- /*
- * GovWay - A customizable API Gateway
- * https://govway.org
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2005-2025 Link.it srl (https://link.it).
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- *
- */
- package org.openspcoop2.core.statistiche.dao.jdbc;
- import org.openspcoop2.generic_project.dao.jdbc.IJDBCServiceCRUDWithoutId;
- import org.openspcoop2.generic_project.beans.NonNegativeNumber;
- import org.openspcoop2.generic_project.beans.UpdateField;
- import org.openspcoop2.generic_project.beans.UpdateModel;
- import org.openspcoop2.generic_project.dao.jdbc.JDBCProperties;
- import org.openspcoop2.generic_project.exception.NotFoundException;
- import org.openspcoop2.generic_project.exception.NotImplementedException;
- import org.openspcoop2.generic_project.exception.ServiceException;
- import org.openspcoop2.generic_project.exception.ValidationException;
- import org.openspcoop2.generic_project.expression.IExpression;
- import org.openspcoop2.generic_project.dao.jdbc.JDBCExpression;
- import org.openspcoop2.core.statistiche.StatisticaMensile;
- import org.openspcoop2.core.statistiche.dao.IDBStatisticaMensileService;
- import org.openspcoop2.core.statistiche.utils.ProjectInfo;
- import java.sql.Connection;
- import org.openspcoop2.utils.sql.ISQLQueryObject;
- /**
- * Service can be used to search for and manage the backend objects of type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.statistiche.StatisticaMensile}
- *
- * @author Poli Andrea (poli@link.it)
- * @author $Author$
- * @version $Rev$, $Date$
- */
- public class JDBCStatisticaMensileService extends JDBCStatisticaMensileServiceSearch implements IDBStatisticaMensileService {
- private IJDBCServiceCRUDWithoutId<StatisticaMensile, JDBCServiceManager> serviceCRUD = null;
- public JDBCStatisticaMensileService(JDBCServiceManager jdbcServiceManager) throws ServiceException {
- super(jdbcServiceManager);
- String msgInit = JDBCStatisticaMensileService.class.getName()+ " initialized";
- this.log.debug(msgInit);
- this.serviceCRUD = JDBCProperties.getInstance(org.openspcoop2.core.statistiche.dao.jdbc.JDBCServiceManager.class.getPackage(),ProjectInfo.getInstance()).getServiceCRUD("statisticaMensile");
- this.serviceCRUD.setServiceManager(new JDBCLimitedServiceManager(this.jdbcServiceManager));
- }
- private static final String PARAMETER_TYPE_PREFIX = "Parameter (type:";
- private ServiceException newServiceExceptionParameterIsNull(){
- return new ServiceException(PARAMETER_TYPE_PREFIX+StatisticaMensile.class.getName()+") 'statisticaMensile' is null");
- }
- private ServiceException newServiceExceptionParameterIsLessEqualsZero(){
- return new ServiceException(PARAMETER_TYPE_PREFIX+long.class.getName()+") 'tableId' is less equals 0");
- }
- private ServiceException newServiceExceptionParameterUpdateFieldsIsNull(){
- return new ServiceException(PARAMETER_TYPE_PREFIX+UpdateField.class.getName()+") 'updateFields' is null");
- }
- private ServiceException newServiceExceptionParameterConditionIsNull(){
- return new ServiceException(PARAMETER_TYPE_PREFIX+IExpression.class.getName()+") 'condition' is null");
- }
- private ServiceException newServiceExceptionParameterUpdateModelsIsNull(){
- return new ServiceException(PARAMETER_TYPE_PREFIX+UpdateModel.class.getName()+") 'updateModels' is null");
- }
- private ServiceException newServiceExceptionUpdateFieldsNotCompleted(Exception e){
- return new ServiceException("UpdateFields not completed: "+e.getMessage(),e);
- }
- private void releaseResources(boolean rollback, Connection connection, boolean oldValueAutoCommit) throws ServiceException {
- if(this.jdbcProperties.isAutomaticTransactionManagement()){
- manageTransaction(rollback, connection);
- try{
- if(connection!=null)
- connection.setAutoCommit(oldValueAutoCommit);
- }catch(Exception eIgnore){
- // ignore
- }
- }
- if(connection!=null){
- this.jdbcServiceManager.closeConnection(connection);
- }
- }
- private void manageTransaction(boolean rollback, Connection connection) {
- if(rollback){
- try{
- if(connection!=null)
- connection.rollback();
