 * GovWay - A customizable API Gateway 
 * Copyright (c) 2005-2024 srl (
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
package org.openspcoop2.generic_project.expression.impl;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.openspcoop2.generic_project.beans.ComplexField;
import org.openspcoop2.generic_project.beans.ConstantField;
import org.openspcoop2.generic_project.beans.IField;
import org.openspcoop2.generic_project.beans.IModel;
import org.openspcoop2.generic_project.exception.ExpressionException;
import org.openspcoop2.generic_project.exception.ExpressionNotFoundException;
import org.openspcoop2.generic_project.exception.ExpressionNotImplementedException;
import org.openspcoop2.generic_project.expression.IExpression;
import org.openspcoop2.generic_project.expression.Index;
import org.openspcoop2.generic_project.expression.LikeMode;
import org.openspcoop2.generic_project.expression.SortOrder;
import org.openspcoop2.generic_project.expression.impl.formatter.IObjectFormatter;
import org.openspcoop2.generic_project.expression.impl.formatter.ObjectFormatter;
import org.openspcoop2.utils.UtilsRuntimeException;
import org.openspcoop2.utils.sql.DateTimePartEnum;
import org.openspcoop2.utils.sql.DayFormatEnum;

 * ExpressionImpl
 * @author Poli Andrea (
 * @author $Author$
 * @version $Rev$, $Date$
public class ExpressionImpl implements IExpression {

	private static final String FIELD_IS_NULL = "Field is null";
	private static final String FIELD_TYPE_CONSTANT_CANNOT_BE_USED = "The field type 'ConstantField' can not be used with this method";
	private boolean throwExpressionNotInitialized = false;
	protected IObjectFormatter objectFormatter;
	public IObjectFormatter getObjectFormatter() {
		return this.objectFormatter;
	public void setObjectFormatter(IObjectFormatter objectFormatter) {
		this.objectFormatter = objectFormatter;
	public ExpressionImpl() throws ExpressionException {
		this.objectFormatter = new ObjectFormatter();
	public ExpressionImpl(IObjectFormatter objectFormatter) throws ExpressionException{
			throw new ExpressionException("IObjectFormatter parameter is null");
		this.objectFormatter = objectFormatter;
	public ExpressionImpl(ExpressionImpl expr){
		this.andLogicOperator = expr.andLogicOperator;
		this.expressionEngine = expr.expressionEngine;
		this.notOperator = expr.notOperator;
		this.objectFormatter = expr.objectFormatter;
		this.orderedFields = expr.orderedFields;
		this.sortOrderEngine = expr.getSortOrder();
		this.groupByFields = expr.groupByFields;
		this.throwExpressionNotInitialized = expr.throwExpressionNotInitialized;
		this.forceIndexes = expr.forceIndexes;
	protected boolean andLogicOperator = true;
	protected AbstractBaseExpressionImpl expressionEngine;
	public AbstractBaseExpressionImpl getExpressionEngine() {
		return this.expressionEngine;
	protected boolean notOperator = false;
	private SortOrder sortOrderEngine = SortOrder.UNSORTED;
	protected List<OrderedField> orderedFields = new ArrayList<>();
	protected List<IField> groupByFields = new ArrayList<>();
	protected List<Index> forceIndexes = new ArrayList<>();
	protected Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<>();

	/* ************ STATE OF EXPRESSION *********** */
	 * Make the negation of the expression
	 * @return the instance of itself
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException Method not implemented
	 * @throws ExpressionException Error Processing
	public IExpression not() throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException{
			throw new ExpressionException("You can not use the NOT operation on an uninitialized expression");
		this.notOperator = true;
		return this;
	 * Use the conjunction "AND" for all expressions
	 * @return the instance of itself
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException Method not implemented
	 * @throws ExpressionException Error Processing
	public IExpression and() throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException{
		this.andLogicOperator = true;
		if(this.expressionEngine instanceof ConjunctionExpressionImpl){
		return this;

	 * Use the conjunction "OR" for all expressions
	 * @return the instance of itself
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException Method not implemented
	 * @throws ExpressionException Error Processing
	public IExpression or() throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException{
		this.andLogicOperator = false;
		if(this.expressionEngine instanceof ConjunctionExpressionImpl){
		return this;
	/* ************ COMPARATOR *********** */
	// Serve nella implementazione sql per poter correggere alcuni comparator dipendenti da database
	protected Comparator getCorrectComparator(Comparator comparator){
		return comparator;
	 * Create an expression of equality
	 * Example:  (field = value)
	 * @param field Resource identifier
	 * @param value Value
	 * @return Expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression equals(IField field, Object value)
		throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException {
		checkArgoments(field, value);
		this.buildComparatorExpression(field, value, getCorrectComparator(Comparator.EQUALS));
		return this;
	 * Create an expression of inequality
	 * Example:  (field &lt;&gt; value)
	 * @param field Resource identifier
	 * @param value Value
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression notEquals(IField field, Object value)
	throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException {
		checkArgoments(field, value);
		this.buildComparatorExpression(field, value, getCorrectComparator(Comparator.NOT_EQUALS));
		return this;

