-transazioni-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:46 -prepare:
11:09:46 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/rs/config/server/src
11:09:46 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_rs-config-server*.jar
11:09:46 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_rs-config-server-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:46 -prepare:
11:09:46 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/rs/monitor/server/src
11:09:46 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_rs-monitor-server*.jar
11:09:46 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_rs-monitor-server-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:47 -prepare:
11:09:47 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/batch/statistiche/src
11:09:47 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_batch-statistiche*.jar
11:09:47 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_batch-statistiche-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:47 -prepare:
11:09:47 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/batch/runtime-repository/src
11:09:47 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_batch-runtime-repository*.jar
11:09:47 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_batch-runtime-repository-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:47 -prepare:
11:09:47 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/command_line_interfaces/config_loader/src
11:09:47 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_cli-configLoader*.jar
11:09:47 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_cli-configLoader-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:47 -prepare:
11:09:47 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/command_line_interfaces/govway_vault/src
11:09:47 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_cli-vault*.jar
11:09:47 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_cli-vault-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build
11:09:47 [echo] Avvio analisi sonarqube sui sorgenti: tools/utils/src,tools/generic_project/src,core/src/org/openspcoop2/message,core/src/org/openspcoop2/core,core/src/org/openspcoop2/protocol,core/src/org/openspcoop2/monitor,core/src/org/openspcoop2/security,core/src/org/openspcoop2/pdd,protocolli/as4/src,protocolli/modipa/src,protocolli/sdi/src,protocolli/spcoop/src,protocolli/trasparente/src,tools/web_interfaces/lib/audit/src,tools/web_interfaces/lib/mvc/src,tools/web_interfaces/lib/queue/src,tools/web_interfaces/lib/users/src,tools/web_interfaces/lib/js,tools/web_interfaces/lib/jsplib,tools/web_interfaces/lib/web-content/css,tools/web_interfaces/lib/web-content/tema_css/css/,tools/web_interfaces/loader/src,tools/web_interfaces/loader/deploy/jsp,tools/web_interfaces/control_station/src,tools/web_interfaces/control_station/deploy/jsp,tools/web_interfaces/control_station/deploy/public,tools/web_interfaces/monitor/src/src_allarmi,tools/web_interfaces/monitor/src/src_core,tools/web_interfaces/monitor/src/src_eventi,tools/web_interfaces/monitor/src/src_stat,tools/web_interfaces/monitor/src/src_transazioni,tools/web_interfaces/monitor/deploy/tema_css/css,tools/web_interfaces/monitor/deploy/web-content,tools/rs/config/server/src,tools/rs/monitor/server/src,tools/batch/statistiche/src,tools/batch/runtime-repository/src,tools/command_line_interfaces/config_loader/src,tools/command_line_interfaces/govway_vault/src
11:09:47 [echo] Esclusioni: ,**/org/openspcoop2/utils/**/*.properties,**/org/openspcoop2/utils/**/*.jceks,**/org/openspcoop2/utils/**/*.der,**/org/openspcoop2/utils/**/*.pem,**/org/openspcoop2/message/soap/reader/test/*.xml,**/org/openspcoop2/message/soap/reader/test/*.bin
11:09:47 [echo] Test: ,**/org/openspcoop2/utils/**/test/*.java,**/org/openspcoop2/utils/test/**/*.java,**/org/openspcoop2/utils/Test*.java,**/org/openspcoop2/utils/instrument/*,**/org/openspcoop2/generic_project/expression/impl/test/**/*.java,**/org/openspcoop2/message/**/test/*.java,**/org/openspcoop2/message/utils/ServletTestService.java,**/org/openspcoop2/core/registry/driver/test/*.java,**/org/openspcoop2/protocol/engine/driver/repository/test/*.java,**/org/openspcoop2/monitor/engine/condition/test/*.java,**/org/openspcoop2/security/message/soapbox/test/*.java,**/org/openspcoop2/pdd/**/test/*.java,**/org/openspcoop2/protocol/as4/pmode/test/*.java,**/org/openspcoop2/protocol/trasparente/properties/TrasparenteConfigurazioneTest.java
11:09:47 [echo] serialize sonar properties in '/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/file_config.sonar'
11:09:47 [delete] Deleting: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/build/_propertiesSonar.tmp
11:09:47 Total time: 8 seconds
11:09:47 /opt/govway/tools/scripts
11:09:47 Invocazione sonar via bash ok
11:09:47 [GovWay] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/jenkins714141581232487561.sh
11:09:47 + echo =============================
11:09:47 =============================
11:09:47 + echo 'Verifica Nodejs'
11:09:47 Verifica Nodejs
11:09:47 + node -v
11:09:47 v18.17.1
11:09:47 + npm version
11:09:48 {
11:09:48 npm: '9.6.7',
11:09:48 node: '18.17.1',
11:09:48 acorn: '8.8.2',
11:09:48 ada: '2.5.0',
11:09:48 ares: '1.19.1',
11:09:48 brotli: '1.0.9',
11:09:48 cldr: '43.0',
11:09:48 icu: '73.1',
11:09:48 llhttp: '6.0.11',
11:09:48 modules: '108',
11:09:48 napi: '9',
11:09:48 nghttp2: '1.52.0',
11:09:48 nghttp3: '0.7.0',
11:09:48 ngtcp2: '0.8.1',
11:09:48 openssl: '3.0.10+quic',
11:09:48 simdutf: '3.2.12',
11:09:48 tz: '2023c',
11:09:48 undici: '5.22.1',
11:09:48 unicode: '15.0',
11:09:48 uv: '1.44.2',
11:09:48 uvwasi: '0.0.18',
11:09:48 v8: '',
11:09:48 zlib: ''
11:09:48 }
11:09:48 + echo =============================
11:09:48 =============================
11:09:48 + echo ''
11:09:48 + echo ''
11:09:48 + echo 'Fermo application server ...'
11:09:48 Fermo application server ...
11:09:48 + sudo su -c 'service tomcat stop'
11:09:48 [00;31mTomcat is not running[00m
11:09:48 + echo 'Fermo application server effettuato'
11:09:48 Fermo application server effettuato
11:09:48 + echo 'Elimino jar per sonar ...'
11:09:48 Elimino jar per sonar ...
11:09:48 + sudo su -c 'rm -rf /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/lib/swagger-codegen'
11:09:48 + sudo su -c 'rm -rf /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/lib/axis14'
11:09:48 + sudo su -c 'rm -rf /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/lib/applicationServer'
11:09:48 + sudo su -c 'rm -f /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/lib/reports/ecj-3.31.0.jar'
11:09:48 + sudo su -c 'rm -f /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/lib/reports/jdtcore-3.2.0.v_658.jar'
11:09:48 + echo 'Elimino jar per sonar ok'
11:09:48 Elimino jar per sonar ok
11:09:48 + echo 'Riavvio SONAR ...'
11:09:48 Riavvio SONAR ...
11:09:48 + echo ''
11:09:48 + sudo su -c /opt/sonarqube/sonarqube-
11:09:48 vm.max_map_count = 262144
11:09:48 vm.max_map_count = 262144
11:09:48 vm.max_map_count = 262144
11:09:48 fs.file-max = 1616254
11:09:48 + sudo su -c /opt/sonarqube/sonarqube-
11:09:48 core file size (blocks, -c) 0
11:09:48 data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimited
11:09:48 scheduling priority (-e) 0
11:09:48 file size (blocks, -f) unlimited
11:09:48 pending signals (-i) 63286
11:09:48 max locked memory (kbytes, -l) 64
11:09:48 max memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimited
11:09:48 open files (-n) 65535
11:09:48 pipe size (512 bytes, -p) 8
11:09:48 POSIX message queues (bytes, -q) 819200
11:09:48 real-time priority (-r) 0
11:09:48 stack size (kbytes, -s) 8192
11:09:48 cpu time (seconds, -t) unlimited
11:09:48 max user processes (-u) 65535
11:09:48 virtual memory (kbytes, -v) unlimited
11:09:48 file locks (-x) unlimited
11:09:48 Running SonarQube...