- }catch(Exception eIgnore){
- // ignore
- }
- }else{
- try{
- if(connection!=null)
- connection.commit();
- }catch(Exception eIgnore){
- // ignore
- }
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void create(StatisticaMensile statisticaMensile) throws ServiceException, NotImplementedException {
- try{
- this.create(statisticaMensile, false, null);
- }catch(ValidationException vE){
- // not possible
- throw new ServiceException(vE.getMessage(), vE);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void create(StatisticaMensile statisticaMensile, org.openspcoop2.generic_project.beans.IDMappingBehaviour idMappingResolutionBehaviour) throws ServiceException, NotImplementedException {
- try{
- this.create(statisticaMensile, false, idMappingResolutionBehaviour);
- }catch(ValidationException vE){
- // not possible
- throw new ServiceException(vE.getMessage(), vE);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void create(StatisticaMensile statisticaMensile, boolean validate) throws ServiceException, NotImplementedException, ValidationException {
- this.create(statisticaMensile, validate, null);
- }
- @Override
- public void create(StatisticaMensile statisticaMensile, boolean validate, org.openspcoop2.generic_project.beans.IDMappingBehaviour idMappingResolutionBehaviour) throws ServiceException, NotImplementedException, ValidationException {
- Connection connection = null;
- boolean oldValueAutoCommit = false;
- boolean rollback = false;
- try{
- // check parameters
- if(statisticaMensile==null){
- throw this.newServiceExceptionParameterIsNull();
- }
- // validate
- if(validate){
- this.validate(statisticaMensile);
- }
- // ISQLQueryObject
- ISQLQueryObject sqlQueryObject = this.jdbcSqlObjectFactory.createSQLQueryObject(this.jdbcProperties.getDatabase());
- sqlQueryObject.setANDLogicOperator(true);
- // Connection sql
- connection = this.jdbcServiceManager.getConnection();
- // transaction
- if(this.jdbcProperties.isAutomaticTransactionManagement()){
- oldValueAutoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit();
- connection.setAutoCommit(false);
- }
- this.serviceCRUD.create(this.jdbcProperties,this.log,connection,sqlQueryObject,statisticaMensile,idMappingResolutionBehaviour);
- }catch(ServiceException | NotImplementedException | ValidationException e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw e;
- }catch(Exception e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw new ServiceException("Create not completed: "+e.getMessage(),e);
- }finally{
- this.releaseResources(rollback, connection, oldValueAutoCommit);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void update(StatisticaMensile statisticaMensile) throws ServiceException, NotFoundException, NotImplementedException {
- try{
- this.update(statisticaMensile, false, null);
- }catch(ValidationException vE){
- // not possible
- throw new ServiceException(vE.getMessage(), vE);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void update(StatisticaMensile statisticaMensile, org.openspcoop2.generic_project.beans.IDMappingBehaviour idMappingResolutionBehaviour) throws ServiceException, NotFoundException, NotImplementedException {
- try{
- this.update(statisticaMensile, false, idMappingResolutionBehaviour);
- }catch(ValidationException vE){
- // not possible
- throw new ServiceException(vE.getMessage(), vE);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void update(StatisticaMensile statisticaMensile, boolean validate) throws ServiceException, NotFoundException, NotImplementedException, ValidationException {
- this.update(statisticaMensile, validate, null);
- }
- @Override
- public void update(StatisticaMensile statisticaMensile, boolean validate, org.openspcoop2.generic_project.beans.IDMappingBehaviour idMappingResolutionBehaviour) throws ServiceException, NotFoundException, NotImplementedException, ValidationException {
- Connection connection = null;
- boolean oldValueAutoCommit = false;
- boolean rollback = false;
- try{
- // check parameters
- if(statisticaMensile==null){
- throw this.newServiceExceptionParameterIsNull();
- }
- // validate