	 * Create an expression of equality to each resource in the collection of the keys of the Map
	 * Use the conjunction "AND" for all expressions
	 * Example:  ( field[0]=values[0] AND field[1]=values[1] ..... AND field[N]=values[N] )
	 * @param propertyNameValues Map that contains identifiers and their values
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression allEquals(Map<IField, Object> propertyNameValues)
	throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException {
		buildComparatorExpression(propertyNameValues, getCorrectComparator(Comparator.EQUALS), true);
		return this;

	 * Create an expression of inequality to each resource in the collection of the keys of the Map
	 * Use the conjunction "AND" for all expressions
	 * Example:  ( field[0]&lt;&gt;values[0] AND field[1]&lt;&gt;values[1] ..... AND field[N]&lt;&gt;values[N] )
	 * @param propertyNameValues Map that contains identifiers and their values
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression allNotEquals(Map<IField, Object> propertyNameValues)
	throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException {
		buildComparatorExpression(propertyNameValues, getCorrectComparator(Comparator.NOT_EQUALS), true);
		return this;

	 * Create an expression of equality to each resource in the collection of the keys of the Map
	 * Use the conjunction defined by <var>andConjunction</var> for all expressions
	 * Example:  ( field[0]=values[0] <var>andConjunction</var> field[1]=values[1] ..... <var>andConjunction</var> field[N]=values[N] )
	 * @param propertyNameValues Map that contains identifiers and their values
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression allEquals(Map<IField, Object> propertyNameValues,boolean andConjunction)
	throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException {
		buildComparatorExpression(propertyNameValues, getCorrectComparator(Comparator.EQUALS), andConjunction);
		return this;

	 * Create an expression of inequality to each resource in the collection of the keys of the Map
	 * Use the conjunction defined by <var>andConjunction</var> for all expressions
	 * Example:  ( field[0]&lt;&gt;values[0] <var>andConjunction</var> field[1]&lt;&gt;values[1] ..... <var>andConjunction</var> field[N]&lt;&gt;values[N] )
	 * @param propertyNameValues Map that contains identifiers and their values
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression allNotEquals(Map<IField, Object> propertyNameValues,boolean andConjunction)
	throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException {
		buildComparatorExpression(propertyNameValues, getCorrectComparator(Comparator.NOT_EQUALS), andConjunction);
		return this;
	 * Create an expression "greaterThan"
	 * Example:  (field &gt; value)
	 * @param field Resource identifier
	 * @param value Value
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression greaterThan(IField field, Object value)
	throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException {
		checkArgoments(field, value);
		this.buildComparatorExpression(field, value, getCorrectComparator(Comparator.GREATER_THAN));
		return this;

	 * Create an expression "greaterEquals"
	 * Example:  (field &gt;= value)
	 * @param field Resource identifier
	 * @param value Value
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression greaterEquals(IField field, Object value)
	throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException {
		checkArgoments(field, value);
		this.buildComparatorExpression(field, value, getCorrectComparator(Comparator.GREATER_EQUALS));
		return this;

	 * Create an expression "lessThan"
	 * Example:  (field &lt; value)
	 * @param field Resource identifier
	 * @param value Value
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression lessThan(IField field, Object value)
	throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException {
		checkArgoments(field, value);
		this.buildComparatorExpression(field, value, getCorrectComparator(Comparator.LESS_THAN));
		return this;

	 * Create an expression "lessEquals"
	 * Example:  (field &lt;= value)
	 * @param field Resource identifier
	 * @param value Value
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression lessEquals(IField field, Object value)
	throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException {
		checkArgoments(field, value);
		this.buildComparatorExpression(field, value, getCorrectComparator(Comparator.LESS_EQUALS));
		return this;

	/* ************ SPECIAL COMPARATOR *********** */
	 * Create an expression "is null"
	 * Example:  ( field is null )
	 * @param field Resource identifier
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression isNull(IField field) throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException{
		this.buildComparatorExpression(field, null, getCorrectComparator(Comparator.IS_NULL));
		return this;
	 * Create an expression "is not null"
	 * Example:  ( field is not null )
	 * @param field Resource identifier
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression isNotNull(IField field) throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException{
		this.buildComparatorExpression(field, null, getCorrectComparator(Comparator.IS_NOT_NULL));
		return this;
	 * Create an expression "is empty"
	 * Example:  ( field = '' )
	 * @param field Resource identifier
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression isEmpty(IField field) throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException{
		this.buildComparatorExpression(field, null, getCorrectComparator(Comparator.IS_EMPTY));
		return this;

