
 * GovWay - A customizable API Gateway 
 * https://govway.org
 * Copyright (c) 2005-2024 Link.it srl (https://link.it).
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.openspcoop2.core.config.utils.serializer;

import org.openspcoop2.generic_project.exception.DeserializerException;

import org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.Ruolo;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoapRisposta;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneRuoli;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.Route;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDefault;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.Cache;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoConfigurazione;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiGestioneToken;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlow;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessor;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErrore;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreSoapFault;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneTokenAutenticazione;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneToken;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativoRuoli;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.Proprieta;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistroRegistro;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneCredenziali;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.RispostaAsincrona;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.Connettore;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteRegistro;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiKeystore;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaParametro;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRest;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoap;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdSoggetto;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegata;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.Soggetto;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativa;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativo;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.Property;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopAppender;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugin;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugins;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaApplicativa;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlowParameter;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProprietaOggetto;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPluginArchivio;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaDelegata;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizio;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAzione;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneScope;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataLocalForward;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurity;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativa;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazione;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaTracciamento;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazione;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazione;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.Trasformazioni;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazionePortaHandler;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.AttributeAuthority;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.GenericProperties;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdServizioApplicativo;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazione;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazione;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.Transazioni;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneHeaders;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaliConfigurazione;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazioneNodo;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneHandler;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.SystemProperties;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegola;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteGateway;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.Openspcoop2;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.Configurazione;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneOrigin;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneMethods;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.Scope;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessaggiDiagnostici;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopSorgenteDati;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.Credenziali;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePorta;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiRichieste;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.Tracciamento;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutorizzazione;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizio;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAzione;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaBehaviour;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTable;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistro;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutenticazione;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMultitenant;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneBuste;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.IndirizzoRisposta;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.Attachments;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.Risposte;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.Dump;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.IntegrationManager;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPdd;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlowParameter;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDestinazione;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneServizio;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProtocolProperty;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazioneRegola;
import org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlow;

import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.File;

 * XML Deserializer of beans
 * @author Poli Andrea (poli@link.it)
 * @author $Author$
 * @version $Rev$, $Date$

public abstract class AbstractDeserializer extends org.openspcoop2.generic_project.serializer.AbstractDeserializerBase {

	 Object: porta-applicativa-autorizzazione-soggetto
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto readPortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto) this.xmlToObj(fileName, PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto readPortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto) this.xmlToObj(file, PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto readPortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto readPortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto readPortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggettoFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetto.class);
	 Object: ruolo
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Ruolo}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Ruolo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Ruolo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Ruolo readRuolo(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Ruolo) this.xmlToObj(fileName, Ruolo.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Ruolo}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Ruolo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Ruolo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Ruolo readRuolo(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Ruolo) this.xmlToObj(file, Ruolo.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Ruolo}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Ruolo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Ruolo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Ruolo readRuolo(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Ruolo) this.xmlToObj(in, Ruolo.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Ruolo}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Ruolo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Ruolo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Ruolo readRuolo(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Ruolo) this.xmlToObj(in, Ruolo.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Ruolo}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Ruolo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Ruolo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Ruolo readRuoloFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Ruolo) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), Ruolo.class);
	 Object: trasformazione-soap-risposta