- if(validate){
- this.validate(statisticaMensile);
- }
- // ISQLQueryObject
- ISQLQueryObject sqlQueryObject = this.jdbcSqlObjectFactory.createSQLQueryObject(this.jdbcProperties.getDatabase());
- sqlQueryObject.setANDLogicOperator(true);
- // Connection sql
- connection = this.jdbcServiceManager.getConnection();
- // transaction
- if(this.jdbcProperties.isAutomaticTransactionManagement()){
- oldValueAutoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit();
- connection.setAutoCommit(false);
- }
- this.serviceCRUD.update(this.jdbcProperties,this.log,connection,sqlQueryObject,statisticaMensile,idMappingResolutionBehaviour);
- }catch(ServiceException | NotImplementedException | ValidationException e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw e;
- }catch(NotFoundException e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logDebug(e); throw e;
- }catch(Exception e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw new ServiceException("Update not completed: "+e.getMessage(),e);
- }finally{
- this.releaseResources(rollback, connection, oldValueAutoCommit);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void update(long tableId, StatisticaMensile statisticaMensile) throws ServiceException, NotFoundException, NotImplementedException {
- try{
- this.update(tableId, statisticaMensile, false, null);
- }catch(ValidationException vE){
- // not possible
- throw new ServiceException(vE.getMessage(), vE);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void update(long tableId, StatisticaMensile statisticaMensile, org.openspcoop2.generic_project.beans.IDMappingBehaviour idMappingResolutionBehaviour) throws ServiceException, NotFoundException, NotImplementedException {
- try{
- this.update(tableId, statisticaMensile, false, idMappingResolutionBehaviour);
- }catch(ValidationException vE){
- // not possible
- throw new ServiceException(vE.getMessage(), vE);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void update(long tableId, StatisticaMensile statisticaMensile, boolean validate) throws ServiceException, NotFoundException, NotImplementedException, ValidationException {
- this.update(tableId, statisticaMensile, validate, null);
- }
- @Override
- public void update(long tableId, StatisticaMensile statisticaMensile, boolean validate, org.openspcoop2.generic_project.beans.IDMappingBehaviour idMappingResolutionBehaviour) throws ServiceException, NotFoundException, NotImplementedException, ValidationException {
- Connection connection = null;
- boolean oldValueAutoCommit = false;
- boolean rollback = false;
- try{
- // check parameters
- if(statisticaMensile==null){
- throw this.newServiceExceptionParameterIsNull();
- }
- if(tableId<=0){
- throw this.newServiceExceptionParameterIsLessEqualsZero();
- }
- // validate
- if(validate){
- this.validate(statisticaMensile);
- }
- // ISQLQueryObject
- ISQLQueryObject sqlQueryObject = this.jdbcSqlObjectFactory.createSQLQueryObject(this.jdbcProperties.getDatabase());
- sqlQueryObject.setANDLogicOperator(true);
- // Connection sql
- connection = this.jdbcServiceManager.getConnection();
- // transaction
- if(this.jdbcProperties.isAutomaticTransactionManagement()){
- oldValueAutoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit();
- connection.setAutoCommit(false);
- }
- this.serviceCRUD.update(this.jdbcProperties,this.log,connection,sqlQueryObject,tableId,statisticaMensile,idMappingResolutionBehaviour);
- }catch(ServiceException | NotImplementedException | ValidationException e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw e;
- }catch(NotFoundException e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logDebug(e); throw e;
- }catch(Exception e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw new ServiceException("Update not completed: "+e.getMessage(),e);
- }finally{
- this.releaseResources(rollback, connection, oldValueAutoCommit);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void updateFields(StatisticaMensile statisticaMensile, UpdateField ... updateFields) throws ServiceException, NotFoundException, NotImplementedException {
