* GovWay - A customizable API Gateway
* https://govway.org
* Copyright (c) 2005-2024 Link.it srl (https://link.it).
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.openspcoop2.utils.certificate.ocsp;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.security.cert.CRLReason;
import java.security.cert.CertificateExpiredException;
import java.security.cert.CertificateNotYetValidException;
import java.security.cert.X509Certificate;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DEROctetString;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ocsp.OCSPObjectIdentifiers;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ocsp.ResponderID;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x500.X500Name;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Extension;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Extensions;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.SubjectKeyIdentifier;
import org.bouncycastle.cert.X509CertificateHolder;
import org.bouncycastle.cert.jcajce.JcaX509CertificateConverter;
import org.bouncycastle.cert.jcajce.JcaX509CertificateHolder;
import org.bouncycastle.cert.jcajce.JcaX509ExtensionUtils;
import org.bouncycastle.cert.ocsp.BasicOCSPResp;
import org.bouncycastle.cert.ocsp.CertificateID;
import org.bouncycastle.cert.ocsp.OCSPReq;
import org.bouncycastle.cert.ocsp.OCSPReqBuilder;
import org.bouncycastle.cert.ocsp.OCSPResp;
import org.bouncycastle.cert.ocsp.RevokedStatus;
import org.bouncycastle.cert.ocsp.SingleResp;
import org.bouncycastle.cert.ocsp.UnknownStatus;
import org.bouncycastle.cert.ocsp.jcajce.JcaCertificateID;
import org.bouncycastle.operator.ContentVerifierProvider;
import org.bouncycastle.operator.DigestCalculator;
import org.bouncycastle.operator.DigestCalculatorProvider;
import org.bouncycastle.operator.jcajce.JcaContentVerifierProviderBuilder;
import org.bouncycastle.operator.jcajce.JcaDigestCalculatorProviderBuilder;
import org.openspcoop2.utils.LoggerBuffer;
import org.openspcoop2.utils.Utilities;
import org.openspcoop2.utils.UtilsException;
import org.openspcoop2.utils.UtilsMultiException;
import org.openspcoop2.utils.certificate.CRLDistributionPoint;
import org.openspcoop2.utils.certificate.CertificateInfo;
import org.openspcoop2.utils.certificate.ExtendedKeyUsage;
import org.openspcoop2.utils.certificate.KeyStore;
import org.openspcoop2.utils.date.DateManager;
import org.openspcoop2.utils.date.DateUtils;
import org.openspcoop2.utils.io.Base64Utilities;
import org.openspcoop2.utils.random.RandomGenerator;
import org.openspcoop2.utils.random.SecureRandomAlgorithm;
import org.openspcoop2.utils.transport.TransportUtils;
import org.openspcoop2.utils.transport.http.HttpConstants;
import org.openspcoop2.utils.transport.http.HttpRequest;
import org.openspcoop2.utils.transport.http.HttpRequestMethod;
import org.openspcoop2.utils.transport.http.HttpResponse;
import org.openspcoop2.utils.transport.http.HttpUtilities;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
* OCSPValidator
* @author Poli Andrea (apoli@link.it)
* @author $Author$
* @version $Rev$, $Date$
public class OCSPValidator {
private OCSPValidator() {}
public static CertificateStatus check(Logger log, OCSPRequestParams params) throws UtilsException {
LoggerBuffer lb = new LoggerBuffer();
return check(lb, params, null);
public static CertificateStatus check(Logger log, OCSPRequestParams params, String crlInput) throws UtilsException {
LoggerBuffer lb = new LoggerBuffer();
return check(lb, params, crlInput);
public static CertificateStatus check(LoggerBuffer log, OCSPRequestParams params) throws UtilsException {
return check(log, params, null);
public static CertificateStatus check(LoggerBuffer log, OCSPRequestParams params, String crlInput) throws UtilsException {
if(params==null) {
throw new UtilsException("Params is null");
if(params.getCertificate()==null) {
throw new UtilsException("Certificate not provided");
if(params.getConfig()==null) {
throw new UtilsException("OCSP config not provided");
if(params.isSelfSigned()) {
return CertificateStatus.SELF_SIGNED();
int indexLimit = 1000;
int index = 0;
OCSPRequestParams req = params;
CertificateStatus principalStatus = null;
while(index<indexLimit) {
CertificateStatus status = checkEngine(log, req, crlInput);
if(principalStatus==null) {
principalStatus = status;
if(status.isREVOKED() || status.isEXPIRED() || status.isUNKNOWN()) {
return status;
else {
!req.isSelfSigned() // altrimenti sono arrivato alla ca radice
) {
OCSPRequestParams newReq = OCSPRequestParams.build(log, req.getIssuerCertificate(), params.getConfigTrustStore(),
params.getConfig(), params.getReader());
req = newReq;
else {
return principalStatus; // ritorno lo stato di verifica del certificato principale
throw new UtilsException("Certificate chain too big");
