- /*
- * GovWay - A customizable API Gateway
- *
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2005-2025 srl (
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- *
- */
- package;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
- import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import org.openspcoop2.protocol.sdk.state.RequestInfo;
- import;
- import;
- import org.openspcoop2.utils.UtilsException;
- import org.openspcoop2.utils.certificate.JWK;
- import org.openspcoop2.utils.certificate.JWKSet;
- import org.openspcoop2.utils.certificate.KeyStore;
- import org.openspcoop2.utils.certificate.KeyUtils;
- import org.openspcoop2.utils.certificate.KeystoreType;
- import org.openspcoop2.utils.certificate.SymmetricKeyUtils;
- import org.openspcoop2.utils.certificate.byok.BYOKCostanti;
- import org.openspcoop2.utils.certificate.byok.BYOKLocalConfig;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.KeyUse;
- /**
- * BYOKLocalEncrypt
- *
- * @author Poli Andrea (
- * @author $Author$
- * @version $Rev$, $Date$
- */
- public class BYOKLocalEncrypt {
- private RequestInfo requestInfo;
- public BYOKLocalEncrypt(RequestInfo requestInfo) {
- this.requestInfo = requestInfo;
- }
- public BYOKLocalEncrypt() {
- }
- private static final String JAVA_SEPARATOR = ".";
- private String getKeystoreError(BYOKLocalConfig config) {
- return "Access to keystore ["+config.getKeystoreType().getNome()+"] '"+config.getKeystorePath()+"' failed";
- }
- private String getKeyError(BYOKLocalConfig config) {
- return "Access to key ["+config.getKeystoreType().getNome()+"] '"+config.getKeystorePath()+"' failed";
- }
- private static final String ENCODING_MODE_UNDEFINED = "Encoding mode undefined";
- private static final String KEYSTORE_PREFIX = "Keystore [";
- public String wrap(BYOKLocalConfig config,
- String value) throws UtilsException {
- return wrap(config,
- value.getBytes());
- }
- public String wrap(BYOKLocalConfig config,
- byte[] value) throws UtilsException {
- BYOKEncryptKey byokEncryptKey = new BYOKEncryptKey();
- boolean initPasswordKeyDerivation = false;
- try {
- switch (config.getKeystoreType()) {
- case JKS:
- case PKCS12:
- case PKCS11:
- case JCEKS:
- readKeystore(byokEncryptKey, config, true);
- break;
- case JWK_SET:
- readJwk(byokEncryptKey, config, true);
- break;
- case PUBLIC_KEY:
- readPublicKey(byokEncryptKey, config);
- break;
- readSecretKey(byokEncryptKey, config);
- break;
- readPasswordKeyDerivation(byokEncryptKey, config, true);
- initPasswordKeyDerivation = true;
- break;
- default:
- throw new UtilsException(KEYSTORE_PREFIX+config.getKeystoreType().getNome()+"] unsupported");
- }
- }catch(Exception e) {
- throw new UtilsException(e.getMessage(),e);
- }
- /**System.out.println("CONF ["+config.getName()+"] java["+config.isJavaEngine()+"] jose["+config.isJoseEngine()+"]");*/
- if(config.isJavaEngine()) {
- if(config.isKeyWrap()) {
- if(initPasswordKeyDerivation) {
- throw new UtilsException(KEYSTORE_PREFIX+config.getKeystoreType().getNome()+"] unusable with key wrap java mode");
- }
- return encJavaKeyWrap(byokEncryptKey, config, value);
- }
- else {
- return encJava(byokEncryptKey, config, value);
- }
- }
- else if(config.isJoseEngine()) {
- if(initPasswordKeyDerivation) {
- throw new UtilsException(KEYSTORE_PREFIX+config.getKeystoreType().getNome()+"] unusable with jose mode");
- }
- return encJose(byokEncryptKey, config, value);
- }
- else if(config.isOpenSSLEngine()) {
- return encOpenSSL(byokEncryptKey, config, value);
- }
- else {
- throw new UtilsException("Encrypt mode undefined");
- }
- }
- public byte[] unwrap(BYOKLocalConfig config,
- byte[] value) throws UtilsException {
- return unwrap(config, new String(value));
- }
- public byte[] unwrap(BYOKLocalConfig config,
- String value) throws UtilsException {
- BYOKEncryptKey byokEncryptKey = new BYOKEncryptKey();
- boolean initPasswordKeyDerivation = false;
- try {
- switch (config.getKeystoreType()) {
- case JKS:
- case PKCS12:
- case PKCS11:
- case JCEKS:
- readKeystore(byokEncryptKey, config, false);
- break;
- case JWK_SET:
- readJwk(byokEncryptKey, config, false);
- break;
- case KEY_PAIR:
- readKeyPair(byokEncryptKey, config);
- break;
- readSecretKey(byokEncryptKey, config);
- break;
- readPasswordKeyDerivation(byokEncryptKey, config, false);
- initPasswordKeyDerivation = true;
- break;
- default:
- throw new UtilsException(KEYSTORE_PREFIX+config.getKeystoreType().getNome()+"] unsupported");
- }
- }catch(Exception e) {
- throw new UtilsException(e.getMessage(),e);
- }
- /**System.out.println("CONF ["+config.getName()+"] java["+config.isJavaEngine()+"] jose["+config.isJoseEngine()+"]");*/
- if(config.isJavaEngine()) {
- return unwrapJava(initPasswordKeyDerivation, config, value, byokEncryptKey);
- }
- else if(config.isJoseEngine()) {
- if(initPasswordKeyDerivation) {
- throw new UtilsException(KEYSTORE_PREFIX+config.getKeystoreType().getNome()+"] unusable with jose mode");
- }
- return decryptJose(byokEncryptKey, config, value);
- }
- else if(config.isOpenSSLEngine()) {
- return decryptOpenSSL(byokEncryptKey, config, value);
- }
- else {
- throw new UtilsException("Encrypt mode undefined");
- }
- }
- private byte[] unwrapJava(boolean initPasswordKeyDerivation, BYOKLocalConfig config, String value, BYOKEncryptKey byokEncryptKey) throws UtilsException {
- if(initPasswordKeyDerivation) {
- if(config.isKeyWrap()) {
- throw new UtilsException(KEYSTORE_PREFIX+config.getKeystoreType().getNome()+"] unusable with key wrap java mode");
- }
- else {
- readJavaPasswordKeyDerivationForUnwrap(byokEncryptKey, config, value);
- }
- }
- if(config.isKeyWrap()) {
- return decryptJavaKeyWrap(byokEncryptKey, config, value);
- }
- else {
- return decryptJava(byokEncryptKey, config, value);
- }
- }
- private void readKeystore(BYOKEncryptKey byokEncryptKey, BYOKLocalConfig config, boolean wrap) throws UtilsException, SecurityException {
- String type = KeystoreType.PKCS11.equals(config.getKeystoreType()) ? config.getKeystoreHsmType() : config.getKeystoreType().getNome();
- MerlinKeystore merlinKs = GestoreKeystoreCache.getMerlinKeystore(this.requestInfo,
- config.getKeystorePath(), type,
- config.getKeystorePassword());
- if(merlinKs==null || merlinKs.getKeyStore()==null) {
- throw new UtilsException(getKeystoreError(config));
- }
- byokEncryptKey.ks = merlinKs.getKeyStore();
- // bisogna sapere se e' secret o meno
- if(KeystoreType.JCEKS.equals(config.getKeystoreType())) {
- byokEncryptKey.key = byokEncryptKey.ks.getSecretKey(config.getKeyAlias(), config.getKeyPassword());
- byokEncryptKey.secret = true;
- }
- else if(wrap) {
- byokEncryptKey.key = merlinKs.getKeyStore().getPublicKey(config.getKeyAlias());
- }
- else {
- byokEncryptKey.key = merlinKs.getKeyStore().getPrivateKey(config.getKeyAlias(), config.getKeyPassword());
- }
- }
- private void readJwk(BYOKEncryptKey byokEncryptKey, BYOKLocalConfig config, boolean wrap) throws UtilsException, SecurityException {
- JWKSetStore jwtStore = GestoreKeystoreCache.getJwkSetStore(this.requestInfo, config.getKeystorePath());
- if(jwtStore==null || jwtStore.getJwkSet()==null) {
- throw new UtilsException(getKeystoreError(config));
- }
- byokEncryptKey.jsonWebKeys = jwtStore.getJwkSet().getJsonWebKeys();
- /**if(config.isJavaEngine()) {*/
- // bisogna sapere se e' secret o meno
- JsonWebKey jwk = JsonUtils.readKey(byokEncryptKey.jsonWebKeys, config.getKeyAlias());
- if(jwk==null) {
- throw new UtilsException("Access to keystore ["+config.getKeystoreType().getNome()+"] '"+config.getKeystorePath()+"' failed for alias '"+config.getKeyAlias()+"'");
- }
- if(jwk.getAlgorithm()==null) {
- jwk.setAlgorithm(config.isJavaEngine() ? "A256GCM" : config.getContentAlgorithm());
- }
- if(config.getKeyAlgorithm().contains(KeyUtils.ALGO_RSA)) {
- if(wrap) {
- byokEncryptKey.key = JwkUtils.toRSAPublicKey(jwk);
- }
- else {
- byokEncryptKey.key = JwkUtils.toRSAPrivateKey(jwk);
- }
- }
- else if(config.getKeyAlgorithm().contains(KeyUtils.ALGO_EC)) {
- if(wrap) {