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoapRisposta}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoapRisposta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoapRisposta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneSoapRisposta readTrasformazioneSoapRisposta(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneSoapRisposta) this.xmlToObj(fileName, TrasformazioneSoapRisposta.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoapRisposta}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoapRisposta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoapRisposta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneSoapRisposta readTrasformazioneSoapRisposta(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneSoapRisposta) this.xmlToObj(file, TrasformazioneSoapRisposta.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoapRisposta}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoapRisposta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoapRisposta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneSoapRisposta readTrasformazioneSoapRisposta(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneSoapRisposta) this.xmlToObj(in, TrasformazioneSoapRisposta.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoapRisposta}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoapRisposta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoapRisposta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneSoapRisposta readTrasformazioneSoapRisposta(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneSoapRisposta) this.xmlToObj(in, TrasformazioneSoapRisposta.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoapRisposta}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoapRisposta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoapRisposta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneSoapRisposta readTrasformazioneSoapRispostaFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneSoapRisposta) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), TrasformazioneSoapRisposta.class);
	 Object: porta-applicativa-autorizzazione-servizio-applicativo
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo readPortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo) this.xmlToObj(fileName, PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo readPortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo) this.xmlToObj(file, PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo readPortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo readPortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo readPortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativoFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServizioApplicativo.class);
	 Object: porta-applicativa-autorizzazione-soggetti
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti readPortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti) this.xmlToObj(fileName, PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti readPortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti) this.xmlToObj(file, PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti readPortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti readPortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti readPortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggettiFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneSoggetti.class);
	 Object: porta-applicativa-autorizzazione-servizi-applicativi
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi readPortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi) this.xmlToObj(fileName, PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi readPortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi) this.xmlToObj(file, PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi readPortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi readPortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi readPortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativiFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi.class);
	 Object: porta-applicativa-autorizzazione-token
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken readPortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken) this.xmlToObj(fileName, PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken readPortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken) this.xmlToObj(file, PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken readPortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken readPortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken readPortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneTokenFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), PortaApplicativaAutorizzazioneToken.class);
	 Object: autorizzazione-ruoli
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneRuoli}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneRuoli}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneRuoli}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AutorizzazioneRuoli readAutorizzazioneRuoli(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AutorizzazioneRuoli) this.xmlToObj(fileName, AutorizzazioneRuoli.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneRuoli}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneRuoli}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneRuoli}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AutorizzazioneRuoli readAutorizzazioneRuoli(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AutorizzazioneRuoli) this.xmlToObj(file, AutorizzazioneRuoli.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneRuoli}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneRuoli}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneRuoli}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AutorizzazioneRuoli readAutorizzazioneRuoli(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AutorizzazioneRuoli) this.xmlToObj(in, AutorizzazioneRuoli.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneRuoli}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneRuoli}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneRuoli}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AutorizzazioneRuoli readAutorizzazioneRuoli(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AutorizzazioneRuoli) this.xmlToObj(in, AutorizzazioneRuoli.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneRuoli}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneRuoli}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneRuoli}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AutorizzazioneRuoli readAutorizzazioneRuoliFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AutorizzazioneRuoli) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), AutorizzazioneRuoli.class);
	 Object: route
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Route}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Route}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Route}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Route readRoute(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Route) this.xmlToObj(fileName, Route.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Route}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Route}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Route}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Route readRoute(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Route) this.xmlToObj(file, Route.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Route}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Route}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Route}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Route readRoute(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Route) this.xmlToObj(in, Route.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Route}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Route}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Route}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Route readRoute(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Route) this.xmlToObj(in, Route.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Route}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Route}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Route}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Route readRouteFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Route) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), Route.class);
	 Object: routing-table-default
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDefault}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDefault}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDefault}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RoutingTableDefault readRoutingTableDefault(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RoutingTableDefault) this.xmlToObj(fileName, RoutingTableDefault.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDefault}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDefault}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDefault}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RoutingTableDefault readRoutingTableDefault(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RoutingTableDefault) this.xmlToObj(file, RoutingTableDefault.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDefault}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDefault}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDefault}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RoutingTableDefault readRoutingTableDefault(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RoutingTableDefault) this.xmlToObj(in, RoutingTableDefault.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDefault}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDefault}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDefault}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RoutingTableDefault readRoutingTableDefault(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RoutingTableDefault) this.xmlToObj(in, RoutingTableDefault.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDefault}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDefault}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDefault}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RoutingTableDefault readRoutingTableDefaultFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RoutingTableDefault) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), RoutingTableDefault.class);
	 Object: cache