private static CertificateStatus checkEngine(LoggerBuffer log, OCSPRequestParams params, String crlInput) throws UtilsException {
if(params==null) {
throw new UtilsException("Params is null");
if(params.getCertificate()==null) {
throw new UtilsException("Certificate not provided");
if(params.getConfig()==null) {
throw new UtilsException("OCSP config not provided");
String prefixCert = "OCSP [certificate: "+params.getCertificate().getSubjectDN()+"] ";
CertificateInfo certificateInfo = new CertificateInfo(params.getCertificate(), "certificate");
log.debug(prefixCert+"issuer: "+params.getCertificate().getIssuerDN());
try {
log.debug(prefixCert+"CAissuer: "+(certificateInfo.getAuthorityInformationAccess()!=null ? certificateInfo.getAuthorityInformationAccess().getCAIssuers() : null));
}catch(Exception t) {
log.debug(prefixCert+"CAissuer: read error: "+t.getMessage(),t);
try {
log.debug(prefixCert+"OCSP: "+(certificateInfo.getAuthorityInformationAccess()!=null ? certificateInfo.getAuthorityInformationAccess().getOCSPs() : null));
}catch(Exception t) {
log.debug(prefixCert+"OCSP: read error: "+t.getMessage(),t);
try {
if(certificateInfo.getCRLDistributionPoints()!=null &&
certificateInfo.getCRLDistributionPoints().getCRLDistributionPoints()!=null &&
!certificateInfo.getCRLDistributionPoints().getCRLDistributionPoints().isEmpty()) {
int indexCRL = 0;
for (CRLDistributionPoint point : certificateInfo.getCRLDistributionPoints().getCRLDistributionPoints()) {
log.debug(prefixCert+"CRL-"+indexCRL+"-Issuer: "+point.getCRLIssuers());
log.debug(prefixCert+"CRL-"+indexCRL+": "+point.getDistributionPointNames());
else {
log.debug(prefixCert+"CRL: null");
}catch(Exception t) {
log.debug(prefixCert+"CRL: read error: "+t.getMessage(),t);
Date date = DateManager.getDate();
boolean isCA = false;
try {
isCA = certificateInfo.isCA();
}catch(Exception e) {
throw new UtilsException(e.getMessage(),e);
// controllo validità temporale
try {
if(isCA) {
if(params.getConfig().isCheckCAValidity()) {
log.debug(prefixCert+"Check validity ..."); // la faccio sempre per avere l'errore puntuale
else {
if(params.getConfig().isCheckValidity()) {
log.debug(prefixCert+"Check validity ..."); // la faccio sempre per avere l'errore puntuale
}catch(CertificateExpiredException t) {
return CertificateStatus.EXPIRED(prefixCert+t.getMessage(), certificateInfo.getNotAfter());
}catch(CertificateNotYetValidException t) {
return CertificateStatus.EXPIRED(prefixCert+t.getMessage(), certificateInfo.getNotBefore());
}catch(Exception t) {
return CertificateStatus.EXPIRED(prefixCert+t.getMessage(), certificateInfo.getNotAfter());
if(certificateInfo.isSelfSigned()) {
log.debug(prefixCert+"Self signed");
return CertificateStatus.SELF_SIGNED();
if(params.getIssuerCertificate()==null) {
if(params.getConfig().isRejectsCertificateWithoutCA()) {
throw new UtilsException(prefixCert+"IssuerCertificate not provided");
else {
return CertificateStatus.ISSUER_NOT_FOUND();
if(params.getConfig().isCrl()) {
// viene richiesta una validazione CRL alternativa al OCSP
return checkCRLEngine(log, params, crlInput, date, prefixCert);
if (params.getResponderURIs() == null || params.getResponderURIs().isEmpty()) {
boolean reject = true;
if(isCA) {
reject = params.getConfig().isRejectsCAWithoutResponderUrl();
else {
reject = params.getConfig().isRejectsCertificateWithoutResponderUrl();
if(reject) {
throw new UtilsException(prefixCert+"At least one OCSP responder required");
else {
if(isCA && params.getConfig().isCrlCaCheck()) {
return checkCRLEngine(log, params, crlInput, date, prefixCert);
else {
return CertificateStatus.OCSP_RESPONDER_NOT_FOUND();
StringBuilder sbError = new StringBuilder();
for (String responderURI : params.getResponderURIs()) {
String prefix =prefixCert+ "["+responderURI+"] ";
OCSPResponseCode responseCode = null;
UtilsException error = null;
OCSPRequestSigned ocspRequest = null;
try {
log.debug(prefix+"Build request ...");
ocspRequest = buildOCSPReq(log, prefix, params);
}catch(Exception t) {
responseCode = OCSPResponseCode.OCSP_BUILD_REQUEST_FAILED;
error = new UtilsException(prefixCert+"(url: "+responderURI+"): "+t.getMessage(),t);
log.error(prefix+"costruzione richiesta fallita: "+t.getMessage(),t);
/** gestito sotto con gli stati throw error; */
BasicOCSPResp ocspResp = null;
if(ocspRequest!=null) {
try {
log.debug(prefix+"Invoke ocsp ...");
OCSPResp ocspResponse = invokeOCSP(log, ocspRequest, responderURI, params);
log.debug(prefix+"Analyze response ...");
responseCode = OCSPResponseCode.toOCSPResponseCode(ocspResponse.getStatus());
if(OCSPResponseCode.SUCCESSFUL.equals(responseCode)) {
if(ocspResponse.getResponseObject()==null) {
throw new UtilsException("OCSP response object not found");
else if (ocspResponse.getResponseObject() instanceof BasicOCSPResp) {
ocspResp = (BasicOCSPResp) ocspResponse.getResponseObject();