11:09:48 Attendo che Sonar sia completamente riavviato (timeout 120sec)
11:09:48 .
11:09:49 2024.11.12 11:09:49 INFO app[][o.s.a.AppFileSystem] Cleaning or creating temp directory /opt/sonarqube/sonarqube_data/temp
11:09:49 2024.11.12 11:09:49 INFO app[][o.s.a.es.EsSettings] Elasticsearch listening on [HTTP:, TCP:]
11:09:49 2024.11.12 11:09:49 INFO app[][o.s.a.ProcessLauncherImpl] Launch process[ELASTICSEARCH] from [/opt/sonarqube/sonarqube-]: /opt/sonarqube/openjdk-17.0.2/bin/java -Xms4m -Xmx64m -XX:+UseSerialGC -Dcli.name=server -Dcli.script=./bin/elasticsearch -Dcli.libs=lib/tools/server-cli -Des.path.home=/opt/sonarqube/sonarqube- -Des.path.conf=/opt/sonarqube/sonarqube_data/temp/conf/es -Des.distribution.type=tar -cp /opt/sonarqube/sonarqube-*:/opt/sonarqube/sonarqube-* org.elasticsearch.launcher.CliToolLauncher
11:09:49 2024.11.12 11:09:49 INFO app[][o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] Waiting for Elasticsearch to be up and running
11:09:49 .
11:09:50 .
11:09:51 .
11:09:52 .
11:09:53 .
11:09:53 2024.11.12 11:09:53 INFO es[][o.e.n.NativeAccess] Using [jna] native provider and native methods for [Linux]
11:09:54 2024.11.12 11:09:54 INFO es[][o.e.n.Node] version[8.14.1], pid[16941], build[tar/93a57a1a76f556d8aee6a90d1a95b06187501310/2024-06-10T23:35:17.114581191Z], OS[Linux/4.14.94-89.73.amzn2.x86_64/amd64], JVM[Oracle Corporation/OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM/17.0.2/17.0.2+8-86]
11:09:54 2024.11.12 11:09:54 INFO es[][o.e.n.Node] JVM home [/opt/sonarqube/openjdk-17.0.2], using bundled JDK [false]
11:09:54 2024.11.12 11:09:54 INFO es[][o.e.n.Node] JVM arguments [-Des.networkaddress.cache.ttl=60, -Des.networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl=10, -Djava.security.manager=allow, -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch, -Xss1m, -Djava.awt.headless=true, -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8, -Djna.nosys=true, -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow, -Dio.netty.noUnsafe=true, -Dio.netty.noKeySetOptimization=true, -Dio.netty.recycler.maxCapacityPerThread=0, -Dlog4j.shutdownHookEnabled=false, -Dlog4j2.disable.jmx=true, -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true, -Djava.locale.providers=SPI,COMPAT, --add-opens=java.base/java.io=org.elasticsearch.preallocate, --add-opens=org.apache.lucene.core/org.apache.lucene.store=org.elasticsearch.vec, -XX:ReplayDataFile=logs/replay_pid%p.log, -Djava.library.path=/opt/sonarqube/sonarqube-, -Djna.library.path=/opt/sonarqube/sonarqube-, -Des.distribution.type=tar, -XX:+UseG1GC, -Djava.io.tmpdir=/opt/sonarqube/sonarqube_data/temp, -XX:ErrorFile=/opt/sonarqube/sonarqube-, -Xlog:disable, -Des.networkaddress.cache.ttl=60, -Des.networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl=10, -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch, -Xss1m, -Djava.awt.headless=true, -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8, -Djna.nosys=true, -Djna.tmpdir=/opt/sonarqube/sonarqube_data/temp, -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow, -Dio.netty.noUnsafe=true, -Dio.netty.noKeySetOptimization=true, -Dio.netty.recycler.maxCapacityPerThread=0, -Dio.netty.allocator.numDirectArenas=0, -Dlog4j.shutdownHookEnabled=false, -Dlog4j2.disable.jmx=true, -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true, -Djava.locale.providers=COMPAT, -Des.enforce.bootstrap.checks=true, -Xmx700m, -Xms700m, -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=256m, -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError, -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=4m, -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=30, -XX:G1ReservePercent=15, --module-path=/opt/sonarqube/sonarqube-, --add-modules=jdk.net, --add-modules=ALL-MODULE-PATH, -Djdk.module.main=org.elasticsearch.server]
11:09:54 2024.11.12 11:09:54 INFO es[][o.e.n.Node] Default Locale [en_US]
11:09:54 .
11:09:55 .
11:09:56 2024.11.12 11:09:56 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [rest-root]
11:09:56 2024.11.12 11:09:56 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [x-pack-core]
11:09:56 2024.11.12 11:09:56 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [x-pack-redact]
11:09:56 2024.11.12 11:09:56 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [reindex]
11:09:56 2024.11.12 11:09:56 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [x-pack-security]
11:09:56 2024.11.12 11:09:56 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [x-pack-apm-data]
11:09:56 2024.11.12 11:09:56 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [old-lucene-versions]
11:09:56 2024.11.12 11:09:56 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [parent-join]
11:09:56 2024.11.12 11:09:56 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [lang-painless]
11:09:56 2024.11.12 11:09:56 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [counted-keyword]
11:09:56 2024.11.12 11:09:56 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [x-pack-inference]
11:09:56 2024.11.12 11:09:56 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [analysis-common]
11:09:56 2024.11.12 11:09:56 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [health-shards-availability]
11:09:56 2024.11.12 11:09:56 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [transport-netty4]
11:09:56 2024.11.12 11:09:56 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [apm]
11:09:56 2024.11.12 11:09:56 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [aggregations]
11:09:56 .
11:09:56 2024.11.12 11:09:56 INFO es[][o.e.e.NodeEnvironment] using [1] data paths, mounts [[/ (/dev/nvme0n1p1)]], net usable_space [47gb], net total_space [99.9gb], types [xfs]
11:09:56 2024.11.12 11:09:56 INFO es[][o.e.e.NodeEnvironment] heap size [700mb], compressed ordinary object pointers [true]
11:09:57 2024.11.12 11:09:57 INFO es[][o.e.n.Node] node name [sonarqube], node ID [sUY3zB_xRg6ZJXHVreYgNg], cluster name [sonarqube], roles [data_frozen, ingest, data_cold, data, remote_cluster_client, master, data_warm, data_content, transform, data_hot, ml]
11:09:57 .
11:09:58 .
11:09:59 .
11:10:00 2024.11.12 11:10:00 INFO es[][o.e.f.FeatureService] Registered local node features [desired_node.version_deprecated, features_supported, health.extended_repository_indicator, knn_retriever_supported, license-trial-independent-version, retrievers_supported, standard_retriever_supported, usage.data_tiers.precalculate_stats]
11:10:00 .
11:10:00 2024.11.12 11:10:00 INFO es[][o.e.x.s.Security] Security is disabled
11:10:00 2024.11.12 11:10:00 INFO es[][o.e.x.a.APMPlugin] APM ingest plugin is disabled
11:10:01 2024.11.12 11:10:01 INFO es[][o.e.t.a.APM] Sending apm metrics is disabled
11:10:01 2024.11.12 11:10:01 INFO es[][o.e.t.a.APM] Sending apm tracing is disabled
11:10:01 2024.11.12 11:10:01 INFO es[][o.e.t.n.NettyAllocator] creating NettyAllocator with the following configs: [name=unpooled, suggested_max_allocation_size=1mb, factors={es.unsafe.use_unpooled_allocator=null, g1gc_enabled=true, g1gc_region_size=4mb, heap_size=700mb}]
11:10:02 .