- byokEncryptKey.key = JwkUtils.toECPublicKey(jwk);
- }
- else {
- byokEncryptKey.key = JwkUtils.toECPrivateKey(jwk);
- }
- }
- else {
- byokEncryptKey.key = JwkUtils.toSecretKey(jwk);
- byokEncryptKey.secret = true;
- }
- /**}*/
- }
- private String readKeyAlgo(BYOKLocalConfig config) {
- String algo = config.getKeyAlgorithm();
- if(config.isJoseEngine() || config.isKeyWrap()) {
- if(config.getKeyAlgorithm().contains(KeyUtils.ALGO_RSA)) {
- algo = KeyUtils.ALGO_RSA;
- }
- else if(config.getKeyAlgorithm().contains(KeyUtils.ALGO_DSA)) {
- algo = KeyUtils.ALGO_DSA;
- }
- else if(config.getKeyAlgorithm().contains(KeyUtils.ALGO_DH)) {
- algo = KeyUtils.ALGO_DH;
- }
- else if(config.getKeyAlgorithm().contains(KeyUtils.ALGO_EC)) {
- algo = KeyUtils.ALGO_EC;
- }
- else {
- algo = KeyUtils.ALGO_RSA;
- }
- }
- return algo;
- }
- private byte[] readKeyInline(BYOKLocalConfig config) throws SecurityException {
- String keyInLine = config.getKeyInline();
- byte [] key = null;
- if(config.isKeyBase64Encoding()) {
- key = Base64Utilities.decode(keyInLine.getBytes());
- }
- else if(config.isKeyHexEncoding()) {
- try {
- key = HexBinaryUtilities.decode(keyInLine);
- }catch(Exception e) {
- throw new SecurityException(e.getMessage());
- }
- }
- else {
- key = keyInLine.getBytes();
- }
- return key;
- }
- private byte[] readEncodedKeyFromPath(BYOKLocalConfig config) throws SecurityException {
- byte [] encodedKey = GestoreKeystoreCache.getExternalResource(this.requestInfo, config.getKeyPath(), null).getResource();
- byte [] key = null;
- if(config.isKeyBase64Encoding()) {
- key = Base64Utilities.decode(encodedKey);
- }
- else {
- try {
- key = HexBinaryUtilities.decode(new String(encodedKey));
- }catch(Exception e) {
- throw new SecurityException(e.getMessage());
- }
- }
- return key;
- }
- private byte[] readPublicKeyInline(BYOKLocalConfig config) throws SecurityException {
- String publicKeyInLine = config.getPublicKeyInline();
- byte [] key = null;
- if(config.isPublicKeyBase64Encoding()) {
- key = Base64Utilities.decode(publicKeyInLine.getBytes());
- }
- else if(config.isPublicKeyHexEncoding()) {
- try {
- key = HexBinaryUtilities.decode(publicKeyInLine);
- }catch(Exception e) {
- throw new SecurityException(e.getMessage());
- }
- }
- else {
- key = publicKeyInLine.getBytes();
- }
- return key;
- }
- private byte[] readEncodedPublicKeyFromPath(BYOKLocalConfig config) throws SecurityException {
- byte [] encodedKey = GestoreKeystoreCache.getExternalResource(this.requestInfo, config.getPublicKeyPath(), null).getResource();
- byte [] key = null;
- if(config.isPublicKeyBase64Encoding()) {
- key = Base64Utilities.decode(encodedKey);
- }
- else {
- try {
- key = HexBinaryUtilities.decode(new String(encodedKey));
- }catch(Exception e) {
- throw new SecurityException(e.getMessage());
- }
- }
- return key;
- }
- private void readPublicKey(BYOKEncryptKey byokEncryptKey, BYOKLocalConfig config) throws UtilsException, SecurityException {
- String algo = readKeyAlgo(config);
- PublicKeyStore publicKeyStore = null;
- if(config.getKeyInline()!=null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(config.getKeyInline())) {
- byte [] key = readKeyInline(config);
- publicKeyStore = GestoreKeystoreCache.getPublicKeyStore(this.requestInfo, key, algo);
- }
- else {
- if(config.isKeyBase64Encoding() || config.isKeyHexEncoding()) {
- byte [] key = readEncodedKeyFromPath(config);
- publicKeyStore = GestoreKeystoreCache.getPublicKeyStore(this.requestInfo, key, algo);
- }
- else {
- publicKeyStore = GestoreKeystoreCache.getPublicKeyStore(this.requestInfo, config.getKeyPath(), algo);
- }
- }
- if(publicKeyStore==null) {
- throw new UtilsException(getKeyError(config));
- }
- byokEncryptKey.key = publicKeyStore.getPublicKey();
- if(config.isJoseEngine()) {
- if(config.getKeyId()!=null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(config.getKeyId())) {
- config.setKeyAlias(config.getKeyId());
- }
- else {
- config.generateKeyAlias();
- }
- JWK jwk = new JWK(publicKeyStore.getPublicKey(), config.getKeyAlias());
