- /*
- * GovWay - A customizable API Gateway
- *
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2005-2025 srl (
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- *
- */
- package org.openspcoop2.utils.certificate.byok;
- import;
- import java.util.Enumeration;
- import java.util.HashMap;
- import java.util.Map;
- import java.util.Properties;
- import org.openspcoop2.utils.UtilsException;
- import org.slf4j.Logger;
- /**
- * BYOKRemoteConfig
- *
- * @author Poli Andrea (
- * @author $Author$
- * @version $Rev$, $Date$
- */
- public class BYOKRemoteConfig implements Serializable {
- /**
- *
- */
- private static final long serialVersionUID = -3572589461109860459L;
- private String httpEndpoint;
- private String httpMethod;
- private Map<String,String> httpHeaders;
- private String httpPayloadPath;
- private String httpPayloadInLine;
- private String httpUsername;
- private String httpPassword;
- private Integer httpConnectionTimeout;
- private Integer httpReadTimeout;
- private boolean https = false;
- private boolean httpsHostnameVerifier = false;
- private boolean httpsServerAuth = false;
- private String httpsServerAuthTrustStorePath;
- private String httpsServerAuthTrustStoreType;
- private String httpsServerAuthTrustStorePassword;
- private String httpsServerAuthTrustStoreCrls;
- private String httpsServerAuthTrustStoreOcspPolicy;
- private boolean httpsClientAuth = false;
- private String httpsClientAuthKeyStorePath;
- private String httpsClientAuthKeyStoreType;
- private String httpsClientAuthKeyStorePassword;
- private String httpsClientAuthKeyAlias;
- private String httpsClientAuthKeyPassword;
- private boolean httpResponseBase64Encoded;
- private boolean httpResponseHexEncoded;
- private String httpResponseJsonPath;
- protected BYOKRemoteConfig(String id, Properties p, Logger log) throws UtilsException {
- if(p==null || p.isEmpty()) {
- log.error("Properties is null");
- throw new UtilsException("Properties '"+BYOKCostanti.PROPERTY_PREFIX+id+".*' undefined");
- }
- this.httpEndpoint = BYOKConfig.getProperty(id, p, BYOKCostanti.PROPERTY_SUFFIX_HTTP_ENDPOINT, true);
- this.httpMethod = BYOKConfig.getProperty(id, p, BYOKCostanti.PROPERTY_SUFFIX_HTTP_METHOD, true);
- initHttpHeader(p);
- this.httpPayloadPath = BYOKConfig.getProperty(id, p, BYOKCostanti.PROPERTY_SUFFIX_HTTP_PAYLOAD_PATH, false);
- this.httpPayloadInLine = BYOKConfig.getProperty(id, p, BYOKCostanti.PROPERTY_SUFFIX_HTTP_PAYLOAD_INLINE, false);
- this.httpUsername = BYOKConfig.getProperty(id, p, BYOKCostanti.PROPERTY_SUFFIX_HTTP_USERNAME, false);
- this.httpPassword = BYOKConfig.getProperty(id, p, BYOKCostanti.PROPERTY_SUFFIX_HTTP_PASSWORD, false);
- this.httpConnectionTimeout = BYOKConfig.getIntegerProperty(id, p, BYOKCostanti.PROPERTY_SUFFIX_HTTP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, false);
- this.httpReadTimeout = BYOKConfig.getIntegerProperty(id, p, BYOKCostanti.PROPERTY_SUFFIX_HTTP_READ_TIMEOUT, false);
- this.https = BYOKConfig.getBooleanProperty(id, p, BYOKCostanti.PROPERTY_SUFFIX_HTTPS, false, false);
- this.httpsHostnameVerifier = BYOKConfig.getBooleanProperty(id, p, BYOKCostanti.PROPERTY_SUFFIX_HTTPS_VERIFICA_HOSTNAME, false, this.https);
- this.httpsServerAuth = BYOKConfig.getBooleanProperty(id, p, BYOKCostanti.PROPERTY_SUFFIX_HTTPS_AUTENTICAZIONE_SERVER, false, this.https);
- this.httpsServerAuthTrustStorePath = BYOKConfig.getProperty(id, p, BYOKCostanti.PROPERTY_SUFFIX_HTTPS_AUTENTICAZIONE_SERVER_TRUSTSTORE_PATH, false);
- this.httpsServerAuthTrustStoreType = BYOKConfig.getProperty(id, p, BYOKCostanti.PROPERTY_SUFFIX_HTTPS_AUTENTICAZIONE_SERVER_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE, this.httpsServerAuth);
- this.httpsServerAuthTrustStorePassword = BYOKConfig.getProperty(id, p, BYOKCostanti.PROPERTY_SUFFIX_HTTPS_AUTENTICAZIONE_SERVER_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD, false);
- this.httpsServerAuthTrustStoreCrls = BYOKConfig.getProperty(id, p, BYOKCostanti.PROPERTY_SUFFIX_HTTPS_AUTENTICAZIONE_SERVER_CRLS, false);
- this.httpsServerAuthTrustStoreOcspPolicy = BYOKConfig.getProperty(id, p, BYOKCostanti.PROPERTY_SUFFIX_HTTPS_AUTENTICAZIONE_SERVER_OCSP_POLICY, false);