11:10:02 2024.11.12 11:10:02 INFO es[][o.e.i.r.RecoverySettings] using rate limit [40mb] with [default=40mb, read=0b, write=0b, max=0b]
11:10:02 2024.11.12 11:10:02 INFO es[][o.e.d.DiscoveryModule] using discovery type [single-node] and seed hosts providers [settings]
11:10:02 2024.11.12 11:10:02 INFO es[][o.e.n.Node] initialized
11:10:02 2024.11.12 11:10:02 INFO es[][o.e.n.Node] starting ...
11:10:03 .
11:10:03 2024.11.12 11:10:03 INFO es[][o.e.t.TransportService] publish_address {}, bound_addresses {}
11:10:03 2024.11.12 11:10:03 INFO es[][o.e.b.BootstrapChecks] explicitly enforcing bootstrap checks
11:10:03 2024.11.12 11:10:03 INFO es[][o.e.c.c.ClusterBootstrapService] this node is locked into cluster UUID [08qRbJBHSu2NT2oiufgCBg] and will not attempt further cluster bootstrapping
11:10:03 2024.11.12 11:10:03 INFO es[][o.e.c.s.MasterService] elected-as-master ([1] nodes joined in term 9)[_FINISH_ELECTION_, {sonarqube}{sUY3zB_xRg6ZJXHVreYgNg}{G2BpIMoqRCmevuat_7rZng}{sonarqube}{}{}{cdfhilmrstw}{8.14.1}{7000099-8505000} completing election], term: 9, version: 235, delta: master node changed {previous [], current [{sonarqube}{sUY3zB_xRg6ZJXHVreYgNg}{G2BpIMoqRCmevuat_7rZng}{sonarqube}{}{}{cdfhilmrstw}{8.14.1}{7000099-8505000}]}
11:10:03 2024.11.12 11:10:03 INFO es[][o.e.c.s.ClusterApplierService] master node changed {previous [], current [{sonarqube}{sUY3zB_xRg6ZJXHVreYgNg}{G2BpIMoqRCmevuat_7rZng}{sonarqube}{}{}{cdfhilmrstw}{8.14.1}{7000099-8505000}]}, term: 9, version: 235, reason: Publication{term=9, version=235}
11:10:03 2024.11.12 11:10:03 INFO es[][o.e.c.f.AbstractFileWatchingService] starting file watcher ...
11:10:03 2024.11.12 11:10:03 INFO es[][o.e.c.f.AbstractFileWatchingService] file settings service up and running [tid=33]
11:10:03 2024.11.12 11:10:03 INFO es[][o.e.r.s.FileSettingsService] setting file [/opt/sonarqube/sonarqube_data/temp/conf/es/operator/settings.json] not found, initializing [file_settings] as empty
11:10:03 2024.11.12 11:10:03 INFO es[][o.e.c.c.NodeJoinExecutor] node-join: [{sonarqube}{sUY3zB_xRg6ZJXHVreYgNg}{G2BpIMoqRCmevuat_7rZng}{sonarqube}{}{}{cdfhilmrstw}{8.14.1}{7000099-8505000}] with reason [completing election]
11:10:03 2024.11.12 11:10:03 INFO es[][o.e.h.AbstractHttpServerTransport] publish_address {}, bound_addresses {}
11:10:03 2024.11.12 11:10:03 INFO es[][o.e.n.Node] started {sonarqube}{sUY3zB_xRg6ZJXHVreYgNg}{G2BpIMoqRCmevuat_7rZng}{sonarqube}{}{}{cdfhilmrstw}{8.14.1}{7000099-8505000}{xpack.installed=true, rack_id=sonarqube}
11:10:04 .
11:10:04 2024.11.12 11:10:04 INFO es[][o.e.l.ClusterStateLicenseService] license [51f0a20b-6ed2-4802-baf2-75a4bae4cbfb] mode [basic] - valid
11:10:04 2024.11.12 11:10:04 INFO es[][o.e.g.GatewayService] recovered [6] indices into cluster_state
11:10:04 2024.11.12 11:10:04 INFO es[][o.e.h.n.s.HealthNodeTaskExecutor] Node [{sonarqube}{sUY3zB_xRg6ZJXHVreYgNg}] is selected as the current health node.
11:10:05 .
11:10:05 2024.11.12 11:10:05 INFO es[][o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService] current.health="GREEN" message="Cluster health status changed from [RED] to [GREEN] (reason: [shards started [[metadatas][0]]])." previous.health="RED" reason="shards started [[metadatas][0]]"
11:10:05 2024.11.12 11:10:05 INFO app[][o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] Process[es] is up
11:10:05 2024.11.12 11:10:05 INFO app[][o.s.a.ProcessLauncherImpl] Launch process[WEB_SERVER] from [/opt/sonarqube/sonarqube-]: /opt/sonarqube/openjdk-17.0.2/bin/java -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Djava.io.tmpdir=/opt/sonarqube/sonarqube_data/temp -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow --add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.io=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.rmi/sun.rmi.transport=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.base/jdk.internal.ref=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/sun.nio.ch=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.management/sun.management=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=jdk.management/com.sun.management.internal=ALL-UNNAMED -Xmx700m -Xms128m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=localhost|127.*|[::1] -cp ./lib/sonar-application- org.sonar.server.app.WebServer /opt/sonarqube/sonarqube_data/temp/sq-process7573204911421101293properties
11:10:06 WARNING: A terminally deprecated method in java.lang.System has been called
11:10:06 WARNING: System::setSecurityManager has been called by org.sonar.process.PluginSecurityManager (file:/opt/sonarqube/sonarqube-
11:10:06 WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.sonar.process.PluginSecurityManager
11:10:06 WARNING: System::setSecurityManager will be removed in a future release
11:10:06 .
11:10:06 2024.11.12 11:10:06 INFO web[][o.s.p.ProcessEntryPoint] Starting Web Server
11:10:06 2024.11.12 11:10:06 INFO web[][o.s.s.a.TomcatHttpConnectorFactory] Starting Tomcat on port 9000
11:10:07 2024.11.12 11:10:07 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.LogServerVersion] SonarQube Server / / 923a7aad28f71dce1686768b3ad7c4b1bb962f8d
11:10:07 2024.11.12 11:10:07 INFO web[][o.s.d.DefaultDatabase] Create JDBC data source for jdbc:postgresql://localhost/sonarqube
11:10:07 2024.11.12 11:10:07 INFO web[][c.z.h.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Starting...
11:10:07 2024.11.12 11:10:07 INFO web[][c.z.h.p.HikariPool] HikariPool-1 - Added connection org.postgresql.jdbc.PgConnection@3e83c18
11:10:07 2024.11.12 11:10:07 INFO web[][c.z.h.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Start completed.