- JWKSet jwkSet = new JWKSet();
- jwkSet.addJwk(jwk);
- jwkSet.getJson(); // rebuild
- byokEncryptKey.jsonWebKeys = jwkSet.getJsonWebKeys();
- }
- }
- private void readKeyPair(BYOKEncryptKey byokEncryptKey, BYOKLocalConfig config) throws UtilsException, SecurityException {
- String algo = readKeyAlgo(config);
- KeyPairStore keyPairStore = getKeyPairStore(algo, config);
- if(keyPairStore==null) {
- throw new UtilsException(getKeyError(config));
- }
- byokEncryptKey.key = keyPairStore.getPrivateKey();
- if(config.isJoseEngine()) {
- if(config.getKeyId()!=null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(config.getKeyId())) {
- config.setKeyAlias(config.getKeyId());
- }
- else {
- config.generateKeyAlias();
- }
- JWK jwk = new JWK(keyPairStore.getPublicKey(), keyPairStore.getPrivateKey(), config.getKeyAlias(), KeyUse.ENCRYPTION);
- JWKSet jwkSet = new JWKSet();
- jwkSet.addJwk(jwk);
- jwkSet.getJson(); // rebuild
- byokEncryptKey.jsonWebKeys = jwkSet.getJsonWebKeys();
- }
- }
- private KeyPairStore getKeyPairStore(String algo, BYOKLocalConfig config) throws SecurityException {
- KeyPairStore keyPairStore = null;
- if(config.getKeyInline()!=null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(config.getKeyInline())) {
- byte [] key = readKeyInline(config);
- if(config.getPublicKeyInline()!=null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(config.getPublicKeyInline())) {
- byte [] publicKey = readPublicKeyInline(config);
- keyPairStore = GestoreKeystoreCache.getKeyPairStore(this.requestInfo, key, publicKey, config.getKeyPassword(), algo);
- }
- else {
- if(config.isPublicKeyBase64Encoding() || config.isPublicKeyHexEncoding()) {
- byte [] publicKey = readEncodedPublicKeyFromPath(config);
- keyPairStore = GestoreKeystoreCache.getKeyPairStore(this.requestInfo, key, publicKey, config.getKeyPassword(), algo);
- }
- else {
- keyPairStore = GestoreKeystoreCache.getKeyPairStore(this.requestInfo, key, config.getPublicKeyPath(), config.getKeyPassword(), algo);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- keyPairStore = getKeyPairStoreFromPath(algo, config);
- }
- return keyPairStore;
- }
- private KeyPairStore getKeyPairStoreFromPath(String algo, BYOKLocalConfig config) throws SecurityException {
- KeyPairStore keyPairStore = null;
- if(config.isKeyBase64Encoding() || config.isKeyHexEncoding()) {
- keyPairStore = getEncodedKeyPairStoreFromPath(algo, config);
- }
- else {
- if(config.getPublicKeyInline()!=null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(config.getPublicKeyInline())) {
- byte [] publicKey = readPublicKeyInline(config);
- keyPairStore = GestoreKeystoreCache.getKeyPairStore(this.requestInfo, config.getKeyPath(), publicKey, config.getKeyPassword(), algo);
- }
- else {
- if(config.isPublicKeyBase64Encoding() || config.isPublicKeyHexEncoding()) {
- byte [] publicKey = readEncodedPublicKeyFromPath(config);
- keyPairStore = GestoreKeystoreCache.getKeyPairStore(this.requestInfo, config.getKeyPath(), publicKey, config.getKeyPassword(), algo);
- }
- else {
- keyPairStore = GestoreKeystoreCache.getKeyPairStore(this.requestInfo, config.getKeyPath(), config.getPublicKeyPath(), config.getKeyPassword(), algo);
- }
- }
- }
- return keyPairStore;
- }
- private KeyPairStore getEncodedKeyPairStoreFromPath(String algo, BYOKLocalConfig config) throws SecurityException {
- byte [] key = readEncodedKeyFromPath(config);
- if(config.getPublicKeyInline()!=null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(config.getPublicKeyInline())) {
- byte [] publicKey = readPublicKeyInline(config);
- return GestoreKeystoreCache.getKeyPairStore(this.requestInfo, key, publicKey, config.getKeyPassword(), algo);
- }
- else {
- if(config.isPublicKeyBase64Encoding() || config.isPublicKeyHexEncoding()) {
- byte [] publicKey = readEncodedPublicKeyFromPath(config);
- return GestoreKeystoreCache.getKeyPairStore(this.requestInfo, key, publicKey, config.getKeyPassword(), algo);
- }
- else {