- this.httpsClientAuth = BYOKConfig.getBooleanProperty(id, p, BYOKCostanti.PROPERTY_SUFFIX_HTTPS_AUTENTICAZIONE_CLIENT, false, false);
- this.httpsClientAuthKeyStorePath = BYOKConfig.getProperty(id, p, BYOKCostanti.PROPERTY_SUFFIX_HTTPS_AUTENTICAZIONE_CLIENT_KEYSTORE_PATH, false);
- this.httpsClientAuthKeyStoreType = BYOKConfig.getProperty(id, p, BYOKCostanti.PROPERTY_SUFFIX_HTTPS_AUTENTICAZIONE_CLIENT_KEYSTORE_TYPE, this.httpsClientAuth);
- this.httpsClientAuthKeyStorePassword = BYOKConfig.getProperty(id, p, BYOKCostanti.PROPERTY_SUFFIX_HTTPS_AUTENTICAZIONE_CLIENT_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD, false);
- this.httpsClientAuthKeyAlias = BYOKConfig.getProperty(id, p, BYOKCostanti.PROPERTY_SUFFIX_HTTPS_AUTENTICAZIONE_CLIENT_KEY_ALIAS, false);
- this.httpsClientAuthKeyPassword = BYOKConfig.getProperty(id, p, BYOKCostanti.PROPERTY_SUFFIX_HTTPS_AUTENTICAZIONE_CLIENT_KEY_PASSWORD, false);
- this.httpResponseBase64Encoded = BYOKConfig.getBooleanProperty(id, p, BYOKCostanti.PROPERTY_SUFFIX_HTTP_RESPONSE_BASE64_ENCODED, false, false);
- this.httpResponseHexEncoded = BYOKConfig.getBooleanProperty(id, p, BYOKCostanti.PROPERTY_SUFFIX_HTTP_RESPONSE_HEX_ENCODED, false, false);
- this.httpResponseJsonPath = BYOKConfig.getProperty(id, p, BYOKCostanti.PROPERTY_SUFFIX_HTTP_RESPONSE_JSON_PATH, false);
- }
- private void initHttpHeader(Properties p) {
- this.httpHeaders = new HashMap<>();
- Enumeration<?> enKeys = p.keys();
- while (enKeys.hasMoreElements()) {
- Object object = enKeys.nextElement();
- if(object instanceof String) {
- String key = (String) object;
- if(key.startsWith(BYOKCostanti.PROPERTY_SUFFIX_HTTP_HEADER) && key.length()>BYOKCostanti.PROPERTY_SUFFIX_HTTP_HEADER.length()) {
- String name = key.substring(BYOKCostanti.PROPERTY_SUFFIX_HTTP_HEADER.length());
- String value = p.getProperty(key);
- this.httpHeaders.put(name, value);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public String getHttpEndpoint() {
- return this.httpEndpoint;
- }
- public String getHttpMethod() {
- return this.httpMethod;
- }
- public Map<String, String> getHttpHeaders() {
- return this.httpHeaders;
- }
- public String getHttpPayloadInLine() {
- return this.httpPayloadInLine;
- }
- public String getHttpPayloadPath() {
- return this.httpPayloadPath;
- }
- public String getHttpUsername() {
- return this.httpUsername;
- }
- public String getHttpPassword() {
- return this.httpPassword;
- }
- public Integer getHttpConnectionTimeout() {
- return this.httpConnectionTimeout;
- }
- public Integer getHttpReadTimeout() {
- return this.httpReadTimeout;
- }
- public boolean isHttps() {
- return this.https;
- }
- public boolean isHttpsHostnameVerifier() {
- return this.httpsHostnameVerifier;
- }
- public boolean isHttpsServerAuth() {
- return this.httpsServerAuth;
- }
- public String getHttpsServerAuthTrustStorePath() {
- return this.httpsServerAuthTrustStorePath;
- }
- public String getHttpsServerAuthTrustStoreType() {
- return this.httpsServerAuthTrustStoreType;
- }
- public String getHttpsServerAuthTrustStorePassword() {
- return this.httpsServerAuthTrustStorePassword;
- }
- public String getHttpsServerAuthTrustStoreCrls() {
- return this.httpsServerAuthTrustStoreCrls;
- }
- public String getHttpsServerAuthTrustStoreOcspPolicy() {
- return this.httpsServerAuthTrustStoreOcspPolicy;
- }
- public boolean isHttpsClientAuth() {
- return this.httpsClientAuth;
- }
- public String getHttpsClientAuthKeyStorePath() {
- return this.httpsClientAuthKeyStorePath;
- }
- public String getHttpsClientAuthKeyStoreType() {
- return this.httpsClientAuthKeyStoreType;
- }
- public String getHttpsClientAuthKeyStorePassword() {
- return this.httpsClientAuthKeyStorePassword;
- }
- public String getHttpsClientAuthKeyAlias() {
- return this.httpsClientAuthKeyAlias;
- }
- public String getHttpsClientAuthKeyPassword() {
- return this.httpsClientAuthKeyPassword;
- }
- public boolean isHttpResponseBase64Encoded() {
- return this.httpResponseBase64Encoded;
- }
- public boolean isHttpResponseHexEncoded() {
- return this.httpResponseHexEncoded;
- }
- public String getHttpResponseJsonPath() {
- return this.httpResponseJsonPath;
- }
- }