- Connection connection = null;
- boolean oldValueAutoCommit = false;
- boolean rollback = false;
- try{
- // check parameters
- if(statisticaMensile==null){
- throw this.newServiceExceptionParameterIsNull();
- }
- if(updateFields==null){
- throw this.newServiceExceptionParameterUpdateFieldsIsNull();
- }
- // ISQLQueryObject
- ISQLQueryObject sqlQueryObject = this.jdbcSqlObjectFactory.createSQLQueryObject(this.jdbcProperties.getDatabase());
- sqlQueryObject.setANDLogicOperator(true);
- // Connection sql
- connection = this.jdbcServiceManager.getConnection();
- // transaction
- if(this.jdbcProperties.isAutomaticTransactionManagement()){
- oldValueAutoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit();
- connection.setAutoCommit(false);
- }
- this.serviceCRUD.updateFields(this.jdbcProperties,this.log,connection,sqlQueryObject,statisticaMensile,updateFields);
- }catch(ServiceException | NotImplementedException e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw e;
- }catch(NotFoundException e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logDebug(e); throw e;
- }catch(Exception e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw this.newServiceExceptionUpdateFieldsNotCompleted(e);
- }finally{
- this.releaseResources(rollback, connection, oldValueAutoCommit);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void updateFields(StatisticaMensile statisticaMensile, IExpression condition, UpdateField ... updateFields) throws ServiceException, NotFoundException, NotImplementedException {
- Connection connection = null;
- boolean oldValueAutoCommit = false;
- boolean rollback = false;
- try{
- // check parameters
- if(statisticaMensile==null){
- throw this.newServiceExceptionParameterIsNull();
- }
- if(condition==null){
- throw this.newServiceExceptionParameterConditionIsNull();
- }
- if(updateFields==null){
- throw this.newServiceExceptionParameterUpdateFieldsIsNull();
- }
- // ISQLQueryObject
- ISQLQueryObject sqlQueryObject = this.jdbcSqlObjectFactory.createSQLQueryObject(this.jdbcProperties.getDatabase());
- sqlQueryObject.setANDLogicOperator(true);
- // Connection sql
- connection = this.jdbcServiceManager.getConnection();
- // transaction
- if(this.jdbcProperties.isAutomaticTransactionManagement()){
- oldValueAutoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit();
- connection.setAutoCommit(false);
- }
- this.serviceCRUD.updateFields(this.jdbcProperties,this.log,connection,sqlQueryObject,statisticaMensile,condition,updateFields);
- }catch(ServiceException | NotImplementedException e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw e;
- }catch(NotFoundException e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logDebug(e); throw e;
- }catch(Exception e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw this.newServiceExceptionUpdateFieldsNotCompleted(e);
- }finally{
- this.releaseResources(rollback, connection, oldValueAutoCommit);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void updateFields(StatisticaMensile statisticaMensile, UpdateModel ... updateModels) throws ServiceException, NotFoundException, NotImplementedException {
- Connection connection = null;
- boolean oldValueAutoCommit = false;
- boolean rollback = false;
- try{
- // check parameters
- if(statisticaMensile==null){
- throw this.newServiceExceptionParameterIsNull();
- }
- if(updateModels==null){
- throw this.newServiceExceptionParameterUpdateModelsIsNull();
- }
- // ISQLQueryObject
- ISQLQueryObject sqlQueryObject = this.jdbcSqlObjectFactory.createSQLQueryObject(this.jdbcProperties.getDatabase());
- sqlQueryObject.setANDLogicOperator(true);
- // Connection sql
- connection = this.jdbcServiceManager.getConnection();
- // transaction
- if(this.jdbcProperties.isAutomaticTransactionManagement()){
- oldValueAutoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit();
- connection.setAutoCommit(false);
- }
- this.serviceCRUD.updateFields(this.jdbcProperties,this.log,connection,sqlQueryObject,statisticaMensile,updateModels);
- }catch(ServiceException | NotImplementedException e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw e;