} else {
throw new UtilsException("Invalid or unknown OCSP response");
}catch(Exception t) {
responseCode = OCSPResponseCode.OCSP_INVOKE_FAILED;
error = new UtilsException(prefixCert+"(url: "+responderURI+"): "+t.getMessage(),t);
log.error(prefix+"invocazione servizio ocsp fallita: "+t.getMessage(),t);
/** gestito sotto con gli stati throw error; */
try {
if(OCSPResponseCode.SUCCESSFUL.equals(responseCode) && ocspResp!=null) {
return analyzeResponse(log, prefix, params, date, ocspRequest, ocspResp);
else {
String msgFailed = responseCode.getMessage();
if(error!=null) {
msgFailed = msgFailed+"; "+error.getMessage();
String exceptionMessage = "OCSP response error ("+responseCode.getCode()+" - "+responseCode.name()+"): "+msgFailed;
if(params.getConfig().getResponderBreakStatus()==null ||
params.getConfig().getResponderBreakStatus().isEmpty() ||
params.getConfig().getResponderBreakStatus().contains(responseCode)) {
throw new UtilsException(exceptionMessage);
else {
// continue verso il prossimo responder url
// salvo la prima risposta, e se dopo aver provato tutte le url non ho trovato una risposta valido ritorna la prima
if(sbError.length()>0) {
sbError.append("[").append(responderURI).append("] ");
}catch(Exception t) {
log.error(prefix+"analisi fallita: "+t.getMessage(),t);
throw new UtilsException(prefixCert+"OCSP analysis failed (url: "+responderURI+"): "+t.getMessage(),t);
throw new UtilsException("OCSP analysis failed.\n"+sbError.toString());
private static OCSPRequestSigned buildOCSPReq(LoggerBuffer log, String prefix, OCSPRequestParams params) throws UtilsException {
try {
OCSPRequestSigned ocspRequestSigned = new OCSPRequestSigned();
DigestCalculatorProvider digestCalculatorProvider = new JcaDigestCalculatorProviderBuilder().build();
DigestCalculator digestCalculator = digestCalculatorProvider.get(CertificateID.HASH_SHA1);
JcaCertificateID certificateID = new JcaCertificateID(digestCalculator, params.getIssuerCertificate(), params.getCertificate().getSerialNumber());
// Nounce extension (evitare reply attacks)
SecureRandomAlgorithm secureRandomAlgorithm = params.getConfig().getSecureRandomAlgorithm();
if(secureRandomAlgorithm==null) {
secureRandomAlgorithm = SecureRandomAlgorithm.SHA1PRNG;
RandomGenerator randomGenerator = new RandomGenerator(true, secureRandomAlgorithm);
BigInteger nounce = BigInteger.valueOf(Math.abs(randomGenerator.nextInt()));
DEROctetString derNounceString = new DEROctetString(nounce.toByteArray());
Extension nounceExtension = new Extension(OCSPObjectIdentifiers.id_pkix_ocsp_nonce, false, derNounceString);
Extensions extensions = new Extensions(nounceExtension);
OCSPReqBuilder builder = new OCSPReqBuilder();
if(params.getConfig().isNonce()) {
log.debug(prefix+"Build nonce value '"+derNounceString+"' ...");
builder.addRequest(certificateID, extensions); // l'estensione nonce viene aggiunta come 'Request Single Extensions' dentro 'Requestor List'
builder.setRequestExtensions(extensions); // l'estensione nonce viene aggiunta come 'Request Extensions' nel livello principale
else {
OCSPReq ocspRequest = builder.build();
ocspRequestSigned.request = ocspRequest;
ocspRequestSigned.certificateID = certificateID;
ocspRequestSigned.nounce = nounce;
return ocspRequestSigned;
}catch(Exception t) {
throw new UtilsException("Build OCSP Request failed: "+t.getMessage(),t);
private static OCSPResp invokeOCSP(LoggerBuffer log, OCSPRequestSigned ocspRequest, String responderURI, OCSPRequestParams params) throws UtilsException {
try {
/**java.io.File f = new java.io.File("/tmp/ocsp.request");
org.openspcoop2.utils.resources.FileSystemUtilities.writeFile(f, ocspRequest.request.getEncoded());*/
// Per verificare serializzare response su file e usare il comando: openssl ocsp -reqin /tmp/ocsp.request -noverify -text
if(!responderURI.trim().startsWith("http") && !responderURI.trim().startsWith("file")) {
throw new UtilsException("Unsupported protocol");
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
responderURI = responderURI.trim();
if(params.getConfig().getForwardProxyUrl()!=null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(params.getConfig().getForwardProxyUrl())) {
String forwardProxyUrl = params.getConfig().getForwardProxyUrl();
String remoteLocation = params.getConfig().isForwardProxyBase64() ? Base64Utilities.encodeAsString(responderURI.getBytes()) : responderURI;
if(params.getConfig().getForwardProxyHeader()!=null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(params.getConfig().getForwardProxyHeader())) {
req.addHeader(params.getConfig().getForwardProxyHeader(), remoteLocation);
else if(params.getConfig().getForwardProxyQueryParameter()!=null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(params.getConfig().getForwardProxyQueryParameter())) {
Map<String, List<String>> queryParameters = new HashMap<>();