	 * Create an expression "is not empty"
	 * Example:  ( field &lt;&gt; '' )
	 * @param field Resource identifier
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression isNotEmpty(IField field) throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException{
		this.buildComparatorExpression(field, null, getCorrectComparator(Comparator.IS_NOT_EMPTY));
		return this;

	/* ************ BETWEEN *********** */
	 * Create an expression "between"
	 * Example:  ( field BEETWEEN lower AND high )
	 * @param field Resource identifier
	 * @param lower Lower limit value to be applied to the constraint
	 * @param high Higher limit value to be applied to the constraint
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression between(IField field, Object lower, Object high)
	throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException {
		checkArgoments(field, lower, high);
		buildBeetweenExpression(field, lower, high);
		return this;

	/* ************ LIKE *********** */
	 * Create an expression "like"
	 * Example:  ( field like '%value%' )
	 * @param field Resource identifier
	 * @param value Value
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression like(IField field, String value)
	throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException {
		checkArgoments(field, value);
		buildLikeExpression(field, value, LikeMode.ANYWHERE, false);
		return this;

	 * Create an expression "like"
	 * Example:  
	 * 	 LikeMode.ANYWHERE -&gt; ( field like '%value%' )
	 *   LikeMode.EXACT -&gt; ( field like 'value' )
	 *   LikeMode.END -&gt; ( field like '%value' )
	 *   LikeMode.START -&gt; ( field like 'value%' )
	 * @param field Resource identifier
	 * @param value Value
	 * @param mode LikeMode
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression like(IField field, String value, LikeMode mode)
	throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException {
		checkArgoments(field, value);
		buildLikeExpression(field, value, mode, false);
		return this;

	 * Create an expression "like" case-insensitive
	 * Example:  ( toLower(field) like '%toLower(value)%' )  
	 * @param field Resource identifier
	 * @param value Value
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression ilike(IField field, String value)
	throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException {
		checkArgoments(field, value);
		buildLikeExpression(field, value, LikeMode.ANYWHERE, true);
		return this;

	 * Create an expression "like" case-insensitive
	 * Example:  
	 *   LikeMode.ANYWHERE -&gt; ( toLower(field) like '%toLower(value)%' )
	 *   LikeMode.EXACT -&gt; ( toLower(field) like 'toLower(value)' )
	 *   LikeMode.END -&gt; ( toLower(field) like '%toLower(value)' )
	 *   LikeMode.START -&gt; ( toLower(field) like 'toLower(value)%' )
	 * @param field Resource identifier
	 * @param value Value
	 * @param mode LikeMode
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression ilike(IField field, String value, LikeMode mode)
	throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException {
		checkArgoments(field, value);
		buildLikeExpression(field, value, mode, true);
		return this;