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Cache}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Cache}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Cache}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Cache readCache(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Cache) this.xmlToObj(fileName, Cache.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Cache}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Cache}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Cache}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Cache readCache(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Cache) this.xmlToObj(file, Cache.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Cache}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Cache}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Cache}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Cache readCache(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Cache) this.xmlToObj(in, Cache.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Cache}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Cache}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Cache}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Cache readCache(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Cache) this.xmlToObj(in, Cache.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Cache}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Cache}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Cache}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Cache readCacheFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Cache) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), Cache.class);
	 Object: accesso-configurazione
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoConfigurazione}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoConfigurazione readAccessoConfigurazione(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(fileName, AccessoConfigurazione.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoConfigurazione}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoConfigurazione readAccessoConfigurazione(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(file, AccessoConfigurazione.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoConfigurazione}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoConfigurazione readAccessoConfigurazione(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(in, AccessoConfigurazione.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoConfigurazione}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoConfigurazione readAccessoConfigurazione(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(in, AccessoConfigurazione.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoConfigurazione}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoConfigurazione readAccessoConfigurazioneFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), AccessoConfigurazione.class);
	 Object: accesso-dati-gestione-token
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiGestioneToken}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiGestioneToken}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiGestioneToken}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiGestioneToken readAccessoDatiGestioneToken(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiGestioneToken) this.xmlToObj(fileName, AccessoDatiGestioneToken.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiGestioneToken}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiGestioneToken}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiGestioneToken}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiGestioneToken readAccessoDatiGestioneToken(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiGestioneToken) this.xmlToObj(file, AccessoDatiGestioneToken.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiGestioneToken}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiGestioneToken}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiGestioneToken}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiGestioneToken readAccessoDatiGestioneToken(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiGestioneToken) this.xmlToObj(in, AccessoDatiGestioneToken.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiGestioneToken}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiGestioneToken}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiGestioneToken}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiGestioneToken readAccessoDatiGestioneToken(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiGestioneToken) this.xmlToObj(in, AccessoDatiGestioneToken.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiGestioneToken}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiGestioneToken}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiGestioneToken}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiGestioneToken readAccessoDatiGestioneTokenFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiGestioneToken) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), AccessoDatiGestioneToken.class);
	 Object: mtom-processor-flow
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlow}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlow}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlow}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MtomProcessorFlow readMtomProcessorFlow(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MtomProcessorFlow) this.xmlToObj(fileName, MtomProcessorFlow.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlow}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlow}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlow}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MtomProcessorFlow readMtomProcessorFlow(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MtomProcessorFlow) this.xmlToObj(file, MtomProcessorFlow.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlow}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlow}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlow}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MtomProcessorFlow readMtomProcessorFlow(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MtomProcessorFlow) this.xmlToObj(in, MtomProcessorFlow.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlow}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlow}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlow}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MtomProcessorFlow readMtomProcessorFlow(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MtomProcessorFlow) this.xmlToObj(in, MtomProcessorFlow.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlow}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlow}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlow}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MtomProcessorFlow readMtomProcessorFlowFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MtomProcessorFlow) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), MtomProcessorFlow.class);
	 Object: mtom-processor
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessor}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessor}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessor}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MtomProcessor readMtomProcessor(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MtomProcessor) this.xmlToObj(fileName, MtomProcessor.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessor}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessor}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessor}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MtomProcessor readMtomProcessor(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MtomProcessor) this.xmlToObj(file, MtomProcessor.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessor}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessor}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessor}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MtomProcessor readMtomProcessor(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MtomProcessor) this.xmlToObj(in, MtomProcessor.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessor}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessor}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessor}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MtomProcessor readMtomProcessor(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MtomProcessor) this.xmlToObj(in, MtomProcessor.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessor}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessor}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessor}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MtomProcessor readMtomProcessorFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MtomProcessor) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), MtomProcessor.class);
	 Object: gestione-errore-codice-trasporto
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto readGestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto) this.xmlToObj(fileName, GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto readGestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto) this.xmlToObj(file, GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto readGestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto) this.xmlToObj(in, GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto readGestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto) this.xmlToObj(in, GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto readGestioneErroreCodiceTrasportoFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), GestioneErroreCodiceTrasporto.class);
	 Object: gestione-errore