TransportUtils.addParameter(queryParameters,params.getConfig().getForwardProxyQueryParameter(), remoteLocation);
forwardProxyUrl = TransportUtils.buildUrlWithParameters(queryParameters, forwardProxyUrl, false, log.getLogDebug());
else {
throw new UtilsException("Forward Proxy configuration error: header and query parameter not found");
else {
if(req.getUrl().startsWith("https")) {
if(params.getHttpsTrustStore()!=null) {
if(params.getHttpsKeyStore()!=null) {
HttpResponse res = HttpUtilities.httpInvoke(req);
List<Integer> returnCodeValid = params.getConfig().getResponderReturnCodeOk();
if(returnCodeValid==null) {
returnCodeValid = new ArrayList<>();
if(returnCodeValid.isEmpty()) {
boolean isValid = false;
for (Integer rt : returnCodeValid) {
if(rt!=null && rt.intValue() == res.getResultHTTPOperation()) {
isValid = true;
byte[] response = res.getContent();
/**java.io.File f = new java.io.File("/tmp/ocsp.response");
org.openspcoop2.utils.resources.FileSystemUtilities.writeFile(f, response);*/
// Per verificare serializzare response su file e usare il comando: openssl ocsp -respin /tmp/ocsp.response -noverify -text
if(isValid) {
if(response!=null && response.length>0) {
return new OCSPResp(res.getContent());
else {
throw new UtilsException("OCSP empty response (http code: "+res.getResultHTTPOperation()+")");
else {
String error = null;
if(response.length<=(2048)) {
error = Utilities.convertToPrintableText(response, 2048);
if(error!=null && error.contains("Visualizzazione non riuscita")) {
error = null;
if(error==null) {
else {
error = ": "+error;
throw new UtilsException("OCSP response error (http code: "+res.getResultHTTPOperation()+")"+error);
}catch(Exception t) {
throw new UtilsException("Invoke OCSP '"+responderURI+"' failed: "+t.getMessage(),t);
private static CertificateStatus analyzeResponse(LoggerBuffer log, String prefix, OCSPRequestParams params, Date date, OCSPRequestSigned requestSigned, BasicOCSPResp basicOcspResponse)
throws UtilsException {
// Verifico la risposta ottenuta dal OCSP
verifyResponse(log, prefix, params, date, requestSigned, basicOcspResponse);
// Analizzo la risposta, la quale potrebbe contenere informazioni anche per altri certificati.
SingleResp expectedResponseForCertificate = null;
for (SingleResp resp : basicOcspResponse.getResponses()) {
if (isEquals(requestSigned.certificateID, resp.getCertID())) {
expectedResponseForCertificate = resp;
if (expectedResponseForCertificate == null) {
throw new UtilsException("OSPC Response does not contain info for certificate supplied in the OCSP request");
org.bouncycastle.cert.ocsp.CertificateStatus certStatus = expectedResponseForCertificate.getCertStatus();
// NO! lo stato null è proprio il GOOD. GOOD è un alias a null
/**if(certStatus==null) {
throw new UtilsException("OSPC Response does not contain status info for certificate supplied in the OCSP request");
if (certStatus == org.bouncycastle.cert.ocsp.CertificateStatus.GOOD) {
return CertificateStatus.GOOD();
else if (certStatus instanceof RevokedStatus) {
RevokedStatus revoked = (RevokedStatus)certStatus;
CRLReason reason = null;
if (revoked.hasRevocationReason()) {
reason = CRLReason.values()[revoked.getRevocationReason()];
return CertificateStatus.REVOKED(reason, revoked.getRevocationTime());
else if (certStatus instanceof UnknownStatus) {
return CertificateStatus.UNKNOWN();
else {
throw new UtilsException("OSPC Response contain unknown revocation status ("+certStatus+")");
private static boolean isEquals(JcaCertificateID ocspRequestCertificateId, CertificateID ocspResponseCertificateId) {
if (ocspRequestCertificateId == null || ocspResponseCertificateId == null)
return false;
if (ocspRequestCertificateId == ocspResponseCertificateId)
return true;
boolean serialNumberEquals = ocspRequestCertificateId.getSerialNumber()!=null && ocspResponseCertificateId.getSerialNumber()!=null && ocspRequestCertificateId.getSerialNumber().equals(ocspResponseCertificateId.getSerialNumber());
boolean nameHashEquals = ocspRequestCertificateId.getIssuerNameHash()!=null && ocspResponseCertificateId.getIssuerNameHash()!=null && Arrays.equals(ocspRequestCertificateId.getIssuerNameHash(), ocspResponseCertificateId.getIssuerNameHash());
boolean keyHashEquals = ocspRequestCertificateId.getIssuerKeyHash()!=null && ocspResponseCertificateId.getIssuerKeyHash()!=null && Arrays.equals(ocspRequestCertificateId.getIssuerKeyHash(), ocspResponseCertificateId.getIssuerKeyHash());
return serialNumberEquals && nameHashEquals && keyHashEquals;
private static void verifyResponse(LoggerBuffer log, String prefix, OCSPRequestParams params, Date date, OCSPRequestSigned requestSigned, BasicOCSPResp basicOcspResponse) throws UtilsException {
List<X509CertificateHolder> certs = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(basicOcspResponse.getCerts()));