	/* ************ DATE PART *********** */
	 * Create an expression che verifica l'anno di una data
	 * Example:  ( EXTRACT(YEAR FROM field) = 'value' )  
	 * @param field Resource identifier
	 * @param value Value
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression isYear(IField field, int value) throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException{
		checkArgoments(field, value);
		buildDateTimePartExpression(field, value+"", DateTimePartEnum.YEAR);
		return this;
	public IExpression isYear(IField field, String value) throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException{
		checkArgoments(field, value);
		buildDateTimePartExpression(field, value, DateTimePartEnum.YEAR);
		return this;
	 * Create an expression che verifica il mese (numerico) di una data
	 * Example:  ( EXTRACT(MONTH FROM field) = 'value' )  
	 * @param field Resource identifier
	 * @param value Value
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression isMonth(IField field, int value) throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException{
		checkArgoments(field, value);
		buildDateTimePartExpression(field, value+"", DateTimePartEnum.MONTH);
		return this;
	public IExpression isMonth(IField field, String value) throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException{
		checkArgoments(field, value);
		buildDateTimePartExpression(field, value, DateTimePartEnum.MONTH);
		return this;
	 * Create an expression che verifica il giorno del mese di una data
	 * Example:  ( EXTRACT(DAY FROM field) = 'value' )  
	 * @param field Resource identifier
	 * @param value Value
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression isDayOfMonth(IField field, int value) throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException{
		checkArgoments(field, value);
		buildDateTimePartExpression(field, value+"", DateTimePartEnum.DAY);
		return this;
	public IExpression isDayOfMonth(IField field, String value) throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException{
		checkArgoments(field, value);
		buildDateTimePartExpression(field, value, DateTimePartEnum.DAY);
		return this;
	 * Create an expression che verifica il giorno dell'anno di una data
	 * Example:  ( TO_CHAR(data_ingresso_richiesta, 'DDD') = 'value' )  
	 * @param field Resource identifier
	 * @param value Value
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression isDayOfYear(IField field, int value) throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException{
		checkArgoments(field, value);
		buildDayFormatExpression(field, value+"", DayFormatEnum.DAY_OF_YEAR);
		return this;
	public IExpression isDayOfYear(IField field, String value) throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException{
		checkArgoments(field, value);
		buildDayFormatExpression(field, value, DayFormatEnum.DAY_OF_YEAR);
		return this;
	 * Create an expression che verifica il giorno della settimana di una data
	 * Example:  ( TO_CHAR(data_ingresso_richiesta, 'D') = 'value' )  
	 * @param field Resource identifier
	 * @param value Value
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression isDayOfWeek(IField field, int value) throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException{
		checkArgoments(field, value);
		buildDayFormatExpression(field, value+"", DayFormatEnum.DAY_OF_WEEK);
		return this;
	public IExpression isDayOfWeek(IField field, String value) throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException{
		checkArgoments(field, value);
		buildDayFormatExpression(field, value, DayFormatEnum.DAY_OF_WEEK);
		return this;
	 * Create an expression che verifica l'ora di una data
	 * Example:  ( EXTRACT(HOUR FROM field) = 'value' )  
	 * @param field Resource identifier
	 * @param value Value
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression isHour(IField field, int value) throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException{
		checkArgoments(field, value);
		buildDateTimePartExpression(field, value+"", DateTimePartEnum.HOUR);
		return this;
	public IExpression isHour(IField field, String value) throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException{
		checkArgoments(field, value);
		buildDateTimePartExpression(field, value, DateTimePartEnum.HOUR);
		return this;
	 * Create an expression che verifica i minuti di una data
	 * Example:  ( EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM field) = 'value' )  
	 * @param field Resource identifier
	 * @param value Value
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression isMinute(IField field, int value) throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException{
		checkArgoments(field, value);
		buildDateTimePartExpression(field, value+"", DateTimePartEnum.MINUTE);
		return this;
	public IExpression isMinute(IField field, String value) throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException{
		checkArgoments(field, value);
		buildDateTimePartExpression(field, value, DateTimePartEnum.MINUTE);
		return this;
	 * Create an expression che verifica i secondi di una data
	 * Example:  ( EXTRACT(SECOND FROM field) = 'value' )  
	 * @param field Resource identifier
	 * @param value Value
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression isSecond(IField field, int value) throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException{
		checkArgoments(field, value);
		buildDateTimePartExpression(field, value+"", DateTimePartEnum.SECOND);
		return this;
	public IExpression isSecond(IField field, double value) throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException{
		checkArgoments(field, value);
		buildDateTimePartExpression(field, value+"", DateTimePartEnum.SECOND);
		return this;
	public IExpression isSecond(IField field, String value) throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException{
		checkArgoments(field, value);
		buildDateTimePartExpression(field, value, DateTimePartEnum.SECOND);
		return this;
	 * Create an expression che verifica il giorno di una data, nel formato umano (es. Friday)
	 * Example:  ( TO_CHAR(data_ingresso_richiesta, 'DAY') = 'value' )  
	 * @param field Resource identifier
	 * @param value Value
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression isFullDayName(IField field, String value) throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException{
		checkArgoments(field, value);
		buildDayFormatExpression(field, value, DayFormatEnum.FULL_DAY_NAME);
		return this;
	 * Create an expression che verifica il giorno di una data, nel formato compatto umano (es. Fri)
	 * Example:  ( TO_CHAR(data_ingresso_richiesta, 'DY') = 'value' )  
	 * @param field Resource identifier
	 * @param value Value
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression isShortDayName(IField field, String value) throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException{
		checkArgoments(field, value);
		buildDayFormatExpression(field, value, DayFormatEnum.SHORT_DAY_NAME);
		return this;

	/* ************ IN *********** */
	 * Create an expression "in" verifying that the value of <var>field</var> is one of those given in the param <var>values</var>
	 * Example:  ( field IN ('values[0]', 'values[1]', ... ,'values[n]')  )
	 * @param field Resource identifier
	 * @param values Values
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression in(IField field, Object... values)
	throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException {
		checkArgoments(field, values);
		buildInExpression(field, values);
		return this;

	 * Create an expression "in" verifying that the value of <var>field</var> is one of those given in the param <var>values</var>
	 * Example:  ( field IN ('values[0]', 'values[1]', ... ,'values[n]')  )
	 * @param field Resource identifier
	 * @param values Values
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression in(IField field, Collection<?> values)
	throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException {
			throw new ExpressionException("Values is null");
		checkArgoments(field,  values.toArray(new Object[1]));
		buildInExpression(field, values.toArray(new Object[1]));
		return this;

	/* ************ CONJUNCTION *********** */
	 *  Adds to the expression in the conjunction "AND" of the espressions given as a parameters
	 *  Example: ( exp1 AND exp2  )
	 * @param exp1 Filter combined in AND with <var>exp1</var>
	 * @param exp2 Filter combined in AND with <var>exp2</var>
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression and(IExpression exp1, IExpression exp2)
	throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException {
		IExpression [] expr = new IExpression[2];
		expr[0] = exp1;
		expr[1] = exp2;
		return this.and(expr);