- return GestoreKeystoreCache.getKeyPairStore(this.requestInfo, key, config.getPublicKeyPath(), config.getKeyPassword(), algo);
- }
- }
- }
- private void readSecretKey(BYOKEncryptKey byokEncryptKey, BYOKLocalConfig config) throws UtilsException, SecurityException {
- String algo = config.isJoseEngine() ? SymmetricKeyUtils.ALGO_AES : config.getKeyAlgorithm();
- SecretKeyStore secretKeyStore = null;
- if(config.getKeyInline()!=null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(config.getKeyInline())) {
- byte [] key = readKeyInline(config);
- secretKeyStore = GestoreKeystoreCache.getSecretKeyStore(this.requestInfo, key, algo);
- }
- else {
- if(config.isKeyBase64Encoding() || config.isKeyHexEncoding()) {
- byte [] key = readEncodedKeyFromPath(config);
- secretKeyStore = GestoreKeystoreCache.getSecretKeyStore(this.requestInfo, key, algo);
- }
- else {
- secretKeyStore = GestoreKeystoreCache.getSecretKeyStore(this.requestInfo, config.getKeyPath(), algo);
- }
- }
- initSecretKey(secretKeyStore, byokEncryptKey, config);
- }
- private void readPasswordKeyDerivation(BYOKEncryptKey byokEncryptKey, BYOKLocalConfig config, boolean wrap) throws UtilsException, SecurityException {
- byokEncryptKey.pwdKeyDerivationConfig = new SecretPasswordKeyDerivationConfig(config.getPassword(), config.getPasswordType(), config.getPasswordIteration());
- if(!config.isOpenSSLEngine() && wrap ) {
- SecretKeyStore secretKeyStore = GestoreKeystoreCache.getSecretKeyStore(this.requestInfo, byokEncryptKey.pwdKeyDerivationConfig);
- initSecretKey(secretKeyStore, byokEncryptKey, config);
- }
- }
- private void readJavaPasswordKeyDerivationForUnwrap(BYOKEncryptKey byokEncryptKey, BYOKLocalConfig config, String wrapValue) throws UtilsException {
- String [] tmp = wrapValue.split("\\.");
- if(tmp==null || tmp.length!=2) {
- throw new UtilsException("Wrong format");
- }
- byte[]iv = null;
- byte[]dataEncrypted = null;
- if(config.isBase64Encoding()) {
- iv = Base64Utilities.decode(tmp[0]);
- dataEncrypted = Base64Utilities.decode(tmp[1]);
- }
- else if(config.isHexEncoding()) {
- iv = HexBinaryUtilities.decode(tmp[0]);
- dataEncrypted = HexBinaryUtilities.decode(tmp[1]);
- }
- else {
- throw new UtilsException(ENCODING_MODE_UNDEFINED);
- }
- CipherInfo cipherInfo = null;
- if(BYOKCostanti.isOpenSSLPBKDF2PasswordDerivationKeyMode(byokEncryptKey.pwdKeyDerivationConfig.getPasswordEncryptionMode())) {
- cipherInfo = DecryptOpenSSLPassPBKDF2.buildCipherInfo(dataEncrypted,
- byokEncryptKey.pwdKeyDerivationConfig.getPassword(),
- byokEncryptKey.pwdKeyDerivationConfig.getPasswordIterator(),
- OpenSSLEncryptionMode.toMode(byokEncryptKey.pwdKeyDerivationConfig.getPasswordEncryptionMode()));
- }
- else {
- cipherInfo = DecryptOpenSSLPass.buildCipherInfo(dataEncrypted,
- byokEncryptKey.pwdKeyDerivationConfig.getPassword(),
- null,
- OpenSSLEncryptionMode.toMode(byokEncryptKey.pwdKeyDerivationConfig.getPasswordEncryptionMode()));
- }
- try {
- initSecretKey((SecretKey) cipherInfo.getKey(), iv, cipherInfo.getSalt(),
- byokEncryptKey, config);
- }catch(Exception e) {
- throw new UtilsException(e.getMessage(),e);
- }
- }
- private void initSecretKey(SecretKeyStore secretKeyStore, BYOKEncryptKey byokEncryptKey, BYOKLocalConfig config) throws UtilsException, SecurityException {
- if(secretKeyStore==null) {
- throw new UtilsException(getKeyError(config));
- }
- initSecretKey(secretKeyStore.getSecretKey(), secretKeyStore.getIv(), secretKeyStore.getSalt(),
- byokEncryptKey, config);
- }
- private void initSecretKey(SecretKey key, byte[]iv, byte[]salt,
- BYOKEncryptKey byokEncryptKey, BYOKLocalConfig config) throws UtilsException {
- byokEncryptKey.key = key;
- byokEncryptKey.iv = iv;
- byokEncryptKey.salt = salt;
- byokEncryptKey.secret = true;
- if(config.isJoseEngine()) {
- if(config.getKeyId()!=null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(config.getKeyId())) {
- config.setKeyAlias(config.getKeyId());
- }
- else {
- config.generateKeyAlias();
- }
- JWK jwk = new JWK(key, config.getKeyAlias(), KeyUse.ENCRYPTION);