try {
// certificati ritornati con la risposta ocsp
X509CertificateHolder[] ospcCerts = basicOcspResponse.getCerts();
if(ospcCerts!=null && ospcCerts.length>0) {
// certificato dell'issuer
certs.add(new JcaX509CertificateHolder(params.getIssuerCertificate()));
// eventuale certificato di firma del responder OCSP autorizzato puntualmente
if (params.getSignerCertificate() != null) {
certs.add(new JcaX509CertificateHolder(params.getSignerCertificate()));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new UtilsException("OCSP Response signature unverifiable; read certs failed: "+e.getMessage(),e);
// Ottengo il certificato utilizzato per firmare la risposta
X509Certificate signingCert = readSigningCertByResponderId(log, certs, basicOcspResponse);
if (signingCert == null) {
throw new UtilsException("OCSP Response signature unverifiable: signing cert not found");
// Valido il certificato
verifySigningCert(log, prefix, signingCert, params, date);
// Verifico la risposta rispetto al certificato
try {
log.debug(prefix+"Verify OCSP Response ...");
JcaContentVerifierProviderBuilder builder = new JcaContentVerifierProviderBuilder();
ContentVerifierProvider contentVerifier = builder.build(signingCert.getPublicKey());
boolean valid = basicOcspResponse.isSignatureValid(contentVerifier);
if(!valid) {
throw new UtilsException("invalid signature");
} catch(Exception t) {
throw new UtilsException("Verifying OCSP Response's signature failed: "+t.getMessage(),t);
// Verifico validità risposta rispetto a nonce o data
verifyNonceOrDates(log, prefix, params, requestSigned, basicOcspResponse, date);
private static X509Certificate readSigningCertByResponderId(LoggerBuffer log, List<X509CertificateHolder> certs, BasicOCSPResp basicOcspResponse) throws UtilsException {
if(basicOcspResponse.getResponderId()==null) {
throw new UtilsException("OSPC Response does not contain responder id");
ResponderID responderId = basicOcspResponse.getResponderId().toASN1Primitive();
if(responderId==null) {
throw new UtilsException("OSPC Response does not contain responder id (asn1)");
List<Throwable> listThrowable = new ArrayList<>();
if (certs!=null && !certs.isEmpty()) {
X500Name responderName = responderId.getName();
byte[] responderKey = responderId.getKeyHash();
if (responderName != null) {
for (X509CertificateHolder certHolder : certs) {
try {
JcaX509CertificateConverter converter = new JcaX509CertificateConverter();
X509Certificate certCheck = converter.getCertificate(certHolder);
X500Name nameCheck = new X500Name(certCheck.getSubjectX500Principal().getName());
if (responderName.equals(nameCheck)) {
return certCheck;
} catch (Exception t) {
log.debug("check (responderName) failed: "+t.getMessage(),t);
} else if (responderKey != null) {
SubjectKeyIdentifier responderSubjectKey = new SubjectKeyIdentifier(responderKey);
for (X509CertificateHolder certHolder : certs) {
try {
JcaX509CertificateConverter converter = new JcaX509CertificateConverter();
X509Certificate certCheck = converter.getCertificate(certHolder);
// verifico per subject key identifier
SubjectKeyIdentifier subjectKeyIdentifierCheck = null;
if (certHolder.getExtensions() != null) {
subjectKeyIdentifierCheck = SubjectKeyIdentifier.fromExtensions(certHolder.getExtensions());
if (subjectKeyIdentifierCheck != null && responderSubjectKey.equals(subjectKeyIdentifierCheck)) {
return certCheck;
// verifico per chiave pubblica
subjectKeyIdentifierCheck = new JcaX509ExtensionUtils().createSubjectKeyIdentifier(certCheck.getPublicKey());
if (responderSubjectKey.equals(subjectKeyIdentifierCheck)) {
return certCheck;
} catch (Exception t) {
log.debug("check (responderKey) failed: "+t.getMessage(),t);
if(!listThrowable.isEmpty()) {
if(listThrowable.size()==1) {
Throwable t = listThrowable.get(0);
throw new UtilsException("OCSP Response signature unverifiable: signing cert not found; "+t.getMessage(),t);
else {
UtilsMultiException multi = new UtilsMultiException("OCSP Response signature unverifiable: signing cert not found; multiple exception",listThrowable.toArray(new Throwable[1]));
throw new UtilsException(multi.getMessage(),multi);
return null;
private static void verifySigningCert(LoggerBuffer log, String prefix, X509Certificate signingCert, OCSPRequestParams params, Date date) throws UtilsException {
// Un responder OCSP può firmare le risposte in 3 modi (https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6960#section-2.6):
// 1) La risposta viene firmata utilizzando lo stesso certificato della CA che ha emesso i certificati che si controlla.
// In questo caso, nella risposta non viene ritornato alcun certificato.
// Questo caso non richiede altri controlli al di fuori delle normali verifiche previste nella connessione TLS o gestione della sicurezza messaggio da cui il certificato proviene.
