Testsuite: org.openspcoop2.core.protocolli.modipa.testsuite.soap.sicurezza_messaggio.BloccanteSoapSicurezzaMessaggioOCSPTest Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 13.005 sec ------------- Standard Output --------------- START, sleep ... INVOKE from file '/tmp/startOCSPResponder10502498025320396315.sh': '#!/bin/bash /usr/bin/openssl ocsp -index /tmp/index16055335787627952996.txt -port 64900 -rsigner /tmp/cert7958658936724094698.pem -rkey /tmp/cert7575169926850781236.key -CA /tmp/certificateAuthority14688184258259625310.pem -text -out /tmp/ocsp.log' PROCESS FINISH Process running STARTED START, sleep ... INVOKE from file '/tmp/startOCSPResponder10393818203630112416.sh': '#!/bin/bash /usr/bin/openssl ocsp -index /tmp/index15815162390456234646.txt -port 64901 -rsigner /tmp/cert9829272727916107147.pem -rkey /tmp/cert16055900476095272869.key -CA /tmp/certificateAuthority11355408329258485952.pem -text -out /tmp/ocsp.log' PROCESS FINISH Process running STARTED --------------------------------------------------------- feature: classpath:test/soap/sicurezza-messaggio/idas01-ocsp.feature scenarios: 3 | passed: 3 | failed: 0 | time: 6.2323 --------------------------------------------------------- Process terminated with code: -1 Reading error stream failed: Stream closed Reading stream failed: Stream closed STOP, sleep ... STOP Process terminated with code: -1 Reading error stream failed: Stream closed Reading stream failed: Stream closed STOP, sleep ... STOP HTML report: (paste into browser to view) | Karate version: 0.9.6 file:/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GovWay/protocolli/modipa/testsuite/target/surefire-reports/karate-summary.html =================================================================== ------------- ---------------- --------------- Testcase: [1:13] Test connettività base con erogazione e fruizione che usano il trustore delle CA con OCSP took 4.985 sec Testcase: [2:48] Viene utilizzato un applicativo con il certificato revocato, facendo arrabbiare l'erogazione (OCSP) took 0.628 sec Testcase: [3:64] Per l'erogazione viene utilizzato un certificato revocato, facendo arrabbiare la fruizione (OCSP) took 0.631 sec