11:10:09 2024.11.12 11:10:09 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerFileSystemImpl] SonarQube home: /opt/sonarqube/sonarqube-
11:10:09 2024.11.12 11:10:09 INFO web[][o.s.s.u.SystemPasscodeImpl] System authentication by passcode is disabled
11:10:09 2024.11.12 11:10:09 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy C# Code Quality and Security / / cc0ba76c09677fe094621d35ab0c408bd1215aaa
11:10:09 2024.11.12 11:10:09 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy Clean as You Code / / c2f7910f6ecac6faa73001eeac4bd79a2db98cd3
11:10:09 2024.11.12 11:10:09 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy Flex Code Quality and Security / / e8b2821a05db57b79b8ae85e3db1571f5b744273
11:10:09 2024.11.12 11:10:09 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy Go Code Quality and Security / / 9361aec32c690949f436d992e2cdab0c8474faa1
11:10:09 2024.11.12 11:10:09 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy HTML Code Quality and Security / / 423029a90fcbbd65b86d3b4e9c3e4bc686449a75
11:10:09 2024.11.12 11:10:09 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy IaC Code Quality and Security / / null
11:10:09 2024.11.12 11:10:09 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy JaCoCo / / 74a7798c7cea687c72ed9df40c93eb7ea2a58c49
11:10:09 2024.11.12 11:10:09 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy Java Advanced Code Quality Analyzer / / 62f908723e8d3d071378116ab09b075933d8bf63
11:10:09 2024.11.12 11:10:09 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy Java Code Quality and Security / / 62f908723e8d3d071378116ab09b075933d8bf63
11:10:09 2024.11.12 11:10:09 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy JavaScript/TypeScript/CSS Code Quality and Security / / 49be78091aeac33f18bf0d8a0a88ec58b437cba8
11:10:09 2024.11.12 11:10:09 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy Kotlin Code Quality and Security / / eb22cc4ed915de84e358135dd3f2ea2080de1441
11:10:09 2024.11.12 11:10:09 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy PHP Code Quality and Security / / 279677ad6708471575fb0b54b43d16084903bdf2
11:10:09 2024.11.12 11:10:09 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy Python Code Quality and Security / / 9e24dce6ea3e7b10fc2cf3942dc0a921049c5355
11:10:09 2024.11.12 11:10:09 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy Ruby Code Quality and Security / / d58bcbdc7aae6e6d287f2b41972c5a1bba078a83
11:10:09 2024.11.12 11:10:09 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy Scala Code Quality and Security / / 6153bdc7bf9bce07f2ac71be3aee633b9fd0bcb9
11:10:09 2024.11.12 11:10:09 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy Text Code Quality and Security / / null
11:10:09 2024.11.12 11:10:09 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy VB.NET Code Quality and Security / / cc0ba76c09677fe094621d35ab0c408bd1215aaa
11:10:09 2024.11.12 11:10:09 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginManager] Deploy XML Code Quality and Security / / 34b16ba369117f6befc0b1e0866a069a80f6db2e
11:10:10 2024.11.12 11:10:10 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.c.PostgresCharsetHandler] Verify that database charset supports UTF8
11:10:10 2024.11.12 11:10:10 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.EsClientProvider] Connected to local Elasticsearch: [http://localhost:9001]
11:10:11 2024.11.12 11:10:11 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.w.MasterServletFilter] Initializing servlet filter org.sonar.server.platform.web.WebServiceFilter@756808cc [pattern=UrlPattern{inclusions=[/api/system/migrate_db.*, ...], exclusions=[/api/components/update_key, ...]}]
11:10:11 2024.11.12 11:10:11 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.DetectPluginChange] Detect plugin changes
11:10:11 2024.11.12 11:10:11 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.DetectPluginChange] No plugin change detected
11:10:12 2024.11.12 11:10:12 INFO web[][o.h.v.i.util.Version] HV000001: Hibernate Validator null
11:10:13 Rilevata porta 9000
11:10:13 .
11:10:13 2024.11.12 11:10:13 INFO web[][o.s.s.s.LogServerId] Server ID: 86E1FA4D-AYac0JckrUs2de94BOoQ
11:10:13 2024.11.12 11:10:13 WARN web[][o.s.s.a.LogOAuthWarning] For security reasons, OAuth authentication should use HTTPS. You should set the property 'Administration > Configuration > Server base URL' to an HTTPS URL.
11:10:13 2024.11.12 11:10:13 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.UpdateCenterClient] Update center: https://downloads.sonarsource.com/sonarqube/update/update-center.properties
11:10:14 Sonar è tornato operativo, aspetto 10 secondi per far terminare inizializzazione
11:10:15 2024.11.12 11:10:15 INFO web[][o.s.s.a.p.ExpiredSessionsCleaner] Purge of expired session tokens has removed 0 elements
11:10:15 2024.11.12 11:10:15 INFO web[][o.s.s.a.p.ExpiredSessionsCleaner] Purge of expired SAML message ids has removed 0 elements
11:10:15 2024.11.12 11:10:15 INFO web[][o.s.s.n.NotificationDaemon] Notification service started (delay 60 sec.)
11:10:16 2024.11.12 11:10:16 INFO web[][o.s.t.TelemetryDaemon] Sharing of SonarQube statistics is enabled.
11:10:16 2024.11.12 11:10:16 INFO web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrant] Register rules
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:19 2024.11.12 11:10:19 WARN web[][o.s.s.r.r.RulesRegistrationContext] Could not retrieve rule with uuid %s referenced by a deprecated rule key. The following deprecated rule keys seem to be referencing a non-existing rule
11:10:22 2024.11.12 11:10:22 INFO web[][o.s.s.s.RegisterPermissionTemplates] Register permission templates
11:10:22 2024.11.12 11:10:22 INFO web[][o.s.s.s.RenameDeprecatedPropertyKeys] Rename deprecated property keys
11:10:22 2024.11.12 11:10:22 INFO web[][o.s.s.s.RegisterPlugins] Register plugins
11:10:22 2024.11.12 11:10:22 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.w.MasterServletFilter] Initializing servlet filter org.sonar.server.platform.web.SonarLintConnectionFilter@66690393 [pattern=UrlPattern{inclusions=[/api/*], exclusions=[/api/v2/*]}]
11:10:22 2024.11.12 11:10:22 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.w.MasterServletFilter] Initializing servlet filter org.sonar.server.platform.web.WebServiceFilter@5e4e001b [pattern=UrlPattern{inclusions=[/api/issues/delete_comment.*, ...], exclusions=[/api/authentication/login.*, ...]}]
11:10:22 2024.11.12 11:10:22 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.w.MasterServletFilter] Initializing servlet filter org.sonar.server.platform.web.WebServiceReroutingFilter@75cfe208 [pattern=UrlPattern{inclusions=[/api/components/update_key, ...], exclusions=[]}]
11:10:22 2024.11.12 11:10:22 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.w.MasterServletFilter] Initializing servlet filter org.sonar.server.authentication.DefaultAdminCredentialsVerifierFilter@56f07f1f [pattern=UrlPattern{inclusions=[/*], exclusions=[*.css, ...]}]
11:10:22 2024.11.12 11:10:22 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.w.MasterServletFilter] Initializing servlet filter org.sonar.server.authentication.InitFilter@78ab9bc9 [pattern=UrlPattern{inclusions=[/sessions/init/*], exclusions=[]}]
11:10:22 2024.11.12 11:10:22 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.w.MasterServletFilter] Initializing servlet filter org.sonar.server.authentication.SamlValidationRedirectionFilter@56cb021f [pattern=UrlPattern{inclusions=[/oauth2/callback/saml], exclusions=[]}]
11:10:22 2024.11.12 11:10:22 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.w.MasterServletFilter] Initializing servlet filter org.sonar.server.authentication.OAuth2CallbackFilter@5c1e756c [pattern=UrlPattern{inclusions=[/oauth2/callback/*], exclusions=[]}]
11:10:22 2024.11.12 11:10:22 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.w.MasterServletFilter] Initializing servlet filter org.sonar.server.authentication.ResetPasswordFilter@9c3f177 [pattern=UrlPattern{inclusions=[/*], exclusions=[*.css, ...]}]
11:10:22 2024.11.12 11:10:22 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.w.MasterServletFilter] Initializing servlet filter org.sonar.server.authentication.ws.LoginAction@6f2e9378 [pattern=UrlPattern{inclusions=[/api/authentication/login], exclusions=[]}]
11:10:22 2024.11.12 11:10:22 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.w.MasterServletFilter] Initializing servlet filter org.sonar.server.authentication.ws.LogoutAction@b513ef4 [pattern=UrlPattern{inclusions=[/api/authentication/logout], exclusions=[]}]
11:10:22 2024.11.12 11:10:22 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.w.MasterServletFilter] Initializing servlet filter org.sonar.server.authentication.ws.ValidateAction@351becba [pattern=UrlPattern{inclusions=[/api/authentication/validate], exclusions=[]}]
11:10:22 2024.11.12 11:10:22 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.w.MasterServletFilter] Initializing servlet filter org.sonar.server.saml.ws.ValidationInitAction@4f698d12 [pattern=UrlPattern{inclusions=[/saml/validation_init], exclusions=[]}]
11:10:22 2024.11.12 11:10:22 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.w.MasterServletFilter] Initializing servlet filter org.sonar.server.saml.ws.ValidationAction@4dcdac95 [pattern=UrlPattern{inclusions=[/saml/validation], exclusions=[]}]
11:10:22 2024.11.12 11:10:22 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.w.MasterServletFilter] Initializing servlet filter org.sonar.server.user.ws.ChangePasswordAction@2d924655 [pattern=UrlPattern{inclusions=[/api/users/change_password], exclusions=[]}]
11:10:22 2024.11.12 11:10:22 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.w.MasterServletFilter] Initializing servlet filter org.sonar.server.plugins.PluginsRiskConsentFilter@23477202 [pattern=UrlPattern{inclusions=[/*], exclusions=[*.css, ...]}]
11:10:22 2024.11.12 11:10:22 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.p.PlatformLevelStartup] Running Community Edition