// 2) La risposta viene firmata utilizzando un altro certificato firmato dalla stessa CA che ha emesso i certificati che si controlla.
// In questo caso nella risposta viene ritornato il certificato di firma utilizzato.
// Deve essere controllato che il certificato abbia una 'Extended Key Usage Extension' impostata a 'id-kp-OCSPSigning' così che possa essere considerato affidabile per questo scopo.
// Il controllo è fondamentale per prevenire attacchi "man in the middle" (siamo in http durante la comunicazione con OCSP)
// dove la risposta intercettata viene alterata firmandola con un altro certificato rilasciato sempre dalla CA, ma non adibito a firmare risposte OCSP.
// 3) La risposta viene firmata usando un altro certificato che non è in relazione con il certificato che si sta controllando.
// Deve quindi essere verificato ulteriormente il certificato ritornato dal responder per assicurarsi che sia "trusted"
if(signingCert==null) {
throw new UtilsException("Signing certificate not found");
if (signingCert.equals(params.getIssuerCertificate())) {
/** System.out.println("*** [Case 1] OCSP response is signed by the certificate's Issuing CA ***"); */
// Non sono richiesti altri controlli
log.debug(prefix+"[Case 1] OCSP response is signed by the certificate's Issuing CA");
} else if (params.getSignerCertificate() != null && signingCert.equals(params.getSignerCertificate())) {
/** System.out.println("*** [Case 3] OCSP response is signed by an authorized responder certificate manually configured***"); */
// Essendo un certificato fornito manualmente non servono altri controlli
// NOTA: essendo fornito puntualmente, è compito di chi lo configura assicurarsi che abbia l'extension key usage corretto o ne accetta il fatto che non le abbia
log.debug(prefix+"[Case 3] OCSP response is signed by an authorized responder certificate manually configured: "+signingCert.getSubjectDN());
} else {
/** System.out.println("*** [Case 2 e 3] OCSP response is signed by an responder certificate readed in ocsp response ***"); */
// Estratto da https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6960#section-
// - OCSP signing delegation SHALL be designated by the inclusion of id-kp-OCSPSigning in an extended key usage certificate extension included in the OCSP response signer's certificate.
// This certificate MUST be issued directly by the CA that is identified in the request.
boolean responderCertificateManuallyAuthorized = false;
X509Certificate differentIssuerResponderCertificateCA = null;
KeyStore differentIssuerResponderCertificateTrustStore = null;
if (!signingCert.getIssuerX500Principal().equals(params.getIssuerCertificate().getSubjectX500Principal())) {
// Case 3: La risposta viene firmata usando un altro certificato che non è in relazione con il certificato che si sta controllando.
log.debug(prefix+"[Case 3] OCSP response is signed by an responder certificate readed in ocsp response (different CA '"+signingCert.getIssuerDN()+"'): "+signingCert.getSubjectDN());
if(params.getSignerTrustStore()!=null) {
X509Certificate tmp = (X509Certificate) params.getSignerTrustStore().getCertificateBySubject(signingCert.getSubjectX500Principal());
if(tmp!=null && tmp.equals(signingCert)) {
responderCertificateManuallyAuthorized = true; // autorizzato puntualmente il certificato
else {
differentIssuerResponderCertificateCA = (X509Certificate) params.getSignerTrustStore().getCertificateBySubject(signingCert.getIssuerX500Principal());
differentIssuerResponderCertificateTrustStore = params.getSignerTrustStore();
if(!responderCertificateManuallyAuthorized && differentIssuerResponderCertificateCA==null) {
throw new UtilsException("Signing certificate is not authorized to sign OCSP responses: unauthorized different issuer certificate '"+signingCert.getIssuerDN()+"'");
else {
log.debug(prefix+"[Case 2] OCSP response is signed by an responder certificate readed in ocsp response (same CA): "+signingCert.getSubjectDN());
// Controllo Extended Key Usage
CertificateInfo certificateInfo = new CertificateInfo(signingCert, "signingCert");
List<ExtendedKeyUsage> requiredExtendedKeyUsages = params.getConfig().getExtendedKeyUsageRequired(); // consente di disabilitare il controllo per ambienti di test
if(requiredExtendedKeyUsages!=null && !requiredExtendedKeyUsages.isEmpty()) {
for (ExtendedKeyUsage extendedKeyUsage : requiredExtendedKeyUsages) {
boolean hasExtendedKeyUsage = false;
try {
log.debug(prefix+"Check ExtendedKeyUsage '"+extendedKeyUsage+"' ...");
hasExtendedKeyUsage = certificateInfo.hasExtendedKeyUsage(extendedKeyUsage);
}catch(Exception t) {
throw new UtilsException("Signing certificate not valid for signing OCSP responses: extended key usage '"+extendedKeyUsage+"' not found; "+t.getMessage(),t);
if(!hasExtendedKeyUsage) {
throw new UtilsException("Signing certificate not valid for signing OCSP responses: extended key usage '"+extendedKeyUsage+"' not found");
else {
log.debug(prefix+"Check ExtendedKeyUsage disable");
// Verifica del certificato di firma
// https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6960#section-
// Revocation Checking of an Authorized Responder
// Since an authorized OCSP responder provides status information for one or more CAs, OCSP clients need to know how to check that an Authorized Responder's certificate has not been revoked.