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErrore}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErrore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErrore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public GestioneErrore readGestioneErrore(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (GestioneErrore) this.xmlToObj(fileName, GestioneErrore.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErrore}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErrore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErrore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public GestioneErrore readGestioneErrore(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (GestioneErrore) this.xmlToObj(file, GestioneErrore.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErrore}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErrore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErrore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public GestioneErrore readGestioneErrore(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (GestioneErrore) this.xmlToObj(in, GestioneErrore.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErrore}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErrore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErrore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public GestioneErrore readGestioneErrore(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (GestioneErrore) this.xmlToObj(in, GestioneErrore.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErrore}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErrore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErrore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public GestioneErrore readGestioneErroreFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (GestioneErrore) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), GestioneErrore.class);
	 Object: gestione-errore-soap-fault
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreSoapFault}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreSoapFault}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreSoapFault}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public GestioneErroreSoapFault readGestioneErroreSoapFault(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (GestioneErroreSoapFault) this.xmlToObj(fileName, GestioneErroreSoapFault.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreSoapFault}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreSoapFault}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreSoapFault}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public GestioneErroreSoapFault readGestioneErroreSoapFault(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (GestioneErroreSoapFault) this.xmlToObj(file, GestioneErroreSoapFault.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreSoapFault}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreSoapFault}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreSoapFault}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public GestioneErroreSoapFault readGestioneErroreSoapFault(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (GestioneErroreSoapFault) this.xmlToObj(in, GestioneErroreSoapFault.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreSoapFault}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreSoapFault}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreSoapFault}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public GestioneErroreSoapFault readGestioneErroreSoapFault(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (GestioneErroreSoapFault) this.xmlToObj(in, GestioneErroreSoapFault.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreSoapFault}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreSoapFault}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneErroreSoapFault}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public GestioneErroreSoapFault readGestioneErroreSoapFaultFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (GestioneErroreSoapFault) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), GestioneErroreSoapFault.class);
	 Object: gestione-token-autenticazione
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneTokenAutenticazione}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneTokenAutenticazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneTokenAutenticazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public GestioneTokenAutenticazione readGestioneTokenAutenticazione(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (GestioneTokenAutenticazione) this.xmlToObj(fileName, GestioneTokenAutenticazione.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneTokenAutenticazione}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneTokenAutenticazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneTokenAutenticazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public GestioneTokenAutenticazione readGestioneTokenAutenticazione(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (GestioneTokenAutenticazione) this.xmlToObj(file, GestioneTokenAutenticazione.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneTokenAutenticazione}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneTokenAutenticazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneTokenAutenticazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public GestioneTokenAutenticazione readGestioneTokenAutenticazione(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (GestioneTokenAutenticazione) this.xmlToObj(in, GestioneTokenAutenticazione.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneTokenAutenticazione}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneTokenAutenticazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneTokenAutenticazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public GestioneTokenAutenticazione readGestioneTokenAutenticazione(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (GestioneTokenAutenticazione) this.xmlToObj(in, GestioneTokenAutenticazione.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneTokenAutenticazione}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneTokenAutenticazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneTokenAutenticazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public GestioneTokenAutenticazione readGestioneTokenAutenticazioneFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (GestioneTokenAutenticazione) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), GestioneTokenAutenticazione.class);
	 Object: gestione-token
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneToken}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneToken}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneToken}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public GestioneToken readGestioneToken(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (GestioneToken) this.xmlToObj(fileName, GestioneToken.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneToken}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneToken}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneToken}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public GestioneToken readGestioneToken(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (GestioneToken) this.xmlToObj(file, GestioneToken.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneToken}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneToken}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneToken}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public GestioneToken readGestioneToken(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (GestioneToken) this.xmlToObj(in, GestioneToken.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneToken}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneToken}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneToken}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public GestioneToken readGestioneToken(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (GestioneToken) this.xmlToObj(in, GestioneToken.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneToken}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneToken}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GestioneToken}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public GestioneToken readGestioneTokenFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (GestioneToken) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), GestioneToken.class);
	 Object: servizio-applicativo-ruoli
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativoRuoli}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativoRuoli}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativoRuoli}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ServizioApplicativoRuoli readServizioApplicativoRuoli(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ServizioApplicativoRuoli) this.xmlToObj(fileName, ServizioApplicativoRuoli.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativoRuoli}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativoRuoli}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativoRuoli}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ServizioApplicativoRuoli readServizioApplicativoRuoli(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ServizioApplicativoRuoli) this.xmlToObj(file, ServizioApplicativoRuoli.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativoRuoli}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativoRuoli}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativoRuoli}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ServizioApplicativoRuoli readServizioApplicativoRuoli(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ServizioApplicativoRuoli) this.xmlToObj(in, ServizioApplicativoRuoli.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativoRuoli}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativoRuoli}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativoRuoli}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ServizioApplicativoRuoli readServizioApplicativoRuoli(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ServizioApplicativoRuoli) this.xmlToObj(in, ServizioApplicativoRuoli.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativoRuoli}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativoRuoli}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativoRuoli}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ServizioApplicativoRuoli readServizioApplicativoRuoliFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ServizioApplicativoRuoli) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), ServizioApplicativoRuoli.class);