- JWKSet jwkSet = new JWKSet();
- jwkSet.addJwk(jwk);
- jwkSet.getJson(); // rebuild
- byokEncryptKey.jsonWebKeys = jwkSet.getJsonWebKeys();
- }
- }
- private String encJava(BYOKEncryptKey byokEncryptKey, BYOKLocalConfig config, byte[] value) throws UtilsException {
- Encrypt encrypt = null;
- if(byokEncryptKey.secret &&
- byokEncryptKey.iv!=null) {
- encrypt = new Encrypt(byokEncryptKey.key, byokEncryptKey.iv);
- }
- else {
- encrypt = new Encrypt(byokEncryptKey.key);
- }
- if(byokEncryptKey.secret &&
- byokEncryptKey.iv==null) {
- encrypt.initIV(config.getContentAlgorithm());
- }
- byte [] encrypted = null;
- try {
- /**System.out.println("encrypt ["+config.getContentAlgorithm()+"]...");*/
- encrypted = encrypt.encrypt(value, config.getContentAlgorithm());
- /**System.out.println("encrypt ok");*/
- }catch(Exception e) {
- /**System.out.println("encrypt ERROR: "+e.getMessage());*/
- throw new UtilsException(e.getMessage(),e);
- }
- if(byokEncryptKey.secret &&
- byokEncryptKey.salt!=null){
- encrypted = EncryptOpenSSLPass.formatOutput(byokEncryptKey.salt, encrypted);
- }
- String en = null;
- if(config.isBase64Encoding()) {
- en = Base64Utilities.encodeAsString(encrypted);
- }
- else if(config.isHexEncoding()) {
- en = HexBinaryUtilities.encodeAsString(encrypted);
- }
- else {
- throw new UtilsException("Java algorithm undefined in keystore ["+config.getKeystoreType().getNome()+"] '"+config.getKeystorePath()+"'");
- }
- if(byokEncryptKey.secret) {
- if(config.isBase64Encoding()) {
- return encrypt.getIVBase64AsString()+JAVA_SEPARATOR+en;
- }
- else {
- return encrypt.getIVHexBinaryAsString()+JAVA_SEPARATOR+en;
- }
- }
- return en;
- }
- private String encJavaKeyWrap(BYOKEncryptKey byokEncryptKey, BYOKLocalConfig config, byte[] value) throws UtilsException {
- EncryptWrapKey encrypt = null;
- if(byokEncryptKey.ks!=null) {
- encrypt = new EncryptWrapKey(byokEncryptKey.ks, config.getKeyAlias());
- }
- else {
- encrypt = new EncryptWrapKey(byokEncryptKey.key);
- }
- byte [] encrypted = null;
- try {
- /**System.out.println("encrypt ["+config.getKeyAlgorithm()+"] ["+config.getContentAlgorithm()+"]...");*/
- encrypted = encrypt.encrypt(value, config.getKeyAlgorithm(), config.getContentAlgorithm());
- /**System.out.println("encrypt ok");*/
- }catch(Exception e) {
- /**System.out.println("encrypt ERROR: "+e.getMessage());*/
- throw new UtilsException(e.getMessage(),e);
- }
- String en = null;
- if(config.isBase64Encoding()) {
- en = Base64Utilities.encodeAsString(encrypted);
- }
- else if(config.isHexEncoding()) {
- en = HexBinaryUtilities.encodeAsString(encrypted);
- }
- else {
- throw new UtilsException("Java algorithm undefined in keystore ["+config.getKeystoreType().getNome()+"] '"+config.getKeystorePath()+"'");
- }
- if(config.isBase64Encoding()) {
- return encrypt.getWrappedKeyBase64()+JAVA_SEPARATOR+encrypt.getIVBase64AsString()+JAVA_SEPARATOR+en;
- }
- else {
- return encrypt.getWrappedKeyHexBinary()+JAVA_SEPARATOR+encrypt.getIVHexBinaryAsString()+JAVA_SEPARATOR+en;
- }
- }
- private String encJose(BYOKEncryptKey byokEncryptKey, BYOKLocalConfig config, byte[] value) throws UtilsException {
- JsonEncrypt encrypt = null;
- JwtHeaders jwtHeaders = null;
- JWEOptions options = new JWEOptions(JOSESerialization.COMPACT);
- if(byokEncryptKey.ks!=null) {
- jwtHeaders = this.getJwtHeaders(config, byokEncryptKey.ks);
- if(byokEncryptKey.secret) {
- encrypt = new JsonEncrypt(byokEncryptKey.ks, config.getKeyAlias(), config.getKeyPassword(), config.getKeyAlgorithm(), config.getContentAlgorithm(),
- jwtHeaders, options);
- }
- else {
- encrypt = new JsonEncrypt(byokEncryptKey.ks, config.getKeyAlias(), config.getKeyAlgorithm(), config.getContentAlgorithm(),
- jwtHeaders, options);
- }
- }
- else {
- jwtHeaders = this.getJwtHeaders(config, byokEncryptKey.jsonWebKeys);
- encrypt = new JsonEncrypt(byokEncryptKey.jsonWebKeys, byokEncryptKey.secret, config.getKeyAlias(), config.getKeyAlgorithm(), config.getContentAlgorithm(),
- jwtHeaders, options);