- }catch(NotFoundException e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logDebug(e); throw e;
- }catch(Exception e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw this.newServiceExceptionUpdateFieldsNotCompleted(e);
- }finally{
- this.releaseResources(rollback, connection, oldValueAutoCommit);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void updateFields(long tableId, UpdateField ... updateFields) throws ServiceException, NotFoundException, NotImplementedException {
- Connection connection = null;
- boolean oldValueAutoCommit = false;
- boolean rollback = false;
- try{
- // check parameters
- if(tableId<=0){
- throw this.newServiceExceptionParameterIsLessEqualsZero();
- }
- if(updateFields==null){
- throw this.newServiceExceptionParameterUpdateFieldsIsNull();
- }
- // ISQLQueryObject
- ISQLQueryObject sqlQueryObject = this.jdbcSqlObjectFactory.createSQLQueryObject(this.jdbcProperties.getDatabase());
- sqlQueryObject.setANDLogicOperator(true);
- // Connection sql
- connection = this.jdbcServiceManager.getConnection();
- // transaction
- if(this.jdbcProperties.isAutomaticTransactionManagement()){
- oldValueAutoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit();
- connection.setAutoCommit(false);
- }
- this.serviceCRUD.updateFields(this.jdbcProperties,this.log,connection,sqlQueryObject,tableId,updateFields);
- }catch(ServiceException | NotImplementedException e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw e;
- }catch(NotFoundException e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logDebug(e); throw e;
- }catch(Exception e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw this.newServiceExceptionUpdateFieldsNotCompleted(e);
- }finally{
- this.releaseResources(rollback, connection, oldValueAutoCommit);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void updateFields(long tableId, IExpression condition, UpdateField ... updateFields) throws ServiceException, NotFoundException, NotImplementedException {
- Connection connection = null;
- boolean oldValueAutoCommit = false;
- boolean rollback = false;
- try{
- // check parameters
- if(tableId<=0){
- throw this.newServiceExceptionParameterIsLessEqualsZero();
- }
- if(condition==null){
- throw this.newServiceExceptionParameterConditionIsNull();
- }
- if(updateFields==null){
- throw this.newServiceExceptionParameterUpdateFieldsIsNull();
- }
- // ISQLQueryObject
- ISQLQueryObject sqlQueryObject = this.jdbcSqlObjectFactory.createSQLQueryObject(this.jdbcProperties.getDatabase());
- sqlQueryObject.setANDLogicOperator(true);
- // Connection sql
- connection = this.jdbcServiceManager.getConnection();
- // transaction
- if(this.jdbcProperties.isAutomaticTransactionManagement()){
- oldValueAutoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit();
- connection.setAutoCommit(false);
- }
- this.serviceCRUD.updateFields(this.jdbcProperties,this.log,connection,sqlQueryObject,tableId,condition,updateFields);
- }catch(ServiceException | NotImplementedException e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw e;
- }catch(NotFoundException e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logDebug(e); throw e;
- }catch(Exception e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw this.newServiceExceptionUpdateFieldsNotCompleted(e);
- }finally{
- this.releaseResources(rollback, connection, oldValueAutoCommit);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void updateFields(long tableId, UpdateModel ... updateModels) throws ServiceException, NotFoundException, NotImplementedException {
- Connection connection = null;
- boolean oldValueAutoCommit = false;
- boolean rollback = false;
- try{
- // check parameters
- if(tableId<=0){
- throw this.newServiceExceptionParameterIsLessEqualsZero();
- }
- if(updateModels==null){
- throw this.newServiceExceptionParameterUpdateModelsIsNull();
- }
- // ISQLQueryObject
- ISQLQueryObject sqlQueryObject = this.jdbcSqlObjectFactory.createSQLQueryObject(this.jdbcProperties.getDatabase());
- sqlQueryObject.setANDLogicOperator(true);
- // Connection sql
- connection = this.jdbcServiceManager.getConnection();