	 *  Adds to the expression in the conjunction "AND" of the espressions given as a parameters
	 *  Example: ( expressions[1] AND expressions[2] AND ... expressions[N] )
	 * @param expressions Expressions combined in AND
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression and(IExpression... expressions)
		throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException {
		buildConjunctionExpression(true, expressions);
		return this;

	 *  Adds to the expression in the conjunction "OR" of the espressions given as a parameters
	 *  Example: ( exp1 OR exp2  )
	 * @param exp1 Filter combined in OR with <var>exp1</var>
	 * @param exp2 Filter combined in OR with <var>exp2</var>
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression or(IExpression exp1, IExpression exp2)
	throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException {
		IExpression [] expr = new IExpression[2];
		expr[0] = exp1;
		expr[1] = exp2;
		return this.or(expr);

	 *  Adds to the expression in the conjunction "OR" of the espressions given as a parameters
	 *  Example: ( expressions[1] OR expressions[2] OR ... expressions[N] )
	 * @param expressions Expressions combined in OR
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression or(IExpression... expressions)
	throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException {
		buildConjunctionExpression(false, expressions);
		return this;

	/* ************ NEGATION *********** */
	 * Adding to the negation of the expression passed as parameter
	 * Example: ( NOT expression )
	 * @param expression Expression
	 * @return the instance of itself enriched with expression that represents the constraint
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException
	public IExpression not(IExpression expression)
	throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException {
		if(! (expression instanceof ExpressionImpl) ){
			throw new ExpressionException("Expression has wrong type expect: "+ExpressionImpl.class.getName()+"  found: "+expression.getClass().getName());
		return this;
	/* ************ ORDER *********** */
	 * Sets the sort of research 
	 * @param sortOrder sort of research 
	 * @return the instance of itself
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException Method not implemented
	 * @throws ExpressionException Error Processing
	public IExpression sortOrder(SortOrder sortOrder)
			throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException {
		this.sortOrderEngine = sortOrder;
		return this;

