
 * GovWay - A customizable API Gateway 
 * https://govway.org
 * Copyright (c) 2005-2024 Link.it srl (https://link.it). 
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.openspcoop2.web.ctrlstat.servlet.utenti;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.util.List;

import org.openspcoop2.core.commons.ISearch;
import org.openspcoop2.core.id.IDServizio;
import org.openspcoop2.core.id.IDSoggetto;
import org.openspcoop2.web.ctrlstat.core.ControlStationCore;
import org.openspcoop2.web.ctrlstat.driver.DriverControlStationDB;
import org.openspcoop2.web.lib.users.DriverUsersDBException;
import org.openspcoop2.web.lib.users.dao.User;
import org.openspcoop2.web.lib.users.dao.UserObjects;

 * UtentiCore
 * @author Poli Andrea (apoli@link.it)
 * @author $Author$
 * @version $Rev$, $Date$
public class UtentiCore extends ControlStationCore {

	public UtentiCore() throws Exception {
	public UtentiCore(ControlStationCore core) throws Exception {
	public boolean existsUser(String login) throws DriverUsersDBException {
		Connection con = null;
		String nomeMetodo = "existsUser";
		DriverControlStationDB driver = null;

		try {
			// prendo una connessione
			con = ControlStationCore.dbM.getConnection();
			// istanzio il driver
			driver = new DriverControlStationDB(con, null, this.tipoDB);

			return driver.getDriverUsersDB().existsUser(login);

		} catch (Exception e) {
			ControlStationCore.logError(getPrefixError(nomeMetodo,  e), e);
			throw new DriverUsersDBException(getPrefixError(nomeMetodo,  e),e);
		} finally {


	public List<String> getUsersWithType(String permesso) throws DriverUsersDBException {
		Connection con = null;
		String nomeMetodo = "getUsersWithType";
		DriverControlStationDB driver = null;

		try {
			// prendo una connessione
			con = ControlStationCore.dbM.getConnection();
			// istanzio il driver
			driver = new DriverControlStationDB(con, null, this.tipoDB);

			return driver.getDriverUsersDB().getUsersByPermesso(permesso);

		} catch (Exception e) {
			ControlStationCore.logError(getPrefixError(nomeMetodo,  e), e);
			throw new DriverUsersDBException(getPrefixError(nomeMetodo,  e),e);
		} finally {
	public User getUser(String login) throws DriverUsersDBException {
		return getUser(login,true);
	public User getUser(String login,boolean logError) throws DriverUsersDBException {
		Connection con = null;
		String nomeMetodo = "getUser";
		DriverControlStationDB driver = null;

		try {
			// prendo una connessione
			con = ControlStationCore.dbM.getConnection();
			// istanzio il driver
			driver = new DriverControlStationDB(con, null, this.tipoDB);

			return driver.getDriverUsersDB().getUser(login);

		} catch (Exception e) {
				ControlStationCore.logError(getPrefixError(nomeMetodo,  e), e);
			throw new DriverUsersDBException(getPrefixError(nomeMetodo,  e),e);
		} finally {

	public User getUser(long id) throws DriverUsersDBException {
		Connection con = null;
		String nomeMetodo = "getUser";
		DriverControlStationDB driver = null;

		try {
			// prendo una connessione
			con = ControlStationCore.dbM.getConnection();
			// istanzio il driver
			driver = new DriverControlStationDB(con, null, this.tipoDB);

			return driver.getDriverUsersDB().getUser(id);

		} catch (Exception e) {
			ControlStationCore.logError(getPrefixError(nomeMetodo,  e), e);
			throw new DriverUsersDBException(getPrefixError(nomeMetodo,  e),e);
		} finally {


	public List<User> userList(ISearch ricerca) throws DriverUsersDBException {
		Connection con = null;
		String nomeMetodo = "userList";
		DriverControlStationDB driver = null;

		try {
			// prendo una connessione
			con = ControlStationCore.dbM.getConnection();
			// istanzio il driver
			driver = new DriverControlStationDB(con, null, this.tipoDB);

			return driver.getDriverUsersDB().userList(ricerca);