- // transaction
- if(this.jdbcProperties.isAutomaticTransactionManagement()){
- oldValueAutoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit();
- connection.setAutoCommit(false);
- }
- this.serviceCRUD.updateFields(this.jdbcProperties,this.log,connection,sqlQueryObject,tableId,updateModels);
- }catch(ServiceException | NotImplementedException e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw e;
- }catch(NotFoundException e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logDebug(e); throw e;
- }catch(Exception e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw this.newServiceExceptionUpdateFieldsNotCompleted(e);
- }finally{
- this.releaseResources(rollback, connection, oldValueAutoCommit);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void updateOrCreate(StatisticaMensile statisticaMensile) throws ServiceException, NotImplementedException {
- try{
- this.updateOrCreate(statisticaMensile, false, null);
- }catch(ValidationException vE){
- // not possible
- throw new ServiceException(vE.getMessage(), vE);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void updateOrCreate(StatisticaMensile statisticaMensile, org.openspcoop2.generic_project.beans.IDMappingBehaviour idMappingResolutionBehaviour) throws ServiceException, NotImplementedException {
- try{
- this.updateOrCreate(statisticaMensile, false, idMappingResolutionBehaviour);
- }catch(ValidationException vE){
- // not possible
- throw new ServiceException(vE.getMessage(), vE);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void updateOrCreate(StatisticaMensile statisticaMensile, boolean validate) throws ServiceException, NotImplementedException, ValidationException {
- this.updateOrCreate(statisticaMensile, validate, null);
- }
- @Override
- public void updateOrCreate(StatisticaMensile statisticaMensile, boolean validate, org.openspcoop2.generic_project.beans.IDMappingBehaviour idMappingResolutionBehaviour) throws ServiceException, NotImplementedException, ValidationException {
- Connection connection = null;
- boolean oldValueAutoCommit = false;
- boolean rollback = false;
- try{
- // check parameters
- if(statisticaMensile==null){
- throw this.newServiceExceptionParameterIsNull();
- }
- // validate
- if(validate){
- this.validate(statisticaMensile);
- }
- // ISQLQueryObject
- ISQLQueryObject sqlQueryObject = this.jdbcSqlObjectFactory.createSQLQueryObject(this.jdbcProperties.getDatabase());
- sqlQueryObject.setANDLogicOperator(true);
- // Connection sql
- connection = this.jdbcServiceManager.getConnection();
- // transaction
- if(this.jdbcProperties.isAutomaticTransactionManagement()){
- oldValueAutoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit();
- connection.setAutoCommit(false);
- }
- this.serviceCRUD.updateOrCreate(this.jdbcProperties,this.log,connection,sqlQueryObject,statisticaMensile,idMappingResolutionBehaviour);
- }catch(ServiceException | NotImplementedException | ValidationException e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw e;
- }catch(Exception e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw new ServiceException("UpdateOrCreate not completed: "+e.getMessage(),e);
- }finally{
- this.releaseResources(rollback, connection, oldValueAutoCommit);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void updateOrCreate(long tableId, StatisticaMensile statisticaMensile) throws ServiceException, NotImplementedException {
- try{
- this.updateOrCreate(tableId, statisticaMensile, false, null);
- }catch(ValidationException vE){
- // not possible
- throw new ServiceException(vE.getMessage(), vE);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void updateOrCreate(long tableId, StatisticaMensile statisticaMensile, org.openspcoop2.generic_project.beans.IDMappingBehaviour idMappingResolutionBehaviour) throws ServiceException, NotImplementedException {
- try{
- this.updateOrCreate(tableId, statisticaMensile, false, idMappingResolutionBehaviour);
- }catch(ValidationException vE){
- // not possible