- }
- return encrypt.encrypt(value);
- }
- private JwtHeaders getJwtHeaders(BYOKLocalConfig config, KeyStore ks) throws UtilsException {
- return getJwtHeaders(config, ks, null);
- }
- private JwtHeaders getJwtHeaders(BYOKLocalConfig config, JsonWebKeys jsonWebKeys) throws UtilsException {
- return getJwtHeaders(config, null, jsonWebKeys);
- }
- private JwtHeaders getJwtHeaders(BYOKLocalConfig config, KeyStore ks, JsonWebKeys jsonWebKeys) throws UtilsException {
- JwtHeaders jwtHeaders = new JwtHeaders();
- if(config.isJoseIncludeKeyId()) {
- jwtHeaders.setKid(config.getKeyAlias());
- }
- if(config.isJoseIncludeCert()) {
- jwtHeaders.setAddX5C(true);
- }
- if(config.isJoseIncludeCertSha1()) {
- jwtHeaders.setX509IncludeCertSha1(true);
- }
- if(config.isJoseIncludeCertSha256()) {
- jwtHeaders.setX509IncludeCertSha256(true);
- }
- if(ks!=null && (config.isJoseIncludeCert() || config.isJoseIncludeCertSha1 ()|| config.isJoseIncludeCertSha256())) {
- Certificate cert = ks.getCertificate(config.getKeyAlias());
- if(cert instanceof X509Certificate) {
- jwtHeaders.addX509cert((X509Certificate)cert);
- }
- }
- if(jsonWebKeys!=null && config.isJoseIncludePublicKey()) {
- jwtHeaders.setJwKey(jsonWebKeys, config.getKeyAlias());
- }
- return jwtHeaders;
- }
- private String encOpenSSL(BYOKEncryptKey byokEncryptKey, BYOKLocalConfig config, byte[] value) throws UtilsException {
- if(BYOKCostanti.isOpenSSLPBKDF2PasswordDerivationKeyMode(byokEncryptKey.pwdKeyDerivationConfig.getPasswordEncryptionMode())) {
- return encOpenSSLPBKDF2(byokEncryptKey, config, value);
- }
- else {
- return encOpenSSLStandard(byokEncryptKey, config, value);
- }
- }
- private String encOpenSSLStandard(BYOKEncryptKey byokEncryptKey, BYOKLocalConfig config, byte[] value) throws UtilsException {
- SecretPasswordKeyDerivationConfig passwordKeyDerivationConfig = byokEncryptKey.pwdKeyDerivationConfig;
- EncryptOpenSSLPass encrypt = new EncryptOpenSSLPass(passwordKeyDerivationConfig.getPassword(),
- OpenSSLEncryptionMode.toMode(passwordKeyDerivationConfig.getPasswordEncryptionMode()));
- if(config.isBase64Encoding()) {
- return encrypt.encryptBase64AsString(value);
- }
- else if(config.isHexEncoding()) {
- return encrypt.encryptHexBinaryAsString(value);
- }
- else {
- throw new UtilsException(ENCODING_MODE_UNDEFINED);
- }
- }
- private String encOpenSSLPBKDF2(BYOKEncryptKey byokEncryptKey, BYOKLocalConfig config, byte[] value) throws UtilsException {
- SecretPasswordKeyDerivationConfig passwordKeyDerivationConfig = byokEncryptKey.pwdKeyDerivationConfig;
- EncryptOpenSSLPassPBKDF2 encrypt = new EncryptOpenSSLPassPBKDF2(passwordKeyDerivationConfig.getPassword(),
- passwordKeyDerivationConfig.getPasswordIterator(),
- OpenSSLEncryptionMode.toMode(passwordKeyDerivationConfig.getPasswordEncryptionMode()));
- if(config.isBase64Encoding()) {
- return encrypt.encryptBase64AsString(value);
- }
- else if(config.isHexEncoding()) {
- return encrypt.encryptHexBinaryAsString(value);
- }
- else {
- throw new UtilsException(ENCODING_MODE_UNDEFINED);
- }
- }
- private byte[] decryptJava(BYOKEncryptKey byokEncryptKey, BYOKLocalConfig config, String value) throws UtilsException {
- Decrypt d = null;
- byte[]dataEncrypted = null;
- if(byokEncryptKey.secret) {
- String [] tmp = value.split("\\.");
- if(tmp==null || tmp.length!=2) {
- throw new UtilsException("Atteso formato iv.secret (enc)");
- }
- byte[]iv = null;
- if(config.isBase64Encoding()) {
- iv = Base64Utilities.decode(tmp[0]);
- dataEncrypted = Base64Utilities.decode(tmp[1]);
- }
- else if(config.isHexEncoding()) {
- iv = HexBinaryUtilities.decode(tmp[0]);
- dataEncrypted = HexBinaryUtilities.decode(tmp[1]);
- }
- else {
- iv = tmp[0].getBytes();
- dataEncrypted = tmp[1].getBytes();
- }
- if(KeystoreType.PASSWORD_KEY_DERIVATION.equals(config.getKeystoreType())) {
- dataEncrypted = DecryptOpenSSLPass.extractCipherBytes(dataEncrypted);
- }
- d = new Decrypt(byokEncryptKey.key, iv);
- }
- else {
- if(config.isBase64Encoding()) {