	 Object: trasformazione-regola-applicabilita-risposta
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta readTrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta) this.xmlToObj(fileName, TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta readTrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta) this.xmlToObj(file, TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta readTrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta) this.xmlToObj(in, TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta readTrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta) this.xmlToObj(in, TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta readTrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRispostaFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRisposta.class);
	 Object: proprieta
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Proprieta}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Proprieta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Proprieta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Proprieta readProprieta(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Proprieta) this.xmlToObj(fileName, Proprieta.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Proprieta}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Proprieta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Proprieta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Proprieta readProprieta(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Proprieta) this.xmlToObj(file, Proprieta.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Proprieta}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Proprieta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Proprieta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Proprieta readProprieta(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Proprieta) this.xmlToObj(in, Proprieta.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Proprieta}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Proprieta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Proprieta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Proprieta readProprieta(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Proprieta) this.xmlToObj(in, Proprieta.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Proprieta}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Proprieta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Proprieta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Proprieta readProprietaFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Proprieta) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), Proprieta.class);
	 Object: accesso-registro-registro
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistroRegistro}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistroRegistro}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistroRegistro}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoRegistroRegistro readAccessoRegistroRegistro(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoRegistroRegistro) this.xmlToObj(fileName, AccessoRegistroRegistro.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistroRegistro}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistroRegistro}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistroRegistro}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoRegistroRegistro readAccessoRegistroRegistro(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoRegistroRegistro) this.xmlToObj(file, AccessoRegistroRegistro.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistroRegistro}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistroRegistro}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistroRegistro}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoRegistroRegistro readAccessoRegistroRegistro(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoRegistroRegistro) this.xmlToObj(in, AccessoRegistroRegistro.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistroRegistro}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistroRegistro}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistroRegistro}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoRegistroRegistro readAccessoRegistroRegistro(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoRegistroRegistro) this.xmlToObj(in, AccessoRegistroRegistro.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistroRegistro}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistroRegistro}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistroRegistro}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoRegistroRegistro readAccessoRegistroRegistroFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoRegistroRegistro) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), AccessoRegistroRegistro.class);
	 Object: invocazione-credenziali
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneCredenziali}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneCredenziali}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneCredenziali}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public InvocazioneCredenziali readInvocazioneCredenziali(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (InvocazioneCredenziali) this.xmlToObj(fileName, InvocazioneCredenziali.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneCredenziali}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneCredenziali}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneCredenziali}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public InvocazioneCredenziali readInvocazioneCredenziali(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (InvocazioneCredenziali) this.xmlToObj(file, InvocazioneCredenziali.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneCredenziali}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneCredenziali}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneCredenziali}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public InvocazioneCredenziali readInvocazioneCredenziali(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (InvocazioneCredenziali) this.xmlToObj(in, InvocazioneCredenziali.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneCredenziali}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneCredenziali}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneCredenziali}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public InvocazioneCredenziali readInvocazioneCredenziali(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (InvocazioneCredenziali) this.xmlToObj(in, InvocazioneCredenziali.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneCredenziali}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneCredenziali}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneCredenziali}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public InvocazioneCredenziali readInvocazioneCredenzialiFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (InvocazioneCredenziali) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), InvocazioneCredenziali.class);
	 Object: risposta-asincrona
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RispostaAsincrona}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RispostaAsincrona}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RispostaAsincrona}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RispostaAsincrona readRispostaAsincrona(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RispostaAsincrona) this.xmlToObj(fileName, RispostaAsincrona.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RispostaAsincrona}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RispostaAsincrona}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RispostaAsincrona}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RispostaAsincrona readRispostaAsincrona(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RispostaAsincrona) this.xmlToObj(file, RispostaAsincrona.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RispostaAsincrona}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RispostaAsincrona}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RispostaAsincrona}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RispostaAsincrona readRispostaAsincrona(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RispostaAsincrona) this.xmlToObj(in, RispostaAsincrona.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RispostaAsincrona}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RispostaAsincrona}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RispostaAsincrona}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RispostaAsincrona readRispostaAsincrona(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RispostaAsincrona) this.xmlToObj(in, RispostaAsincrona.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RispostaAsincrona}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RispostaAsincrona}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RispostaAsincrona}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RispostaAsincrona readRispostaAsincronaFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RispostaAsincrona) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), RispostaAsincrona.class);
	 Object: connettore