		} catch (Exception e) {
			ControlStationCore.logError(getPrefixError(nomeMetodo,  e), e);
			throw new DriverUsersDBException(getPrefixError(nomeMetodo,  e),e);
		} finally {
	public List<String> getUsersByProtocolloSupportato(String protocollo) throws DriverUsersDBException {
		return getUsersByProtocolloSupportato(protocollo, false);
	public List<String> getUsersByProtocolloSupportato(String protocollo, boolean esclusiUtentiConSoloPermessoUtente) throws DriverUsersDBException {
		Connection con = null;
		String nomeMetodo = "getUsersByProtocolloSupportato";
		DriverControlStationDB driver = null;

		try {
			// prendo una connessione
			con = ControlStationCore.dbM.getConnection();
			// istanzio il driver
			driver = new DriverControlStationDB(con, null, this.tipoDB);

			return driver.getDriverUsersDB().getUsersByProtocolloSupportato(protocollo,esclusiUtentiConSoloPermessoUtente);

		} catch (Exception e) {
			ControlStationCore.logError(getPrefixError(nomeMetodo,  e), e);
			throw new DriverUsersDBException(getPrefixError(nomeMetodo,  e),e);
		} finally {
	public List<IDServizio> utentiServiziList(String login, ISearch ricerca) throws DriverUsersDBException {
		Connection con = null;
		String nomeMetodo = "utentiServiziList";
		DriverControlStationDB driver = null;

		try {
			// prendo una connessione
			con = ControlStationCore.dbM.getConnection();
			// istanzio il driver
			driver = new DriverControlStationDB(con, null, this.tipoDB);

			return driver.getDriverUsersDB().utentiServiziList(login,ricerca);

		} catch (Exception e) {
			ControlStationCore.logError("[ControlStationCore::" + nomeMetodo + "] Exception :" + e.getMessage(), e);
			throw new DriverUsersDBException(getPrefixError(nomeMetodo,  e),e);
		} finally {

	public List<IDSoggetto> utentiSoggettiList(String login, ISearch ricerca) throws DriverUsersDBException {
		Connection con = null;
		String nomeMetodo = "utentiSoggettiList";
		DriverControlStationDB driver = null;

		try {
			// prendo una connessione
			con = ControlStationCore.dbM.getConnection();
			// istanzio il driver
			driver = new DriverControlStationDB(con, null, this.tipoDB);

			return driver.getDriverUsersDB().utentiSoggettiList(login,ricerca);

		} catch (Exception e) {
			ControlStationCore.logError("[ControlStationCore::" + nomeMetodo + "] Exception :" + e.getMessage(), e);
			throw new DriverUsersDBException(getPrefixError(nomeMetodo,  e),e);
		} finally {

	public void salvaModalitaUserPddConsole(String login,String protocollo) throws DriverUsersDBException {
		Connection con = null;
		String nomeMetodo = "salvaModalitaUserPddConsole";
		DriverControlStationDB driver = null;

		try {
			// prendo una connessione
			con = ControlStationCore.dbM.getConnection();
			// istanzio il driver
			driver = new DriverControlStationDB(con, null, this.tipoDB);

			driver.getDriverUsersDB().saveProtocolloUtilizzatoPddConsole(login, protocollo);

		} catch (Exception e) {
			ControlStationCore.logError(getPrefixError(nomeMetodo,  e), e);
			throw new DriverUsersDBException(getPrefixError(nomeMetodo,  e),e);
		} finally {

	public void salvaSoggettoOperativoUserPddConsole(String login,String soggetto) throws DriverUsersDBException {
		Connection con = null;
		String nomeMetodo = "salvaSoggettoOperativoUserPddConsole";
		DriverControlStationDB driver = null;

		try {
			// prendo una connessione
			con = ControlStationCore.dbM.getConnection();
			// istanzio il driver
			driver = new DriverControlStationDB(con, null, this.tipoDB);

			driver.getDriverUsersDB().saveSoggettoUtilizzatoPddConsole(login, soggetto);