- dataEncrypted = Base64Utilities.decode(value);
- }
- else if(config.isHexEncoding()) {
- dataEncrypted = HexBinaryUtilities.decode(value);
- }
- else {
- dataEncrypted = value.getBytes();
- }
- d = new Decrypt(byokEncryptKey.key);
- }
- return d.decrypt(dataEncrypted, config.getContentAlgorithm());
- }
- private byte[] decryptJavaKeyWrap(BYOKEncryptKey byokEncryptKey, BYOKLocalConfig config, String value) throws UtilsException {
- String [] tmp = value.split("\\.");
- if(tmp==null || tmp.length!=3) {
- throw new UtilsException("Atteso formato wrappedKey.iv.secret ("+config.getEncoding()+")");
- }
- byte[]wrappedKey = null;
- byte[]iv = null;
- byte[]dataEncrypted = null;
- if(config.isBase64Encoding()) {
- wrappedKey = Base64Utilities.decode(tmp[0]);
- iv = Base64Utilities.decode(tmp[1]);
- dataEncrypted = Base64Utilities.decode(tmp[2]);
- }
- else if(config.isHexEncoding()) {
- wrappedKey = HexBinaryUtilities.decode(tmp[0]);
- iv = HexBinaryUtilities.decode(tmp[1]);
- dataEncrypted = HexBinaryUtilities.decode(tmp[2]);
- }
- else {
- wrappedKey = tmp[0].getBytes();
- iv = tmp[1].getBytes();
- dataEncrypted = tmp[2].getBytes();
- }
- DecryptWrapKey d = new DecryptWrapKey(byokEncryptKey.key);
- return d.decrypt(dataEncrypted, wrappedKey, iv, config.getKeyAlgorithm(), config.getContentAlgorithm());
- }
- private byte[] decryptJose(BYOKEncryptKey byokEncryptKey, BYOKLocalConfig config, String value) throws UtilsException {
- JsonDecrypt decrypt = null;
- JWTOptions options = new JWTOptions(JOSESerialization.COMPACT);
- if(byokEncryptKey.ks!=null) {
- decrypt = new JsonDecrypt(byokEncryptKey.ks, byokEncryptKey.secret, config.getKeyAlias(), config.getKeyPassword(), config.getKeyAlgorithm(), config.getContentAlgorithm(),
- options);
- }
- else {
- decrypt = new JsonDecrypt(byokEncryptKey.jsonWebKeys, byokEncryptKey.secret, config.getKeyAlias(), config.getKeyAlgorithm(), config.getContentAlgorithm(),
- options);
- }
- decrypt.decrypt(value);
- return decrypt.getDecodedPayloadAsByte();
- }
- private byte[] decryptOpenSSL(BYOKEncryptKey byokEncryptKey, BYOKLocalConfig config, String value) throws UtilsException {
- if(BYOKCostanti.isOpenSSLPBKDF2PasswordDerivationKeyMode(byokEncryptKey.pwdKeyDerivationConfig.getPasswordEncryptionMode())) {
- return decryptOpenSSLPBKDF2(byokEncryptKey, config, value);
- }
- else {
- return decryptOpenSSLStandard(byokEncryptKey, config, value);
- }
- }
- private byte[] decryptOpenSSLStandard(BYOKEncryptKey byokEncryptKey, BYOKLocalConfig config, String value) throws UtilsException {
- SecretPasswordKeyDerivationConfig passwordKeyDerivationConfig = byokEncryptKey.pwdKeyDerivationConfig;
- DecryptOpenSSLPass decrypt = new DecryptOpenSSLPass(passwordKeyDerivationConfig.getPassword(),
- OpenSSLEncryptionMode.toMode(passwordKeyDerivationConfig.getPasswordEncryptionMode()));
- if(config.isBase64Encoding()) {
- return decrypt.decryptBase64(value);
- }
- else if(config.isHexEncoding()) {
- return decrypt.decryptHexBinary(value);
- }
- else {
- throw new UtilsException(ENCODING_MODE_UNDEFINED);
- }
- }
- private byte[] decryptOpenSSLPBKDF2(BYOKEncryptKey byokEncryptKey, BYOKLocalConfig config, String value) throws UtilsException {
- SecretPasswordKeyDerivationConfig passwordKeyDerivationConfig = byokEncryptKey.pwdKeyDerivationConfig;
- DecryptOpenSSLPassPBKDF2 decrypt = new DecryptOpenSSLPassPBKDF2(passwordKeyDerivationConfig.getPassword(),
- passwordKeyDerivationConfig.getPasswordIterator(),
- OpenSSLEncryptionMode.toMode(passwordKeyDerivationConfig.getPasswordEncryptionMode()));
- if(config.isBase64Encoding()) {
- return decrypt.decryptBase64(value);
- }
- else if(config.isHexEncoding()) {
- return decrypt.decryptHexBinary(value);
- }
- else {
- throw new UtilsException(ENCODING_MODE_UNDEFINED);
- }
- }
- }
- class BYOKEncryptKey{
- Key key = null;
- byte[]iv = null;
- byte[]salt = null;
- boolean secret = false;
- KeyStore ks = null;
- JsonWebKeys jsonWebKeys = null;
- SecretPasswordKeyDerivationConfig pwdKeyDerivationConfig = null;
- }