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Connettore}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Connettore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Connettore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Connettore readConnettore(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Connettore) this.xmlToObj(fileName, Connettore.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Connettore}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Connettore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Connettore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Connettore readConnettore(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Connettore) this.xmlToObj(file, Connettore.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Connettore}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Connettore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Connettore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Connettore readConnettore(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Connettore) this.xmlToObj(in, Connettore.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Connettore}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Connettore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Connettore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Connettore readConnettore(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Connettore) this.xmlToObj(in, Connettore.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Connettore}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Connettore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Connettore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Connettore readConnettoreFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Connettore) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), Connettore.class);
	 Object: route-registro
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteRegistro}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteRegistro}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteRegistro}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RouteRegistro readRouteRegistro(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RouteRegistro) this.xmlToObj(fileName, RouteRegistro.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteRegistro}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteRegistro}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteRegistro}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RouteRegistro readRouteRegistro(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RouteRegistro) this.xmlToObj(file, RouteRegistro.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteRegistro}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteRegistro}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteRegistro}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RouteRegistro readRouteRegistro(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RouteRegistro) this.xmlToObj(in, RouteRegistro.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteRegistro}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteRegistro}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteRegistro}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RouteRegistro readRouteRegistro(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RouteRegistro) this.xmlToObj(in, RouteRegistro.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteRegistro}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteRegistro}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteRegistro}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RouteRegistro readRouteRegistroFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RouteRegistro) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), RouteRegistro.class);
	 Object: accesso-dati-keystore
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiKeystore}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiKeystore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiKeystore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiKeystore readAccessoDatiKeystore(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiKeystore) this.xmlToObj(fileName, AccessoDatiKeystore.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiKeystore}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiKeystore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiKeystore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiKeystore readAccessoDatiKeystore(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiKeystore) this.xmlToObj(file, AccessoDatiKeystore.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiKeystore}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiKeystore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiKeystore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiKeystore readAccessoDatiKeystore(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiKeystore) this.xmlToObj(in, AccessoDatiKeystore.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiKeystore}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiKeystore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiKeystore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiKeystore readAccessoDatiKeystore(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiKeystore) this.xmlToObj(in, AccessoDatiKeystore.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiKeystore}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiKeystore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiKeystore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiKeystore readAccessoDatiKeystoreFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiKeystore) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), AccessoDatiKeystore.class);
	 Object: trasformazione-regola-richiesta
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta readTrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta) this.xmlToObj(fileName, TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta readTrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta) this.xmlToObj(file, TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta readTrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta) this.xmlToObj(in, TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta readTrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta) this.xmlToObj(in, TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta readTrasformazioneRegolaRichiestaFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), TrasformazioneRegolaRichiesta.class);
	 Object: trasformazione-regola-parametro
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaParametro}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaParametro}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaParametro}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaParametro readTrasformazioneRegolaParametro(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaParametro) this.xmlToObj(fileName, TrasformazioneRegolaParametro.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaParametro}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaParametro}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaParametro}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaParametro readTrasformazioneRegolaParametro(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaParametro) this.xmlToObj(file, TrasformazioneRegolaParametro.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaParametro}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaParametro}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaParametro}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaParametro readTrasformazioneRegolaParametro(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaParametro) this.xmlToObj(in, TrasformazioneRegolaParametro.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaParametro}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaParametro}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaParametro}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaParametro readTrasformazioneRegolaParametro(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaParametro) this.xmlToObj(in, TrasformazioneRegolaParametro.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaParametro}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaParametro}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaParametro}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaParametro readTrasformazioneRegolaParametroFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaParametro) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), TrasformazioneRegolaParametro.class);
	 Object: trasformazione-rest
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRest}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRest}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRest}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRest readTrasformazioneRest(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRest) this.xmlToObj(fileName, TrasformazioneRest.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRest}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRest}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRest}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRest readTrasformazioneRest(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRest) this.xmlToObj(file, TrasformazioneRest.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRest}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRest}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRest}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRest readTrasformazioneRest(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRest) this.xmlToObj(in, TrasformazioneRest.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRest}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRest}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRest}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRest readTrasformazioneRest(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRest) this.xmlToObj(in, TrasformazioneRest.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRest}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRest}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRest}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRest readTrasformazioneRestFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRest) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), TrasformazioneRest.class);