	 * Adds a sort field order
	 * @param field sort field order
	 * @return the instance of itself
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException Method not implemented
	 * @throws ExpressionException Error Processing
	public IExpression addOrder(IField field)
			throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException {
		if(this.sortOrderEngine==null || SortOrder.UNSORTED.equals(this.sortOrderEngine)){
			throw new ExpressionException("To add order by conditions must first be defined the sort order (by sortOrder method)"); 
		this.orderedFields.add(new OrderedField(field, this.sortOrderEngine));
		return this;
	 * Adds a sort field order
	 * @param field sort field order
	 * @param sortOrder sort of research 
	 * @return the instance of itself
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException Method not implemented
	 * @throws ExpressionException Error Processing
	public IExpression addOrder(IField field, SortOrder sortOrder) throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException{
			throw new ExpressionException("Sort order parameter undefined"); 
			throw new ExpressionException("Sort order parameter not valid (use ASC or DESC)"); 
		this.orderedFields.add(new OrderedField(field, sortOrder));
		return this;
	public List<OrderedField> getOrderedFields() {
		return this.orderedFields;
	public SortOrder getSortOrder(){
			( this.sortOrderEngine==null || SortOrder.UNSORTED.equals(this.sortOrderEngine) ) 
			( this.orderedFields!=null && !this.orderedFields.isEmpty() )
			// ritorno un sortOrder a caso tra i orderedFields, tanto poi viene usato sempre quello indicato per ogni field.
			return this.orderedFields.get(0).getSortOrder();
		return this.sortOrderEngine;
	/* ************ GROUP BY *********** */
	public IExpression addGroupBy(IField field)
			throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException {
		return this;
	public List<IField> getGroupByFields() {
		return this.groupByFields;
	/* ************ IN USE MODEL/FIELD EXPRESSION *********** */
	 * Return the information as the <var>field</var> is used in the expression
	 * @param field field test
	 * @return information as the <var>field</var> is used in the expression
	public boolean inUseField(IField field,boolean checkOnlyWhereCondition) throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException {
		if(this.expressionEngine==null &&
			checkOnlyWhereCondition) {
			return false;
		if( this.expressionEngine!=null && this.expressionEngine.inUseField(field) ){
			return true;
			boolean check = checkUseField(field);
			if(check) {
				return true;
		return false;
	private boolean checkUseField(IField field) {
			for (int i = 0; i < this.orderedFields.size(); i++) {
					return true;
			for (int i = 0; i < this.groupByFields.size(); i++) {
					return true;
		return false;
	 * Return the information as there are few fields in the expression belonging to the <var>model</var>
	 * @param model model test
	 * @return information as there are few fields in the expression belonging to the <var>model</var>
	public boolean inUseModel(IModel<?> model,boolean checkOnlyWhereCondition) throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException {
		if(this.expressionEngine==null &&
			checkOnlyWhereCondition) {
			return false;
		if( this.expressionEngine!=null && this.expressionEngine.inUseModel(model) ){
			return true;
				for (int i = 0; i < this.orderedFields.size(); i++) {
					IField field = this.orderedFields.get(i).getField();
					boolean inUseModel = false;
						// Modello di un elemento non radice
						if(field instanceof ComplexField){
							ComplexField c = (ComplexField) field;
							inUseModel = c.getFather().equals(model.getBaseField());
							String modeClassName = model.getModeledClass().getName() + "";
							inUseModel = modeClassName.equals(field.getClassType().getName());
						String modeClassName = model.getModeledClass().getName() + "";
						inUseModel = modeClassName.equals(field.getClassType().getName());
						return true;
				for (int i = 0; i < this.groupByFields.size(); i++) {
					IField field = this.groupByFields.get(i);
					boolean inUseModel = false;
						// Modello di un elemento non radice
						if(field instanceof ComplexField){
							ComplexField c = (ComplexField) field;
							inUseModel = c.getFather().equals(model.getBaseField());
							String modeClassName = model.getModeledClass().getName() + "";
							inUseModel = modeClassName.equals(field.getClassType().getName());
						String modeClassName = model.getModeledClass().getName() + "";
						inUseModel = modeClassName.equals(field.getClassType().getName());
						return true;
		return false;
	/* ************ GET FIELDS INTO EXPRESSION *********** */
	 * Return the fields userd in the expression
	 * @return Return the fields userd in the expression
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException
	 * @throws ExpressionException
	public List<IField> getFields(boolean onlyWhereCondition) throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException{
		List<IField> o = this.expressionEngine!=null ? this.expressionEngine.getFields() : null;
			o = addFieldByOrderBy(o);
			o = addFieldByGroupBy(o);
		return o; 
	private List<IField> addFieldByOrderBy(List<IField> o) {
			for (int i = 0; i < this.orderedFields.size(); i++) {
				IField field = this.orderedFields.get(i).getField();
					o = new ArrayList<>();
		return o;
	private List<IField> addFieldByGroupBy(List<IField> o) {
			for (int i = 0; i < this.groupByFields.size(); i++) {
				IField field = this.groupByFields.get(i);
					o = new ArrayList<>();
		return o;
	 * Return the object associated with the <var>field</var> present in the expression
	 * @param field field test
	 * @return the object associated with the <var>field</var> present in the expression
	public List<Object> getWhereConditionFieldValues(IField field) throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionNotFoundException, ExpressionException{
			throw new ExpressionNotFoundException("Field is not used in expression (Expression is empty)");
			throw new ExpressionNotFoundException("Field is not used in expression ["+field.toString()+"]");
		List<Object> o = this.expressionEngine.getFieldValues(field);
			// non dovrei mai entrarci
			throw new ExpressionNotFoundException("Field is not used in expression ["+field.toString()+"] (null??)");
		return o; 
	/* ************ EXPRESSION STATE *********** */
	 * Return an indication if the expression contains 'where conditions' 
	 * @return indication if the expression contains 'where conditions' 
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException Method not implemented
	 * @throws ExpressionException Error Processing
	public boolean isWhereConditionsPresent() throws ExpressionNotImplementedException, ExpressionException{
		return this.expressionEngine==null;
	/* ************ INDEX *********** */
	 * Force use index
	 * @param index index
	 * @return the instance of itself
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException Method not implemented
	 * @throws ExpressionException Error Processing
	public IExpression addForceIndex(Index index) throws ExpressionNotImplementedException,ExpressionException{
		return this;
	 * Return the force indexes
	 * @return list force indexes
	 * @throws ExpressionNotImplementedException Method not implemented
	 * @throws ExpressionException Error Processing
	public List<Index> getForceIndexes() {
		return this.forceIndexes;
	/* ************ PROPERTY *********** */
	public void addProperty(String name, Object value) {, value);
	public Object getProperty(String name) {