11:10:23 2024.11.12 11:10:23 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.Platform] Web Server is operational
11:10:23 2024.11.12 11:10:23 INFO app[][o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] Process[web] is up
11:10:23 2024.11.12 11:10:23 INFO app[][o.s.a.ProcessLauncherImpl] Launch process[COMPUTE_ENGINE] from [/opt/sonarqube/sonarqube-]: /opt/sonarqube/openjdk-17.0.2/bin/java -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Djava.io.tmpdir=/opt/sonarqube/sonarqube_data/temp -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow --add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.base/jdk.internal.ref=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/sun.nio.ch=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.management/sun.management=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=jdk.management/com.sun.management.internal=ALL-UNNAMED -Xmx700m -Xms128m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=localhost|127.*|[::1] -cp ./lib/sonar-application- org.sonar.ce.app.CeServer /opt/sonarqube/sonarqube_data/temp/sq-process10536212985019761040properties
11:10:23 WARNING: A terminally deprecated method in java.lang.System has been called
11:10:23 WARNING: System::setSecurityManager has been called by org.sonar.process.PluginSecurityManager (file:/opt/sonarqube/sonarqube-
11:10:23 WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.sonar.process.PluginSecurityManager
11:10:23 WARNING: System::setSecurityManager will be removed in a future release
11:10:23 2024.11.12 11:10:23 INFO ce[][o.s.p.ProcessEntryPoint] Starting Compute Engine
11:10:23 2024.11.12 11:10:23 INFO ce[][o.s.ce.app.CeServer] Compute Engine starting up...
11:10:24 2024.11.12 11:10:24 INFO ce[][o.s.d.DefaultDatabase] Create JDBC data source for jdbc:postgresql://localhost/sonarqube
11:10:24 2024.11.12 11:10:24 INFO ce[][c.z.h.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Starting...
11:10:24 2024.11.12 11:10:24 INFO ce[][c.z.h.p.HikariPool] HikariPool-1 - Added connection org.postgresql.jdbc.PgConnection@30e80b1b
11:10:24 2024.11.12 11:10:24 INFO ce[][c.z.h.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Start completed.
11:10:25 2024.11.12 11:10:25 INFO ce[][o.s.s.p.ServerFileSystemImpl] SonarQube home: /opt/sonarqube/sonarqube-
11:10:26 2024.11.12 11:10:26 INFO ce[][o.s.c.c.CePluginRepository] Load plugins
11:10:27 2024.11.12 11:10:27 INFO ce[][o.s.c.c.ComputeEngineContainerImpl] Running Community edition
11:10:27 2024.11.12 11:10:27 INFO ce[][o.s.ce.app.CeServer] Compute Engine is started
11:10:27 2024.11.12 11:10:27 INFO app[][o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] Process[ce] is up
11:10:27 2024.11.12 11:10:27 INFO app[][o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] SonarQube is operational
11:10:27 [jacoco] $ /var/lib/jenkins/tools/hudson.tasks.Ant_AntInstallation/ant-1.10.6/bin/ant -file build.xml -Djacoco.skipPackages=protocol-as4,web-loader,web-lib-queue,batch-statistiche,batch-runtime-repository -Djacoco.exec.dir=/opt/jacoco/output jacoco
11:10:27 Buildfile: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build.xml
11:10:28 jacoco:
11:10:28 [delete] Deleting directory /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:29 [mkdir] Created dir: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:29 -prepare:
11:10:29 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/utils/src
11:10:29 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_utils*.jar
11:10:29 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_utils-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:30 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_utils-test-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:30 -prepare:
11:10:30 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/generic_project/src
11:10:30 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_generic-project*.jar
11:10:30 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_generic-project-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:30 -prepare:
11:10:30 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/core/src/org/openspcoop2/message
11:10:30 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_message*.jar
11:10:30 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_message-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:31 -prepare:
11:10:31 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/core/src/org/openspcoop2/core
11:10:31 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_core*.jar
11:10:31 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_core-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:31 -prepare:
11:10:31 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/core/src/org/openspcoop2/protocol
11:10:31 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_protocol*.jar
11:10:31 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_protocol-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:31 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_protocol-api-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:32 -prepare:
11:10:32 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/core/src/org/openspcoop2/monitor
11:10:32 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_monitor*.jar
11:10:32 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_monitor-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:32 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_monitor-api-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:32 -prepare:
11:10:32 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/core/src/org/openspcoop2/security
11:10:32 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_security*.jar
11:10:32 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_security-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:33 -prepare:
11:10:33 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/core/src/org/openspcoop2/pdd
11:10:33 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_pdd*.jar
11:10:33 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_pdd-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:33 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_pdd-test-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:33 [echo] WARN: skip analysis for 'protocol-as4'
11:10:33 -prepare:
11:10:33 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/protocolli/modipa/src
11:10:33 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_modipa-protocol*.jar
11:10:33 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_modipa-protocol-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:34 -prepare:
11:10:34 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/protocolli/sdi/src
11:10:34 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_sdi-protocol*.jar
11:10:34 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_sdi-protocol-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:34 -prepare:
11:10:34 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/protocolli/spcoop/src
11:10:34 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_spcoop-protocol*.jar
11:10:34 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_spcoop-protocol-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:34 -prepare:
11:10:34 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/protocolli/trasparente/src
11:10:34 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_trasparente-protocol*.jar
11:10:34 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_trasparente-protocol-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:35 -prepare:
11:10:35 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/web_interfaces/lib/audit/src
11:10:35 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-lib-audit*.jar
11:10:35 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-lib-audit-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:35 -prepare:
11:10:35 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/web_interfaces/lib/mvc/src
11:10:35 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-lib-mvc*.jar
11:10:35 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-lib-mvc-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:35 [echo] WARN: skip analysis for 'web-lib-queue'
11:10:35 -prepare:
11:10:35 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/web_interfaces/lib/users/src
11:10:35 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-lib-users*.jar
11:10:35 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-lib-users-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:35 [echo] WARN: skip analysis for 'web-loader'
11:10:35 -prepare:
11:10:35 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/web_interfaces/control_station/src
11:10:35 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-govwayConsole*.jar
11:10:35 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-govwayConsole-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:36 -prepare:
11:10:36 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/web_interfaces/monitor/src
11:10:36 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-govwayMonitor*.jar
11:10:36 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-govwayMonitor-allarmi-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:36 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-govwayMonitor-core-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:36 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-govwayMonitor-eventi-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:36 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-govwayMonitor-statistiche-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:36 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_web-govwayMonitor-transazioni-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:36 -prepare:
11:10:36 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/rs/config/server/src
11:10:36 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_rs-config-server*.jar
11:10:36 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_rs-config-server-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:36 -prepare:
11:10:36 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/rs/monitor/server/src
11:10:36 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_rs-monitor-server*.jar
11:10:36 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_rs-monitor-server-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:36 [echo] WARN: skip analysis for 'batch-statistiche'
11:10:36 [echo] WARN: skip analysis for 'batch-runtime-repository'
11:10:37 -prepare:
11:10:37 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/command_line_interfaces/config_loader/src
11:10:37 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_cli-configLoader*.jar
11:10:37 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_cli-configLoader-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:37 -prepare:
11:10:37 [echo] Analizzo sorgenti: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/command_line_interfaces/govway_vault/src
11:10:37 [echo] Archivi jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_cli-vault*.jar
11:10:37 [unzip] Expanding: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dist/openspcoop2_cli-vault-3.3.15.p2.jar into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/build
11:10:37 [echo] Avvio analisi jacoco per i sorgenti: tools/utils/src,tools/generic_project/src,core/src/org/openspcoop2/message,core/src/org/openspcoop2/core,core/src/org/openspcoop2/protocol,core/src/org/openspcoop2/monitor,core/src/org/openspcoop2/security,core/src/org/openspcoop2/pdd,protocolli/modipa/src,protocolli/sdi/src,protocolli/spcoop/src,protocolli/trasparente/src,tools/web_interfaces/lib/audit/src,tools/web_interfaces/lib/mvc/src,tools/web_interfaces/lib/users/src,tools/web_interfaces/control_station/src,tools/web_interfaces/monitor/src/src_allarmi,tools/web_interfaces/monitor/src/src_core,tools/web_interfaces/monitor/src/src_eventi,tools/web_interfaces/monitor/src/src_stat,tools/web_interfaces/monitor/src/src_transazioni,tools/rs/config/server/src,tools/rs/monitor/server/src,tools/command_line_interfaces/config_loader/src,tools/command_line_interfaces/govway_vault/src
11:10:37 [echo] Test:
11:10:37 [echo] produces jacoco reports
11:10:37 [delete] Deleting directory /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/reports/xml
11:10:37 [delete] Deleting directory /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/reports/html
11:10:37 [delete] Deleting directory /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/reports/csv
11:10:37 [mkdir] Created dir: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/reports/xml
11:10:37 [mkdir] Created dir: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/reports/html
11:10:37 [mkdir] Created dir: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/reports/csv
11:10:37 [jacoco:report] Loading execution data file /opt/jacoco/output/jacoco_init_govway.exec
11:10:37 [jacoco:report] Loading execution data file /opt/jacoco/output/jacoco_tests_pdd.exec
11:10:37 [jacoco:report] Loading execution data file /opt/jacoco/output/jacoco_tests_pdd_sql.exec
11:10:37 [jacoco:report] Loading execution data file /opt/jacoco/output/jacoco_tests_utils.exec
11:10:37 [jacoco:report] Loading execution data file /opt/jacoco/output/jacoco_tests_utis_sql.exec
11:10:47 [jacoco:report] Writing bundle 'JaCoCo GovWay' with 7307 classes
11:11:06 Total time: 38 seconds
11:11:06 [GovWay] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/jenkins8343242411792514555.sh
11:11:06 + echo 'Pubblicazione risultati del coverage ...'
11:11:06 Pubblicazione risultati del coverage ...
11:11:06 + sudo su -c 'rm -rf /opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.91/webapps/govway-testsuite/coverage'
11:11:07 + sudo su -c 'mkdir /opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.91/webapps/govway-testsuite/coverage'
11:11:07 + sudo su -c 'cp -r /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/jacoco/reports/* /opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.91/webapps/govway-testsuite/coverage/'
11:11:08 + echo 'Pubblicazione risultati del coverage effettuata'
11:11:08 Pubblicazione risultati del coverage effettuata
11:11:08 [GovWay] $ /opt/sonarqube/sonar-scanner- -Dsonar.host.url=https://jenkins.link.it/govway-sonarqube/ ******** -Dproject.settings=/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/file_config.sonar -Dsonar.javascript.node.maxspace=8192 -Dsonar.projectBaseDir=/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay
11:11:08 11:11:08.613 INFO Scanner configuration file: /opt/sonarqube/sonar-scanner-
11:11:08 11:11:08.622 INFO Project root configuration file: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/sonarqube/file_config.sonar
11:11:08 11:11:08.650 INFO SonarScanner CLI
11:11:08 11:11:08.652 INFO Java 17.0.12 Eclipse Adoptium (64-bit)
11:11:08 11:11:08.653 INFO Linux 4.14.94-89.73.amzn2.x86_64 amd64
11:11:08 11:11:08.696 INFO User cache: /var/lib/jenkins/.sonar/cache
11:11:09 11:11:09.817 INFO JRE provisioning: os[linux], arch[x86_64]
11:11:10 11:11:10.276 INFO Communicating with SonarQube Server
11:11:10 11:11:10.761 INFO Starting SonarScanner Engine...
11:11:10 11:11:10.762 INFO Java 17.0.11 Eclipse Adoptium (64-bit)
11:11:12 11:11:12.057 INFO Load global settings
11:11:12 11:11:12.226 ERROR Error during SonarScanner Engine execution
11:11:12 org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader@1e4bccdf-org.sonar.scanner.bootstrap.ScannerPluginRepository': Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor parameter 0; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader@1e4bccdf-org.sonar.scanner.bootstrap.ScannerPluginInstaller': Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor parameter 0; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader@1e4bccdf-org.sonar.scanner.bootstrap.PluginFiles': Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor parameter 1; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'GlobalConfiguration' defined in org.sonar.scanner.bootstrap.GlobalConfigurationProvider: Unsatisfied dependency expressed through method 'provide' parameter 0; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'GlobalServerSettings' defined in org.sonar.scanner.bootstrap.GlobalServerSettingsProvider: Bean instantiation via factory method failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Failed to instantiate [org.sonar.scanner.bootstrap.GlobalServerSettings]: Factory method 'provide' threw exception; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fail to request url: https://jenkins.link.it/govway-sonarqube/api/settings/values.protobuf
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ConstructorResolver.createArgumentArray(ConstructorResolver.java:794)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ConstructorResolver.autowireConstructor(ConstructorResolver.java:220)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.autowireConstructor(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:1372)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.createBeanInstance(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:1222)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.doCreateBean(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:582)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.createBean(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:542)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.lambda$doGetBean$0(AbstractBeanFactory.java:336)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.getSingleton(DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.java:234)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.doGetBean(AbstractBeanFactory.java:334)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.getBean(AbstractBeanFactory.java:209)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory.preInstantiateSingletons(DefaultListableBeanFactory.java:955)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext.finishBeanFactoryInitialization(AbstractApplicationContext.java:932)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext.refresh(AbstractApplicationContext.java:591)
11:11:12 at org.sonar.core.platform.SpringComponentContainer.startComponents(SpringComponentContainer.java:225)
11:11:12 at org.sonar.core.platform.SpringComponentContainer.execute(SpringComponentContainer.java:205)
11:11:12 at org.sonar.scanner.bootstrap.ScannerMain.runScannerEngine(ScannerMain.java:149)
11:11:12 at org.sonar.scanner.bootstrap.ScannerMain.run(ScannerMain.java:66)
11:11:12 at org.sonar.scanner.bootstrap.ScannerMain.main(ScannerMain.java:52)
11:11:12 Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader@1e4bccdf-org.sonar.scanner.bootstrap.ScannerPluginInstaller': Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor parameter 0; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader@1e4bccdf-org.sonar.scanner.bootstrap.PluginFiles': Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor parameter 1; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'GlobalConfiguration' defined in org.sonar.scanner.bootstrap.GlobalConfigurationProvider: Unsatisfied dependency expressed through method 'provide' parameter 0; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'GlobalServerSettings' defined in org.sonar.scanner.bootstrap.GlobalServerSettingsProvider: Bean instantiation via factory method failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Failed to instantiate [org.sonar.scanner.bootstrap.GlobalServerSettings]: Factory method 'provide' threw exception; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fail to request url: https://jenkins.link.it/govway-sonarqube/api/settings/values.protobuf
