
 * GovWay - A customizable API Gateway 
 * https://govway.org
 * Copyright (c) 2005-2025 Link.it srl (https://link.it). 
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package org.openspcoop2.utils.serialization;

import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import org.openspcoop2.utils.CopyCharStream;
import org.openspcoop2.utils.CopyStream;
import org.openspcoop2.utils.UtilsException;
import org.openspcoop2.utils.resources.ClassLoaderUtilities;

import net.sf.ezmorph.MorpherRegistry;
import net.sf.json.JSONArray;
import net.sf.json.JSONObject;
import net.sf.json.JsonConfig;
import net.sf.json.util.JSONUtils;

 * Contiene utility per effettuare la de-serializzazione di un oggetto
 * @author Poli Andrea (apoli@link.it)
 * @author $Author$
 * @version $Rev$, $Date$

public class XMLDeserializer implements IDeserializer{

	private net.sf.json.xml.XMLSerializer xmlSerializer;
	private JsonConfig jsonConfig;
	private List<String> morpherPackage = new ArrayList<>();
	private boolean throwExceptionMorpherFailed = true;
	public XMLDeserializer(){
		this(new SerializationConfig());
	public XMLDeserializer(SerializationConfig config) {
		this.xmlSerializer = new net.sf.json.xml.XMLSerializer();
		JsonConfig jsonConfig = new JsonConfig();
			//jsonConfig.setExcludes(excludes); non funziona l'exclude durante la deserializzazione, uso un filtro
			jsonConfig.setJavaPropertyFilter(new ExclusionPropertyFilter(config.getExcludes()));
		this.jsonConfig = jsonConfig;
	public void addMorpherPackage(String p){
	public boolean isThrowExceptionMorpherFailed() {
		return this.throwExceptionMorpherFailed;
	public void setThrowExceptionMorpherFailed(boolean throwExceptionMorpherFailed) {
		this.throwExceptionMorpherFailed = throwExceptionMorpherFailed;
	public Object getObject(String s, Class<?> classType) throws IOException{
		return getObject(s, classType, null);
	public Object getListObject(String s, Class<?> listType, Class<?> elementsTypes) throws IOException{
		Object o = getObject(s, listType, elementsTypes);
		if( !(o instanceof List) ){
			throw new IOException("Object de-serializzato di tipo non java.util.List: "+o.getClass().getName());
		return o;
	public Object getSetObject(String s, Class<?> setType, Class<?> elementsTypes) throws IOException{
		Object o = getObject(s, setType, elementsTypes);
		if( !(o instanceof Set) ){
			throw new IOException("Object de-serializzato di tipo non java.util.Set: "+o.getClass().getName());
		return o;
	private Object getObject(String s, Class<?> classType, Class<?> elementsTypes ) throws IOException{
			return readObject_engine(s, classType, elementsTypes);	
		}catch(Exception e){
			throw new IOException("Trasformazione in oggetto non riuscita: "+e.getMessage(),e);
	public Object readObject(InputStream is, Class<?> classType) throws IOException{
		return readObject(is, classType, null);
	public Object readListObject(InputStream is, Class<?> listType, Class<?> elementsTypes) throws IOException{
		Object o = readObject(is, listType, elementsTypes);
		if( !(o instanceof List) ){
			throw new IOException("Object de-serializzato di tipo non java.util.List: "+o.getClass().getName());
		return o;
	public Object readSetObject(InputStream is, Class<?> setType, Class<?> elementsTypes) throws IOException{
		Object o = readObject(is, setType, elementsTypes);
		if( !(o instanceof Set) ){
			throw new IOException("Object de-serializzato di tipo non java.util.Set: "+o.getClass().getName());
		return o;
	private Object readObject(InputStream is, Class<?> classType, Class<?> elementsTypes) throws IOException{
			ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
//			byte [] reads = new byte[Utilities.DIMENSIONE_BUFFER];
//			int letti = 0;
//			while( (letti=is.read(reads)) != -1 ){
//				bout.write(reads, 0, letti);
//			}
			CopyStream.copy(is, bout);
			return readObject_engine(bout.toString(), classType, elementsTypes);	
		}catch(Exception e){
			throw new IOException("Trasformazione in oggetto non riuscita: "+e.getMessage(),e);
	public Object readObject(Reader reader, Class<?> classType) throws IOException{
		return readObject(reader, classType, null);
	public Object readListObject(Reader reader, Class<?> listType, Class<?> elementsTypes) throws IOException{
		Object o = readObject(reader, listType, elementsTypes);
		if( !(o instanceof List) ){
			throw new IOException("Object de-serializzato di tipo non java.util.List: "+o.getClass().getName());
		return o;
	public Object readSetObject(Reader reader, Class<?> setType, Class<?> elementsTypes) throws IOException{
		Object o = readObject(reader, setType, elementsTypes);
		if( !(o instanceof Set) ){
			throw new IOException("Object de-serializzato di tipo non java.util.Set: "+o.getClass().getName());
		return o;
	private Object readObject(Reader reader, Class<?> classType, Class<?> elementsTypes) throws IOException{
//			char [] reads = new char[Utilities.DIMENSIONE_BUFFER];
//			int letti = 0;
//			StringBuilder bf = new StringBuilder();
//			while( (letti=reader.read(reads)) != -1 ){
//				bf.append(reads, 0, letti);
//			}
			StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
			CopyCharStream.copy(reader, writer);
			return readObject_engine(writer.toString(), classType, elementsTypes);	
		}catch(Exception e){
			throw new IOException("Trasformazione in oggetto non riuscita: "+e.getMessage(),e);