- throw new ServiceException(vE.getMessage(), vE);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void updateOrCreate(long tableId, StatisticaMensile statisticaMensile, boolean validate) throws ServiceException, NotImplementedException, ValidationException {
- this.updateOrCreate(tableId, statisticaMensile, validate, null);
- }
- @Override
- public void updateOrCreate(long tableId, StatisticaMensile statisticaMensile, boolean validate, org.openspcoop2.generic_project.beans.IDMappingBehaviour idMappingResolutionBehaviour) throws ServiceException, NotImplementedException, ValidationException {
- Connection connection = null;
- boolean oldValueAutoCommit = false;
- boolean rollback = false;
- try{
- // check parameters
- if(statisticaMensile==null){
- throw this.newServiceExceptionParameterIsNull();
- }
- if(tableId<=0){
- throw this.newServiceExceptionParameterIsLessEqualsZero();
- }
- // validate
- if(validate){
- this.validate(statisticaMensile);
- }
- // ISQLQueryObject
- ISQLQueryObject sqlQueryObject = this.jdbcSqlObjectFactory.createSQLQueryObject(this.jdbcProperties.getDatabase());
- sqlQueryObject.setANDLogicOperator(true);
- // Connection sql
- connection = this.jdbcServiceManager.getConnection();
- // transaction
- if(this.jdbcProperties.isAutomaticTransactionManagement()){
- oldValueAutoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit();
- connection.setAutoCommit(false);
- }
- this.serviceCRUD.updateOrCreate(this.jdbcProperties,this.log,connection,sqlQueryObject,tableId,statisticaMensile,idMappingResolutionBehaviour);
- }catch(ServiceException | NotImplementedException | ValidationException e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw e;
- }catch(Exception e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw new ServiceException("UpdateOrCreate not completed: "+e.getMessage(),e);
- }finally{
- this.releaseResources(rollback, connection, oldValueAutoCommit);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void delete(StatisticaMensile statisticaMensile) throws ServiceException,NotImplementedException {
- Connection connection = null;
- boolean oldValueAutoCommit = false;
- boolean rollback = false;
- try{
- // check parameters
- if(statisticaMensile==null){
- throw this.newServiceExceptionParameterIsNull();
- }
- // ISQLQueryObject
- ISQLQueryObject sqlQueryObject = this.jdbcSqlObjectFactory.createSQLQueryObject(this.jdbcProperties.getDatabase());
- sqlQueryObject.setANDLogicOperator(true);
- // Connection sql
- connection = this.jdbcServiceManager.getConnection();
- // transaction
- if(this.jdbcProperties.isAutomaticTransactionManagement()){
- oldValueAutoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit();
- connection.setAutoCommit(false);
- }
- this.serviceCRUD.delete(this.jdbcProperties,this.log,connection,sqlQueryObject,statisticaMensile);
- }catch(ServiceException | NotImplementedException e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw e;
- }catch(Exception e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw new ServiceException("Delete not completed: "+e.getMessage(),e);
- }finally{
- this.releaseResources(rollback, connection, oldValueAutoCommit);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public NonNegativeNumber deleteAll() throws ServiceException, NotImplementedException {
- Connection connection = null;
- boolean oldValueAutoCommit = false;
- boolean rollback = false;
- try{
- // ISQLQueryObject
- ISQLQueryObject sqlQueryObject = this.jdbcSqlObjectFactory.createSQLQueryObject(this.jdbcProperties.getDatabase());
- sqlQueryObject.setANDLogicOperator(true);
- // Connection sql
- connection = this.jdbcServiceManager.getConnection();
- // transaction
- if(this.jdbcProperties.isAutomaticTransactionManagement()){
- oldValueAutoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit();
- connection.setAutoCommit(false);
- }
- return this.serviceCRUD.deleteAll(this.jdbcProperties,this.log,connection,sqlQueryObject);
- }catch(ServiceException | NotImplementedException e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw e;
- }catch(Exception e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw new ServiceException("DeleteAll not completed: "+e.getMessage(),e);