	/* ************ TO STRING *********** */
	public String toString(){
		return this.toString(true);
	protected String toString(boolean printForceIndex){
		String s = super.toString();
			return s;
				throw new UtilsRuntimeException("Expression is not initialized");
			StringBuilder bf = new StringBuilder();
				bf.append(" GROUP BY ");
				int index = 0;
				for (Iterator<IField> iterator = this.groupByFields.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
					IField field =;
						bf.append(" , ");
					if(field instanceof ComplexField){
						ComplexField cf = (ComplexField) field;
				bf.append(" ORDER BY ");
					int index = 0;
					for (Iterator<OrderedField> iterator = this.orderedFields.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
						OrderedField orderedField =;
							bf.append(" , ");
						IField field = orderedField.getField();
						if(field instanceof ComplexField){
							ComplexField cf = (ComplexField) field;
						bf.append(" ");
					bf.append(" DEFAULT_ORDER_FIELD");
					bf.append(" ");
			return bf.toString();
	protected void printForceIndex(StringBuilder bf){
			for (Iterator<Index> iterator =this.forceIndexes.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
				Index forceIndex =;			
				String forceIndexSql = "/*+ index("+forceIndex.getModel().getModeledClass().getSimpleName()+" "+forceIndex.getName()+") */";
				bf.append(" ");
	/* ************ OBJECTS ************ */
	protected ComparatorExpressionImpl getComparatorExpression(IField field, Object value, Comparator c) {
		return new ComparatorExpressionImpl(this.objectFormatter,field,value,c);
	protected BetweenExpressionImpl getBetweenExpression(IField field, Object lower, Object high) {
		return new BetweenExpressionImpl(this.objectFormatter,field,lower,high);
	protected InExpressionImpl getInExpression(IField field, Object... values) {
		List<Object> lista = new ArrayList<>();
		if(values!=null && values.length>0){
		return new InExpressionImpl(this.objectFormatter,field, lista);
	protected LikeExpressionImpl getLikeExpression(IField field, String value, LikeMode mode, boolean caseInsensitive) {
		return new LikeExpressionImpl(this.objectFormatter,field, value, mode, caseInsensitive);
	protected DateTimePartExpressionImpl getDateTimePartExpression(IField field, String value, DateTimePartEnum dateTimePartEnum) {
		return new DateTimePartExpressionImpl(this.objectFormatter,field, value, dateTimePartEnum);
	protected DayFormatExpressionImpl getDayFormatExpression(IField field, String value, DayFormatEnum dayFormatEnum) {
		return new DayFormatExpressionImpl(this.objectFormatter,field, value, dayFormatEnum);
	protected ConjunctionExpressionImpl getConjunctionExpression() {
		return new ConjunctionExpressionImpl(this.objectFormatter);
	/* ************ UTILITY - BUILD ************ */
	protected void buildComparatorExpression(IField field, Object value, Comparator c) {
		ComparatorExpressionImpl cExp = getComparatorExpression(field,value,c);
			this.expressionEngine = cExp;
	protected void buildComparatorExpression(Map<IField, Object> propertyNameValues,Comparator c,boolean and) {
		Iterator<IField> fieldsIt = propertyNameValues.keySet().iterator();
		ConjunctionExpressionImpl newConjunctionExpr = getConjunctionExpression();
		while (fieldsIt.hasNext()) {
			IField field =;
			Object value = propertyNameValues.get(field);
	protected void buildBeetweenExpression(IField field, Object lower, Object high) {
		BetweenExpressionImpl cExp = getBetweenExpression(field,lower,high);
			this.expressionEngine = cExp;
	protected void buildInExpression(IField field, Object... values) {
		InExpressionImpl cExp = getInExpression(field, values);
			this.expressionEngine = cExp;
	protected void buildLikeExpression(IField field, String value, LikeMode mode, boolean caseInsensitive) {
		LikeExpressionImpl cExp = getLikeExpression(field, value, mode, caseInsensitive);
			this.expressionEngine = cExp;
	protected void buildDateTimePartExpression(IField field, String value, DateTimePartEnum dateTimePartEnum) {
		DateTimePartExpressionImpl cExp = getDateTimePartExpression(field, value, dateTimePartEnum);
			this.expressionEngine = cExp;
	protected void buildDayFormatExpression(IField field, String value, DayFormatEnum dayFormatEnum) {
		DayFormatExpressionImpl cExp = getDayFormatExpression(field, value, dayFormatEnum);
			this.expressionEngine = cExp;
	protected void buildNotExpression(AbstractBaseExpressionImpl expr) {
			this.expressionEngine = expr;
			String s1 = this.expressionEngine.toString();
			String s2 = expr.toString();
				// same
				this.expressionEngine = expr;
	protected void buildConjunctionExpression(boolean and,IExpression... expressions) {
		ConjunctionExpressionImpl cExp = getConjunctionExpression();
		boolean add = false;
		for (int i = 0; i < expressions.length; i++) {
			ExpressionImpl xmlExpression = (ExpressionImpl) expressions[i];
				add = true;
				this.expressionEngine = cExp;
	protected void conjunctionWithInternalInstance(AbstractBaseExpressionImpl newExpr) {
		ConjunctionExpressionImpl newConjunctionExpr = getConjunctionExpression();
			if(! (this.expressionEngine instanceof ConjunctionExpressionImpl) ){