	private Object readObject_engine(String object,Class<?> classType, Class<?> elementsTypes) throws Exception{
		boolean list = false;
			list = true;
		}catch(ClassCastException cc){}
		boolean set = false;
			set = true;
		}catch(ClassCastException cc){}
		//System.out.println("CLASS: "+classType.getName() +" ENUM["+classType.isEnum()+"] ARRAY["+classType.isArray()+"] LISTCAST["+list+"] SETCAST["+set+"]");
			Object oResult = this.xmlSerializer.read( object );
			Object en = null;
			if(oResult instanceof JSONObject){
				JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject)  oResult;
				en = jsonObject.get(jsonObject.keys().next());
				JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray)  oResult;
				en = jsonArray.toArray()[0];
			//System.out.println("TIPO ["+en.getClass().getName()+"]");
			Object [] o = classType.getEnumConstants();
			Class<?> enumeration = o[0].getClass();
			//System.out.println("OO ["+enumeration+"]");
			Method method = enumeration.getMethod("valueOf", String.class);
			Object value = method.invoke(enumeration, en);
			return value;
		else if(classType.isArray()){

			Object oResult = this.xmlSerializer.read( object );
			if(oResult instanceof JSONObject){
				JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject)  oResult;
				Iterator<?> it = jsonObject.keys();
				Object[] array = new Object[jsonObject.values().size()];
				int i=0;
					Object key = it.next();
					Object value = jsonObject.get(key);
					JSONObject json = (JSONObject) value;
					array[i] =  fromJSONObjectToOriginalObject(classType.getComponentType(), json);
				return array;
				JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray)  oResult;
				Object[] oarray = jsonArray.toArray();
				Object[] array = new Object[oarray.length];
				for(int i=0; i<oarray.length;i++){
					JSONObject json = (JSONObject) oarray[i];
					array[i] =  fromJSONObjectToOriginalObject(classType.getComponentType(), json);
				return array;

		else if(list){
				throw new Exception("elementsTypes non definito, e' obbligatorio per il tipo che si desidera de-serializzare: "+classType.getName());
			Object oResult = this.xmlSerializer.read( object );
			if(oResult instanceof JSONObject){
				JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject)  oResult;
				Iterator<?> it = jsonObject.keys();
				List<Object> listReturn = (List<Object>) ClassLoaderUtilities.newInstance(classType);		
					Object key = it.next();
					Object value = jsonObject.get(key);
					JSONObject json = (JSONObject) value;
					Object o =  fromJSONObjectToOriginalObject(elementsTypes, json);
				return listReturn;
				JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray)  oResult;
				Object[] oarray = jsonArray.toArray();
				List<Object> listReturn = (List<Object>) ClassLoaderUtilities.newInstance(classType);		
				for(int i=0; i<oarray.length;i++){
					JSONObject json = (JSONObject) oarray[i];
					Object o =  fromJSONObjectToOriginalObject(elementsTypes, json);
				return listReturn;
		else if(set){
				throw new Exception("elementsTypes non definito, e' obbligatorio per il tipo che si desidera de-serializzare: "+classType.getName());
			Object oResult = this.xmlSerializer.read( object );
			if(oResult instanceof JSONObject){
				JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject)  oResult;
				Iterator<?> it = jsonObject.keys();
				Set<Object> setReturn = (Set<Object>) ClassLoaderUtilities.newInstance(classType);		
					Object key = it.next();
					Object value = jsonObject.get(key);
					JSONObject json = (JSONObject) value;
					Object o =  fromJSONObjectToOriginalObject(elementsTypes, json);
				return setReturn;
				JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray)  oResult;
				Object[] oarray = jsonArray.toArray();
				Set<Object> setReturn = (Set<Object>) ClassLoaderUtilities.newInstance(classType);			
				for(int i=0; i<oarray.length;i++){
					JSONObject json = (JSONObject) oarray[i];
					Object o =  fromJSONObjectToOriginalObject(elementsTypes, json);
				return setReturn;
			JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) this.xmlSerializer.read( object );
			return fromJSONObjectToOriginalObject(classType, jsonObject);
	private Object fromJSONObjectToOriginalObject(Class<?> classType, JSONObject jsonObject) throws UtilsException{
		MorpherRegistry morpherRegistry = JSONUtils.getMorpherRegistry();
		org.openspcoop2.utils.serialization.Utilities.registerMorpher(classType, morpherRegistry, new ArrayList<>(), this.morpherPackage);
		Object o = JSONObject.toBean( jsonObject, this.jsonConfig );

		org.openspcoop2.utils.serialization.Utilities.morpher(o, morpherRegistry, this.morpherPackage, this.throwExceptionMorpherFailed);
		return o;