
 * GovWay - A customizable API Gateway 
 * https://govway.org
 * Copyright (c) 2005-2024 Link.it srl (https://link.it).
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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package org.openspcoop2.utils.transport.http;

import java.util.List;

import javax.mail.internet.MimeUtility;

import org.openspcoop2.utils.UtilsException;
import org.openspcoop2.utils.resources.Charset;

* RFC2047Utilities
* @author Andrea Poli (apoli@link.it)
* @author $Author$
* @version $Rev$, $Date$

public class RFC2047Utilities {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
	public static void test() throws Exception {
		// Test String con caratteri appartenenti all'ISO ISO_8859_1
		String string_iso_8859_1 = "für psychisch";
		String string_us_ascii = "fur psychisch";
		boolean v = isAllCharactersInCharset(string_iso_8859_1, Charset.ISO_8859_1);
		System.out.println("IS ["+string_iso_8859_1+"] in CHARSET ISO_8859_1 ?: "+v);
		if(!v) {
			throw new Exception("Riscontrato valore diverso da quello atteso");
		v = isAllCharactersInCharset(string_iso_8859_1, Charset.US_ASCII);
		System.out.println("IS ["+string_iso_8859_1+"] in CHARSET US_ASCII ?: "+v);
		if(v) {
			throw new Exception("Riscontrato valore diverso da quello atteso");
		v = isAllCharactersInCharset(string_us_ascii, Charset.ISO_8859_1);
		System.out.println("IS ["+string_us_ascii+"] in CHARSET ISO_8859_1 ?: "+v);
		if(!v) {
			throw new Exception("Riscontrato valore diverso da quello atteso");
		v = isAllCharactersInCharset(string_us_ascii, Charset.US_ASCII);
		System.out.println("IS ["+string_us_ascii+"] in CHARSET US_ASCII ?: "+v);
		if(!v) {
			throw new Exception("Riscontrato valore diverso da quello atteso");
		System.out.println("\n*** RFC2047 ISO_8859_1 B ***");
		String var_RFC2047_ISO_8859_1_B = encode(string_iso_8859_1, Charset.ISO_8859_1, RFC2047Encoding.B);
		System.out.println("["+string_iso_8859_1+"] encoded in RFC2047("+Charset.ISO_8859_1+","+RFC2047Encoding.B+"): "+var_RFC2047_ISO_8859_1_B);
		String decode = decode(var_RFC2047_ISO_8859_1_B);
		System.out.println("Decode: "+decode);
		if(!string_iso_8859_1.equals(decode)) {
			throw new Exception("Valore decodificato diverso dal sorgente");
		System.out.println("\n*** RFC2047 ISO_8859_1 Q ***");
		String var_RFC2047_ISO_8859_1_Q = encode(string_iso_8859_1, Charset.ISO_8859_1, RFC2047Encoding.Q);
		System.out.println("["+string_iso_8859_1+"] encoded in RFC2047("+Charset.ISO_8859_1+","+RFC2047Encoding.Q+"): "+var_RFC2047_ISO_8859_1_Q);
		decode = decode(var_RFC2047_ISO_8859_1_Q);
		System.out.println("Decode: "+decode);
		if(!string_iso_8859_1.equals(decode)) {
			throw new Exception("Valore decodificato diverso dal sorgente");
		System.out.println("\n*** RFC2047 US_ASCII B ***");
		String var_RFC2047_US_ASCII_B = encode(string_iso_8859_1, Charset.US_ASCII, RFC2047Encoding.B);
		System.out.println("["+string_iso_8859_1+"] encoded in RFC2047("+Charset.US_ASCII+","+RFC2047Encoding.B+"): "+var_RFC2047_US_ASCII_B);
		decode = decode(var_RFC2047_US_ASCII_B);
		System.out.println("Decode: "+decode);
		if(!string_iso_8859_1.equals(decode)) {
			throw new Exception("Valore decodificato diverso dal sorgente");
		System.out.println("\n*** RFC2047 US_ASCII Q ***");
		String var_RFC2047_US_ASCII_Q = encode(string_iso_8859_1, Charset.US_ASCII, RFC2047Encoding.Q);
		System.out.println("["+string_iso_8859_1+"] encoded in RFC2047("+Charset.US_ASCII+","+RFC2047Encoding.Q+"): "+var_RFC2047_US_ASCII_Q);
		decode = decode(var_RFC2047_US_ASCII_Q);
		System.out.println("Decode: "+decode);
		if(!string_iso_8859_1.equals(decode)) {
			throw new Exception("Valore decodificato diverso dal sorgente");
	public static String encode(String value,Charset charset,RFC2047Encoding encoding) throws UtilsException{
			return MimeUtility.encodeWord(value,charset.getValue(),encoding.name());
		}catch(Exception e){
			throw new UtilsException(e.getMessage(),e);
	public static String decode(String value) throws UtilsException{
			return MimeUtility.decodeWord(value);
		}catch(Exception e){
			throw new UtilsException(e.getMessage(),e);
	public static boolean isAllCharactersInCharset(String value,Charset charset) throws UtilsException{
			java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder encoder = 
			return encoder.canEncode(value);
		}catch(Exception e){
			throw new UtilsException(e.getMessage(),e);
	public static void validHeader(String key, List<String> values) throws UtilsException{
		if(values!=null && !values.isEmpty()) {
    		for (String value : values) {
    			validHeader(key, value);
	public static void validHeader(String key, String value) throws UtilsException{
		// jdk/openjdk/6-b14/sun/net/www/protocol/http/HttpURLConnection.java
        char LF = '\n';
        int index = key.indexOf(LF);
        if (index != -1) {
        	throw new UtilsException("Found illegal character(s) in message header field ["+key+"]");
        else {
            if (value == null) {

            index = value.indexOf(LF);
            while (index != -1) {
                if (index < value.length()) {
                    char c = value.charAt(index);
                    if ((c==' ') || (c=='\t')) {
                        // ok, check the next occurrence
                        index = value.indexOf(LF, index);
                throw new UtilsException("Found Illegal character(s) in message header ["+key+"]. Found value: ["+value+"]");