				// se non e' una congiunzione e' una singola operazione.
				// se e' una congiunzione verifico che al suo interno vi siano solo semplici operazioni e non altre congiunzioni e che l'operatore utilizzato sia quello di default.
				// se cosi' e' evito di creare una struttura simile alla seguente: ((A and B) and C)
				// Preferisco invece ricreare un nuovo oggetto equivalente: A and B and C
				boolean simpleConjunction = true;
				ConjunctionExpressionImpl cTest = (ConjunctionExpressionImpl) this.expressionEngine;
				if(cTest.isAndConjunction() != this.andLogicOperator){
					simpleConjunction = false;
					for (Iterator<AbstractBaseExpressionImpl> iterator = cTest.getLista().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
						AbstractBaseExpressionImpl expr =;
						if( expr instanceof ConjunctionExpressionImpl ){
							simpleConjunction = false;
					for (Iterator<AbstractBaseExpressionImpl> iterator = cTest.getLista().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
						AbstractBaseExpressionImpl expr =;
						// Perchè ??? expr.setNot(false); Se si setta sempre a false una operazione scritta come and().not(expr).and().equals(a,2) resetta il not.
		this.expressionEngine = newConjunctionExpr;
	/* ************ UTILITY - CHECK ************ */
	protected void checkArgoments(IField field) throws ExpressionException {
		this.checkArgoments(field, true);
	protected void checkArgoments(IField field, boolean constantPermit) throws ExpressionException {
			throw new ExpressionException(FIELD_IS_NULL);
		if(!constantPermit &&
			(field instanceof ConstantField)
			throw new ExpressionException(FIELD_TYPE_CONSTANT_CANNOT_BE_USED);
	protected void checkArgoments(IField field, Object value) throws ExpressionException {
		this.checkArgoments(field, value, true);
	protected void checkArgoments(IField field, Object value, boolean constantPermit) throws ExpressionException {
			throw new ExpressionException(FIELD_IS_NULL);
			throw new ExpressionException("Value is null for field: "+field.toString());
		}catch(Exception e){
			throw new ExpressionException("[Value] "+e.getMessage(),e);
		if(!constantPermit &&
			(field instanceof ConstantField)
			throw new ExpressionException(FIELD_TYPE_CONSTANT_CANNOT_BE_USED);
	protected void checkArgoments(IField field, Object [] values) throws ExpressionException {
		this.checkArgoments(field, values, true);
	protected void checkArgoments(IField field, Object [] values, boolean constantPermit) throws ExpressionException {
			throw new ExpressionException(FIELD_IS_NULL);
			throw new ExpressionException("Values is null");
		for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
				throw new ExpressionException("Values["+i+"] is null for field: "+field.toString());
			}catch(Exception e){
				throw new ExpressionException("[Value["+i+"]] "+e.getMessage(),e);
		if(!constantPermit &&
			(field instanceof ConstantField)
			throw new ExpressionException(FIELD_TYPE_CONSTANT_CANNOT_BE_USED);
	protected void checkArgoments(IField field, Object lower, Object high) throws ExpressionException {
		this.checkArgoments(field, lower, high, true);
	protected void checkArgoments(IField field, Object lower, Object high, boolean constantPermit) throws ExpressionException {
			throw new ExpressionException(FIELD_IS_NULL);
			throw new ExpressionException("Lower is null for field: "+field.toString());
			throw new ExpressionException("High is null for field: "+field.toString());
		}catch(Exception e){
			throw new ExpressionException("[Lower] "+e.getMessage(),e);
		}catch(Exception e){
			throw new ExpressionException("[High] "+e.getMessage(),e);
		if(!constantPermit &&
			(field instanceof ConstantField)
			throw new ExpressionException(FIELD_TYPE_CONSTANT_CANNOT_BE_USED);
	protected void checkArgoments(Map<IField, Object> propertyNameValues) throws ExpressionException {
		this.checkArgoments(propertyNameValues, true);
	protected void checkArgoments(Map<IField, Object> propertyNameValues, boolean constantPermit) throws ExpressionException {
		if(propertyNameValues == null){
			throw new ExpressionException("PropertyNameValues is null");
		Iterator<IField> fieldsIt = propertyNameValues.keySet().iterator();
		while (fieldsIt.hasNext()) {
			IField iField =;
				throw new ExpressionException(FIELD_IS_NULL);
				throw new ExpressionException("Value for Field["+iField+"] is null");	
			}catch(Exception e){
				throw new ExpressionException("[Value for Field["+iField+"]] "+e.getMessage(),e);
			if(!constantPermit &&
				(iField instanceof ConstantField)
				throw new ExpressionException(FIELD_TYPE_CONSTANT_CANNOT_BE_USED);
	protected void checkConjunctionOperation(IExpression... expressions) throws ExpressionException {
		if(expressions==null || expressions.length<=0){
			throw new ExpressionException("Expressions is null or is empty");
		for (int i = 0; i < expressions.length; i++) {
			if(expressions[i] == null){
				throw new ExpressionException("Expression["+i+"] is null");
			if( ! (expressions[i] instanceof ExpressionImpl)){
				throw new ExpressionException("Expression["+i+"] has wrong type expect: "+ExpressionImpl.class.getName()+"  found: "+expressions[i].getClass().getName());