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ConstructorResolver.createArgumentArray(ConstructorResolver.java:794)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ConstructorResolver.autowireConstructor(ConstructorResolver.java:220)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.autowireConstructor(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:1372)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.createBeanInstance(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:1222)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.doCreateBean(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:582)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.createBean(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:542)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.lambda$doGetBean$0(AbstractBeanFactory.java:336)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.getSingleton(DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.java:234)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.doGetBean(AbstractBeanFactory.java:334)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.getBean(AbstractBeanFactory.java:209)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.config.DependencyDescriptor.resolveCandidate(DependencyDescriptor.java:276)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory.doResolveDependency(DefaultListableBeanFactory.java:1391)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory.resolveDependency(DefaultListableBeanFactory.java:1311)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ConstructorResolver.resolveAutowiredArgument(ConstructorResolver.java:904)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ConstructorResolver.createArgumentArray(ConstructorResolver.java:781)
11:11:12 ... 17 common frames omitted
11:11:12 Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader@1e4bccdf-org.sonar.scanner.bootstrap.PluginFiles': Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor parameter 1; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'GlobalConfiguration' defined in org.sonar.scanner.bootstrap.GlobalConfigurationProvider: Unsatisfied dependency expressed through method 'provide' parameter 0; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'GlobalServerSettings' defined in org.sonar.scanner.bootstrap.GlobalServerSettingsProvider: Bean instantiation via factory method failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Failed to instantiate [org.sonar.scanner.bootstrap.GlobalServerSettings]: Factory method 'provide' threw exception; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fail to request url: https://jenkins.link.it/govway-sonarqube/api/settings/values.protobuf
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ConstructorResolver.createArgumentArray(ConstructorResolver.java:794)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ConstructorResolver.autowireConstructor(ConstructorResolver.java:220)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.autowireConstructor(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:1372)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.createBeanInstance(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:1222)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.doCreateBean(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:582)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.createBean(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:542)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.lambda$doGetBean$0(AbstractBeanFactory.java:336)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.getSingleton(DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.java:234)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.doGetBean(AbstractBeanFactory.java:334)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.getBean(AbstractBeanFactory.java:209)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.config.DependencyDescriptor.resolveCandidate(DependencyDescriptor.java:276)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory.doResolveDependency(DefaultListableBeanFactory.java:1391)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory.resolveDependency(DefaultListableBeanFactory.java:1311)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ConstructorResolver.resolveAutowiredArgument(ConstructorResolver.java:904)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ConstructorResolver.createArgumentArray(ConstructorResolver.java:781)
11:11:12 ... 31 common frames omitted
11:11:12 Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'GlobalConfiguration' defined in org.sonar.scanner.bootstrap.GlobalConfigurationProvider: Unsatisfied dependency expressed through method 'provide' parameter 0; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'GlobalServerSettings' defined in org.sonar.scanner.bootstrap.GlobalServerSettingsProvider: Bean instantiation via factory method failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Failed to instantiate [org.sonar.scanner.bootstrap.GlobalServerSettings]: Factory method 'provide' threw exception; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fail to request url: https://jenkins.link.it/govway-sonarqube/api/settings/values.protobuf
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ConstructorResolver.createArgumentArray(ConstructorResolver.java:794)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ConstructorResolver.instantiateUsingFactoryMethod(ConstructorResolver.java:532)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.instantiateUsingFactoryMethod(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:1352)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.createBeanInstance(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:1195)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.doCreateBean(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:582)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.createBean(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:542)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.lambda$doGetBean$0(AbstractBeanFactory.java:336)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.getSingleton(DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.java:234)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.doGetBean(AbstractBeanFactory.java:334)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.getBean(AbstractBeanFactory.java:209)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.config.DependencyDescriptor.resolveCandidate(DependencyDescriptor.java:276)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory.doResolveDependency(DefaultListableBeanFactory.java:1391)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory.resolveDependency(DefaultListableBeanFactory.java:1311)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ConstructorResolver.resolveAutowiredArgument(ConstructorResolver.java:904)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ConstructorResolver.createArgumentArray(ConstructorResolver.java:781)
11:11:12 ... 45 common frames omitted
11:11:12 Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'GlobalServerSettings' defined in org.sonar.scanner.bootstrap.GlobalServerSettingsProvider: Bean instantiation via factory method failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Failed to instantiate [org.sonar.scanner.bootstrap.GlobalServerSettings]: Factory method 'provide' threw exception; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fail to request url: https://jenkins.link.it/govway-sonarqube/api/settings/values.protobuf
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ConstructorResolver.instantiate(ConstructorResolver.java:646)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ConstructorResolver.instantiateUsingFactoryMethod(ConstructorResolver.java:626)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.instantiateUsingFactoryMethod(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:1352)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.createBeanInstance(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:1195)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.doCreateBean(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:582)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.createBean(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:542)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.lambda$doGetBean$0(AbstractBeanFactory.java:336)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.getSingleton(DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.java:234)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.doGetBean(AbstractBeanFactory.java:334)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.getBean(AbstractBeanFactory.java:209)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.config.DependencyDescriptor.resolveCandidate(DependencyDescriptor.java:276)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory.doResolveDependency(DefaultListableBeanFactory.java:1391)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory.resolveDependency(DefaultListableBeanFactory.java:1311)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ConstructorResolver.resolveAutowiredArgument(ConstructorResolver.java:904)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ConstructorResolver.createArgumentArray(ConstructorResolver.java:781)
11:11:12 ... 59 common frames omitted
11:11:12 Caused by: org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Failed to instantiate [org.sonar.scanner.bootstrap.GlobalServerSettings]: Factory method 'provide' threw exception; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fail to request url: https://jenkins.link.it/govway-sonarqube/api/settings/values.protobuf
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.SimpleInstantiationStrategy.instantiate(SimpleInstantiationStrategy.java:185)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ConstructorResolver.instantiate(ConstructorResolver.java:641)
11:11:12 ... 73 common frames omitted
11:11:12 Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fail to request url: https://jenkins.link.it/govway-sonarqube/api/settings/values.protobuf
11:11:12 at org.sonarqube.ws.client.HttpConnector.doCall(HttpConnector.java:217)
11:11:12 at org.sonarqube.ws.client.HttpConnector.executeRequest(HttpConnector.java:132)
11:11:12 at org.sonarqube.ws.client.HttpConnector.call(HttpConnector.java:118)