// CAs may choose to deal with this problem in one of three ways:
// 1) A CA may specify that an OCSP client can trust a responder for the lifetime of the responder's certificate.
// The CA does so by including the extension id-pkix-ocsp-nocheck.
// This SHOULD be a non-critical extension. The value of the extension SHALL be NULL.
// CAs issuing such a certificate should realize that a compromise of the responder's key is as serious as the compromise of a CA key used to sign CRLs,
// at least for the validity period of this certificate.
// CAs may choose to issue this type of certificate with a very short lifetime and renew it frequently.
/** Identificativo: id-pkix-ocsp-nocheck OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pkix-ocsp 5 } */
// 2) A CA may specify how the responder's certificate is to be checked for revocation.
// This can be done by using CRL Distribution Points if the check should be done using CRLs,
// or by using Authority Information Access if the check should be done in some other way.
// Details for specifying either of these two mechanisms are available in [RFC5280].
// 3) A CA may choose not to specify any method of revocation checking for the responder's certificate,
// in which case it would be up to the OCSP client's local security policy to decide whether that certificate should be checked for revocation or not.
org.openspcoop2.utils.certificate.Extensions exts = null;
try {
exts = certificateInfo.getExtensions();
}catch(Exception t) {
log.debug("Extension read failed: "+t.getMessage(),t);
boolean ocspNoCheck = exts!=null && exts.hasExtension(OCSPObjectIdentifiers.id_pkix_ocsp_nocheck);
// Caso 1 e 3 vengono gestiti in ugual maniera
// Il caso 2 viene gestito con CRL, mentre non si gestisce un eventuale loop verso un altro servizio OCSP
CRLParams crlParams = null;
if(!ocspNoCheck &&
params.getConfig().isCrlSigningCertCheck()) {
log.debug(prefix+"(SigningCert:"+signingCert.getSubjectDN()+") Build CRL params...");
KeyStore trustStoreConfig = differentIssuerResponderCertificateTrustStore!=null ? differentIssuerResponderCertificateTrustStore : params.getIssuerTrustStore();
try {
crlParams = CRLParams.build(log, signingCert, null, trustStoreConfig, params.getConfig(), params.getReader());
}catch(Exception t) {
throw new UtilsException(t.getMessage(),t);
if(crlParams==null || crlParams.getCrlCertstore()==null) { // altrimenti la validita' viene verificata insieme alle CRL)
// Controllo che non sia scaduto
try {
log.debug(prefix+" (SigningCert:"+signingCert.getSubjectDN()+") Check valid...");
}catch(CertificateNotYetValidException t) {
throw new UtilsException("Signing certificate not yet valid: "+t.getMessage(),t);
}catch(CertificateExpiredException t) {
throw new UtilsException("Signing certificate expired: "+t.getMessage(),t);
}catch(Exception t) {
throw new UtilsException("Signing certificate not valid: "+t.getMessage(),t);
String ca = "n.d.";
try {
if(responderCertificateManuallyAuthorized) {
// non devo verificarlo, è stato inserito nel truststore dedicato il certificato del responder puntualmente
else if(differentIssuerResponderCertificateCA!=null) {
if(differentIssuerResponderCertificateCA.getSubjectDN()!=null) {
ca = differentIssuerResponderCertificateCA.getSubjectDN().toString();
log.debug(prefix+"(SigningCert:"+signingCert.getSubjectDN()+") verify against ca '"+ca+"'...");
else {
if(params.getIssuerCertificate().getSubjectDN()!=null) {
ca = params.getIssuerCertificate().getSubjectDN().toString();
log.debug(prefix+"(SigningCert:"+signingCert.getSubjectDN()+") verify against ca '"+ca+"'...");
} catch (Exception t) {
throw new UtilsException("Signing certificate not valid (CA: "+ca+"): "+t.getMessage(),t);
if(crlParams!=null && crlParams.getCrlCertstore()!=null) {
try {
log.debug(prefix+"(SigningCert:"+signingCert.getSubjectDN()+") CRL check...");
certificateInfo.checkValid(crlParams.getCrlCertstore(), crlParams.getCrlTrustStore(), date);
}catch(Exception t) {
throw new UtilsException("Signing certificate not valid (CRL): "+t.getMessage(),t);
private static void verifyNonceOrDates(LoggerBuffer log, String prefix, OCSPRequestParams params, OCSPRequestSigned requestSigned, BasicOCSPResp basicOcspResponse, Date date) throws UtilsException {
// https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6960#section-4.4.1
// The nonce cryptographically binds a request and a response to prevent replay attacks.
// The nonce is included as one of the requestExtensions in requests, while in responses it would be included as one of the responseExtensions.
// In both the request and the response, the nonce will be identified by the object identifier id-pkix-ocsp-nonce, while the extnValue is the value of the nonce.
byte[] requestNonce = requestSigned.nounce!=null ? requestSigned.nounce.toByteArray() : null;
Extension responseNonce = basicOcspResponse.getExtension(OCSPObjectIdentifiers.id_pkix_ocsp_nonce);
if (responseNonce != null && requestNonce != null) {
log.debug(prefix+"Verify nonce request-response...");
if(!Arrays.equals(requestNonce, responseNonce.getExtnValue().getOctets())) {
throw new UtilsException("OCSP Response not valid: nonces do not match");
else {
log.debug(prefix+"Verify nonce dates...");
// https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6960#section-
// Responses can contain four times -- thisUpdate, nextUpdate, producedAt, and revocationTime.