- }finally{
- this.releaseResources(rollback, connection, oldValueAutoCommit);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public NonNegativeNumber deleteAll(IExpression expression) throws ServiceException, NotImplementedException {
- Connection connection = null;
- boolean oldValueAutoCommit = false;
- boolean rollback = false;
- try{
- // check parameters
- if(expression==null){
- throw this.newServiceExceptionParameterExpressionIsNull();
- }
- if( ! (expression instanceof JDBCExpression) ){
- throw this.newServiceExceptionParameterExpressionWrongType(expression);
- }
- JDBCExpression jdbcExpression = (JDBCExpression) expression;
- this.logJDBCExpression(jdbcExpression);
- // ISQLQueryObject
- ISQLQueryObject sqlQueryObject = this.jdbcSqlObjectFactory.createSQLQueryObject(this.jdbcProperties.getDatabase());
- sqlQueryObject.setANDLogicOperator(true);
- // Connection sql
- connection = this.jdbcServiceManager.getConnection();
- // transaction
- if(this.jdbcProperties.isAutomaticTransactionManagement()){
- oldValueAutoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit();
- connection.setAutoCommit(false);
- }
- return this.serviceCRUD.deleteAll(this.jdbcProperties,this.log,connection,sqlQueryObject,jdbcExpression);
- }catch(ServiceException | NotImplementedException e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw e;
- }catch(Exception e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw new ServiceException("DeleteAll(expression) not completed: "+e.getMessage(),e);
- }finally{
- this.releaseResources(rollback, connection, oldValueAutoCommit);
- }
- }
- // -- DB
- @Override
- public void deleteById(long tableId) throws ServiceException, NotImplementedException {
- Connection connection = null;
- boolean oldValueAutoCommit = false;
- boolean rollback = false;
- try{
- // check parameters
- if(tableId<=0){
- throw new ServiceException("Parameter 'tableId' is less equals 0");
- }
- // ISQLQueryObject
- ISQLQueryObject sqlQueryObject = this.jdbcSqlObjectFactory.createSQLQueryObject(this.jdbcProperties.getDatabase());
- sqlQueryObject.setANDLogicOperator(true);
- // Connection sql
- connection = this.jdbcServiceManager.getConnection();
- // transaction
- if(this.jdbcProperties.isAutomaticTransactionManagement()){
- oldValueAutoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit();
- connection.setAutoCommit(false);
- }
- this.serviceCRUD.deleteById(this.jdbcProperties,this.log,connection,sqlQueryObject,tableId);
- }catch(ServiceException | NotImplementedException e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw e;
- }catch(Exception e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw new ServiceException("DeleteById(tableId) not completed: "+e.getMessage(),e);
- }finally{
- this.releaseResources(rollback, connection, oldValueAutoCommit);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public int nativeUpdate(String sql,Object ... param) throws ServiceException, NotImplementedException {
- Connection connection = null;
- boolean oldValueAutoCommit = false;
- boolean rollback = false;
- try{
- // check parameters
- if(sql==null){
- throw new ServiceException("Parameter 'sql' is null");
- }
- // ISQLQueryObject
- ISQLQueryObject sqlQueryObject = this.jdbcSqlObjectFactory.createSQLQueryObject(this.jdbcProperties.getDatabase());
- sqlQueryObject.setANDLogicOperator(true);
- // Connection sql
- connection = this.jdbcServiceManager.getConnection();
- // transaction
- if(this.jdbcProperties.isAutomaticTransactionManagement()){
- oldValueAutoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit();
- connection.setAutoCommit(false);
- }
- return this.serviceCRUD.nativeUpdate(this.jdbcProperties,this.log,connection,sqlQueryObject,sql,param);
- }catch(ServiceException | NotImplementedException e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw e;
- }catch(Exception e){
- rollback = true;
- this.logError(e); throw new ServiceException("DeleteById(tableId) not completed: "+e.getMessage(),e);
- }finally{
- this.releaseResources(rollback, connection, oldValueAutoCommit);
- }
- }
- }