11:11:12 at org.sonar.scanner.http.DefaultScannerWsClient.call(DefaultScannerWsClient.java:87)
11:11:12 at org.sonar.scanner.repository.settings.AbstractSettingsLoader.load(AbstractSettingsLoader.java:60)
11:11:12 at org.sonar.scanner.repository.settings.DefaultGlobalSettingsLoader.loadGlobalSettings(DefaultGlobalSettingsLoader.java:35)
11:11:12 at org.sonar.scanner.bootstrap.GlobalServerSettingsProvider.provide(GlobalServerSettingsProvider.java:35)
11:11:12 at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
11:11:12 at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.SimpleInstantiationStrategy.instantiate(SimpleInstantiationStrategy.java:154)
11:11:12 ... 74 common frames omitted
11:11:12 Caused by: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: None of the TrustManagers trust this certificate chain
11:11:12 at java.base/sun.security.ssl.Alert.createSSLException(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at java.base/sun.security.ssl.TransportContext.fatal(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at java.base/sun.security.ssl.TransportContext.fatal(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at java.base/sun.security.ssl.TransportContext.fatal(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at java.base/sun.security.ssl.CertificateMessage$T12CertificateConsumer.checkServerCerts(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at java.base/sun.security.ssl.CertificateMessage$T12CertificateConsumer.onCertificate(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at java.base/sun.security.ssl.CertificateMessage$T12CertificateConsumer.consume(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at java.base/sun.security.ssl.SSLHandshake.consume(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at java.base/sun.security.ssl.HandshakeContext.dispatch(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at java.base/sun.security.ssl.HandshakeContext.dispatch(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at java.base/sun.security.ssl.TransportContext.dispatch(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at java.base/sun.security.ssl.SSLTransport.decode(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at java.base/sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.decode(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at java.base/sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.readHandshakeRecord(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at java.base/sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.startHandshake(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at java.base/sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.startHandshake(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at okhttp3.internal.connection.RealConnection.connectTls(RealConnection.kt:379)
11:11:12 at okhttp3.internal.connection.RealConnection.establishProtocol(RealConnection.kt:337)
11:11:12 at okhttp3.internal.connection.RealConnection.connect(RealConnection.kt:209)
11:11:12 at okhttp3.internal.connection.ExchangeFinder.findConnection(ExchangeFinder.kt:226)
11:11:12 at okhttp3.internal.connection.ExchangeFinder.findHealthyConnection(ExchangeFinder.kt:106)
11:11:12 at okhttp3.internal.connection.ExchangeFinder.find(ExchangeFinder.kt:74)
11:11:12 at okhttp3.internal.connection.RealCall.initExchange$okhttp(RealCall.kt:255)
11:11:12 at okhttp3.internal.connection.ConnectInterceptor.intercept(ConnectInterceptor.kt:32)
11:11:12 at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed(RealInterceptorChain.kt:109)
11:11:12 at okhttp3.internal.cache.CacheInterceptor.intercept(CacheInterceptor.kt:95)
11:11:12 at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed(RealInterceptorChain.kt:109)
11:11:12 at okhttp3.internal.http.BridgeInterceptor.intercept(BridgeInterceptor.kt:83)
11:11:12 at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed(RealInterceptorChain.kt:109)
11:11:12 at okhttp3.internal.http.RetryAndFollowUpInterceptor.intercept(RetryAndFollowUpInterceptor.kt:76)
11:11:12 at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed(RealInterceptorChain.kt:109)
11:11:12 at okhttp3.logging.HttpLoggingInterceptor.intercept(HttpLoggingInterceptor.kt:221)
11:11:12 at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed(RealInterceptorChain.kt:109)
11:11:12 at okhttp3.internal.connection.RealCall.getResponseWithInterceptorChain$okhttp(RealCall.kt:201)
11:11:12 at okhttp3.internal.connection.RealCall.execute(RealCall.kt:154)
11:11:12 at org.sonarqube.ws.client.HttpConnector.doCall(HttpConnector.java:215)
11:11:12 ... 85 common frames omitted
11:11:12 Caused by: java.security.cert.CertificateException: None of the TrustManagers trust this certificate chain
11:11:12 at nl.altindag.ssl.trustmanager.CombinableX509TrustManager.checkTrusted(CombinableX509TrustManager.java:61)
11:11:12 at nl.altindag.ssl.trustmanager.CompositeX509ExtendedTrustManager.checkServerTrusted(CompositeX509ExtendedTrustManager.java:86)
11:11:12 ... 117 common frames omitted
11:11:12 Suppressed: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
11:11:12 at java.base/sun.security.validator.PKIXValidator.doBuild(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at java.base/sun.security.validator.PKIXValidator.engineValidate(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at java.base/sun.security.validator.Validator.validate(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at java.base/sun.security.ssl.X509TrustManagerImpl.checkTrusted(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at java.base/sun.security.ssl.X509TrustManagerImpl.checkServerTrusted(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at nl.altindag.ssl.trustmanager.DelegatingX509ExtendedTrustManager.checkServerTrusted(DelegatingX509ExtendedTrustManager.java:48)
11:11:12 at nl.altindag.ssl.trustmanager.CompositeX509ExtendedTrustManager.lambda$checkServerTrusted$4(CompositeX509ExtendedTrustManager.java:86)
11:11:12 at nl.altindag.ssl.trustmanager.CombinableX509TrustManager.checkTrusted(CombinableX509TrustManager.java:41)
11:11:12 ... 118 common frames omitted
11:11:12 Caused by: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
11:11:12 at java.base/sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilder.build(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at java.base/sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilder.engineBuild(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at java.base/java.security.cert.CertPathBuilder.build(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 ... 126 common frames omitted
11:11:12 Suppressed: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
11:11:12 at java.base/sun.security.validator.PKIXValidator.doBuild(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at java.base/sun.security.validator.PKIXValidator.engineValidate(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at java.base/sun.security.validator.Validator.validate(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at java.base/sun.security.ssl.X509TrustManagerImpl.checkTrusted(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at java.base/sun.security.ssl.X509TrustManagerImpl.checkServerTrusted(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at nl.altindag.ssl.trustmanager.DelegatingX509ExtendedTrustManager.checkServerTrusted(DelegatingX509ExtendedTrustManager.java:48)
11:11:12 at nl.altindag.ssl.trustmanager.CompositeX509ExtendedTrustManager.lambda$checkServerTrusted$4(CompositeX509ExtendedTrustManager.java:86)
11:11:12 at nl.altindag.ssl.trustmanager.CombinableX509TrustManager.checkTrusted(CombinableX509TrustManager.java:41)
11:11:12 ... 118 common frames omitted
11:11:12 Caused by: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
11:11:12 at java.base/sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilder.build(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at java.base/sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilder.engineBuild(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 at java.base/java.security.cert.CertPathBuilder.build(Unknown Source)
11:11:12 ... 126 common frames omitted
11:11:12 11:11:12.259 INFO EXECUTION FAILURE
11:11:12 11:11:12.262 INFO Total time: 3.650s
11:11:13 ERROR: SonarQube scanner exited with non-zero code: 3
11:11:13 INFO: Processing JUnit
11:11:13 INFO: [JUnit] - 2 test report file(s) were found with the pattern 'tools/rs/*/server/testsuite/risultati-testsuite/TEST-*.xml' relative to '/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay' for the testing framework 'JUnit'.
11:11:13 ERROR: Step ‘Publish xUnit test result report’ failed: Test reports were found but not all of them are new. Did all the tests run?
11:11:13 * /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/rs/config/server/testsuite/risultati-testsuite/TEST-org.openspcoop2.core.config.rs.testsuite.ApiConfigTestSuite.xml is 16 hr old
11:11:13 * /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/tools/rs/monitor/server/testsuite/risultati-testsuite/TEST-org.openspcoop2.core.monitor.rs.testsuite.ApiMonitorTestSuite.xml is 16 hr old
11:11:13 TestNG Reports Processing: START
11:11:13 Looking for TestNG results report in workspace using pattern: **/testng-results.xml
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 testng-results.xml was last modified before this build started. Ignoring it.
11:11:14 Saving reports...
11:11:14 Found matching files but did not find any TestNG results.
11:11:14 Collecting Dependency-Check artifact
11:11:14 Parsing file /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/dependency-check-result/dependency-check-report.xml
11:11:14 [SpotBugsZed Attack Proxy (ZAP)] Skipping execution of recorder since overall result is 'FAILURE'
11:11:14 Started calculate disk usage of build
11:11:14 Finished Calculation of disk usage of build in 0 seconds
11:11:14 Started calculate disk usage of workspace
11:11:14 Finished Calculation of disk usage of workspace in 0 seconds
11:11:15 Finished: FAILURE