// The semantics of these fields are defined in Section 2.4. The format for GeneralizedTime is as specified in Section of [RFC5280].
// The thisUpdate and nextUpdate fields define a recommended validity interval. This interval corresponds to the {thisUpdate, nextUpdate} interval in CRLs.
// Responses whose nextUpdate value is earlier than the local system time value SHOULD be considered unreliable.
// Responses whose thisUpdate time is later than the local system time SHOULD be considered unreliable.
// If nextUpdate is not set, the responder is indicating that newer revocation information is available all the time.
// The semantics of these fields are:
// thisUpdate The most recent time at which the status being indicated is known by the responder to have been correct.
// nextUpdate The time at or before which newer information will be available about the status of the certificate.
// producedAt The time at which the OCSP responder signed this response.
// revocationTime The time at which the certificate was revoked or placed on hold.
long current = date.getTime();
int toleranceMilliseconds = params.getConfig().getResponseCheckDateToleranceMilliseconds();
Date rightInterval = new Date(current + toleranceMilliseconds);
Date leftInterval = new Date(current - toleranceMilliseconds);
SingleResp[] resp = basicOcspResponse.getResponses();
if(resp!=null && resp.length>0) {
// una risposta ci deve essere, se non c'è è già stata sollevata una eccezione in precedenza
for (SingleResp singleResp : resp) {
// Responses whose thisUpdate time is later than the local system time SHOULD be considered unreliable.
throw new UtilsException("OCSP Response is unreliable: this update time '"+DateUtils.getSimpleDateFormatMs().format(singleResp.getThisUpdate())+"' is later than the local system time");
// Responses whose nextUpdate value is earlier than the local system time value SHOULD be considered unreliable.
// If nextUpdate is not set, the responder is indicating that newer revocation information is available all the time.
Date dateCheck = singleResp.getNextUpdate() != null ? singleResp.getNextUpdate() : singleResp.getThisUpdate();
if(leftInterval.after(dateCheck)) {
throw new UtilsException("OCSP Response is unreliable: next update time '"+DateUtils.getSimpleDateFormatMs().format(dateCheck)+"' is earlier than the local system time");
private static CertificateStatus checkCRLEngine(LoggerBuffer log, OCSPRequestParams params, String crlInput, Date date, String prefix) throws UtilsException {
log.debug(prefix+"Build CRL request ...");
CRLParams crlParams = null;
try {
crlParams = CRLParams.build(log, params.getCertificate(), crlInput, params.getIssuerTrustStore(), params.getConfig(), params.getReader());
}catch(Exception t) {
throw new UtilsException(t.getMessage(),t);
CertificateInfo certificateInfo = new CertificateInfo(params.getCertificate(), "certificateCrlCheck");
if(!certificateInfo.isSelfSigned()) {
log.debug(prefix+"Verify against CA ...");
String ca = "n.d.";
try {
if(params.getIssuerCertificate().getSubjectDN()!=null) {
ca = params.getIssuerCertificate().getSubjectDN().toString();
} catch (Exception t) {
CertificateStatus cs = CertificateStatus.REVOKED(CRLReason.UNSPECIFIED, null);
String eMessage = t.getMessage();
String msgError = "Certificate not valid (CA: "+ca+"): "+eMessage;
log.error(msgError, t);
return cs;
else {
log.debug(prefix+"Certificate self-signed");
CertificateStatus status = CertificateStatus.GOOD();
try {
if(crlParams.getCrlCertstore()!=null) {
log.debug(prefix+"Verify CRL ...");
certificateInfo.checkValid(crlParams.getCrlCertstore(), crlParams.getCrlTrustStore(), date);
else {
log.debug(prefix+"CRL undefined");
status = CertificateStatus.CRL_NOT_FOUND();
}catch(Exception t) {
CertificateStatus cs = CertificateStatus.REVOKED(CRLReason.UNSPECIFIED, null);
String eMessage = t.getMessage();
if(Utilities.existsInnerException(t, java.security.cert.CertificateExpiredException.class)) {
Throwable inner = Utilities.getInnerException(t, java.security.cert.CertificateExpiredException.class);
if(inner!=null && inner.getMessage()!=null) {
eMessage = inner.getMessage();
else if (Utilities.existsInnerException(t, java.security.cert.CertificateRevokedException.class)) {
Throwable inner = Utilities.getInnerException(t, java.security.cert.CertificateRevokedException.class);
if(inner instanceof java.security.cert.CertificateRevokedException) {
java.security.cert.CertificateRevokedException cre = (java.security.cert.CertificateRevokedException) inner;
if(cre.getRevocationReason()!=null) {
cs = CertificateStatus.REVOKED(cre.getRevocationReason(), cre.getRevocationDate());
String msgError = "Certificate not valid (CRL): "+eMessage;
log.error(msgError, t);
return cs;
return status;
class OCSPRequestSigned {
OCSPReq request;
BigInteger nounce;
JcaCertificateID certificateID;