		} catch (Exception e) {
			ControlStationCore.logError(getPrefixError(nomeMetodo,  e), e);
			throw new DriverUsersDBException(getPrefixError(nomeMetodo,  e),e);
		} finally {

	public void modificaSoggettoUtilizzatoConsole(String oldSoggetto,String newSoggetto) throws DriverUsersDBException {
		Connection con = null;
		String nomeMetodo = "modificaSoggettoUtilizzatoConsole";
		DriverControlStationDB driver = null;

		try {
			// prendo una connessione
			con = ControlStationCore.dbM.getConnection();
			// istanzio il driver
			driver = new DriverControlStationDB(con, null, this.tipoDB);

			driver.getDriverUsersDB().modificaSoggettoUtilizzatoConsole(oldSoggetto, newSoggetto);

		} catch (Exception e) {
			ControlStationCore.logError(getPrefixError(nomeMetodo,  e), e);
			throw new DriverUsersDBException(getPrefixError(nomeMetodo,  e),e);
		} finally {

	public UserObjects countUserServizi(String login) throws DriverUsersDBException {
		Connection con = null;
		String nomeMetodo = "countUserServizi";
		DriverControlStationDB driver = null;

		try {
			// prendo una connessione
			con = ControlStationCore.dbM.getConnection();
			// istanzio il driver
			driver = new DriverControlStationDB(con, null, this.tipoDB);

			return driver.getDriverUsersDB().countUserServizi(login);

		} catch (Exception e) {
			ControlStationCore.logError(getPrefixError(nomeMetodo,  e), e);
			throw new DriverUsersDBException(getPrefixError(nomeMetodo,  e),e);
		} finally {

	public UserObjects countUserCooperazione(String login) throws DriverUsersDBException {
		Connection con = null;
		String nomeMetodo = "countUserCooperazione";
		DriverControlStationDB driver = null;

		try {
			// prendo una connessione
			con = ControlStationCore.dbM.getConnection();
			// istanzio il driver
			driver = new DriverControlStationDB(con, null, this.tipoDB);

			return driver.getDriverUsersDB().countUserCooperazione(login);

		} catch (Exception e) {
			ControlStationCore.logError(getPrefixError(nomeMetodo,  e), e);
			throw new DriverUsersDBException(getPrefixError(nomeMetodo,  e),e);
		} finally {

	public UserObjects updateUserServizi(String oldUser, String newUser) throws DriverUsersDBException {
		Connection con = null;
		String nomeMetodo = "updateUserServizi";
		DriverControlStationDB driver = null;

		try {
			// prendo una connessione
			con = ControlStationCore.dbM.getConnection();
			// istanzio il driver
			driver = new DriverControlStationDB(con, null, this.tipoDB);

			return driver.getDriverUsersDB().updateUserServizi(oldUser, newUser);

		} catch (Exception e) {
			ControlStationCore.logError(getPrefixError(nomeMetodo,  e), e);
			throw new DriverUsersDBException(getPrefixError(nomeMetodo,  e),e);
		} finally {

	public UserObjects updateUserCooperazione(String oldUser, String newUser) throws DriverUsersDBException {
		Connection con = null;
		String nomeMetodo = "updateUserCooperazione";
		DriverControlStationDB driver = null;

		try {
			// prendo una connessione
			con = ControlStationCore.dbM.getConnection();
			// istanzio il driver
			driver = new DriverControlStationDB(con, null, this.tipoDB);

			return driver.getDriverUsersDB().updateUserCooperazione(oldUser, newUser);

		} catch (Exception e) {
			ControlStationCore.logError(getPrefixError(nomeMetodo,  e), e);
			throw new DriverUsersDBException(getPrefixError(nomeMetodo,  e),e);
		} finally {