	 Object: trasformazione-soap
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoap}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoap}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoap}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneSoap readTrasformazioneSoap(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneSoap) this.xmlToObj(fileName, TrasformazioneSoap.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoap}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoap}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoap}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneSoap readTrasformazioneSoap(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneSoap) this.xmlToObj(file, TrasformazioneSoap.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoap}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoap}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoap}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneSoap readTrasformazioneSoap(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneSoap) this.xmlToObj(in, TrasformazioneSoap.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoap}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoap}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoap}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneSoap readTrasformazioneSoap(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneSoap) this.xmlToObj(in, TrasformazioneSoap.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoap}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoap}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneSoap}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneSoap readTrasformazioneSoapFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneSoap) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), TrasformazioneSoap.class);
	 Object: id-soggetto
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdSoggetto}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdSoggetto}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdSoggetto}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public IdSoggetto readIdSoggetto(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (IdSoggetto) this.xmlToObj(fileName, IdSoggetto.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdSoggetto}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdSoggetto}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdSoggetto}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public IdSoggetto readIdSoggetto(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (IdSoggetto) this.xmlToObj(file, IdSoggetto.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdSoggetto}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdSoggetto}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdSoggetto}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public IdSoggetto readIdSoggetto(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (IdSoggetto) this.xmlToObj(in, IdSoggetto.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdSoggetto}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdSoggetto}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdSoggetto}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public IdSoggetto readIdSoggetto(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (IdSoggetto) this.xmlToObj(in, IdSoggetto.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdSoggetto}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdSoggetto}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdSoggetto}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public IdSoggetto readIdSoggettoFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (IdSoggetto) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), IdSoggetto.class);
	 Object: porta-delegata
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegata}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegata}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegata}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegata readPortaDelegata(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegata) this.xmlToObj(fileName, PortaDelegata.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegata}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegata}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegata}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegata readPortaDelegata(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegata) this.xmlToObj(file, PortaDelegata.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegata}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegata}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegata}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegata readPortaDelegata(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegata) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaDelegata.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegata}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegata}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegata}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegata readPortaDelegata(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegata) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaDelegata.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegata}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegata}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegata}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegata readPortaDelegataFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegata) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), PortaDelegata.class);
	 Object: soggetto
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Soggetto}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Soggetto}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Soggetto}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Soggetto readSoggetto(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Soggetto) this.xmlToObj(fileName, Soggetto.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Soggetto}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Soggetto}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Soggetto}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Soggetto readSoggetto(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Soggetto) this.xmlToObj(file, Soggetto.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Soggetto}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Soggetto}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Soggetto}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Soggetto readSoggetto(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Soggetto) this.xmlToObj(in, Soggetto.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Soggetto}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Soggetto}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Soggetto}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Soggetto readSoggetto(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Soggetto) this.xmlToObj(in, Soggetto.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Soggetto}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Soggetto}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Soggetto}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Soggetto readSoggettoFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Soggetto) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), Soggetto.class);
	 Object: porta-applicativa
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativa}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativa}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativa}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativa readPortaApplicativa(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativa) this.xmlToObj(fileName, PortaApplicativa.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativa}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativa}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativa}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativa readPortaApplicativa(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativa) this.xmlToObj(file, PortaApplicativa.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativa}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativa}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativa}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativa readPortaApplicativa(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativa) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaApplicativa.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativa}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativa}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativa}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativa readPortaApplicativa(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativa) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaApplicativa.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativa}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativa}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativa}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativa readPortaApplicativaFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativa) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), PortaApplicativa.class);
	 Object: servizio-applicativo
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativo}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ServizioApplicativo readServizioApplicativo(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ServizioApplicativo) this.xmlToObj(fileName, ServizioApplicativo.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativo}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ServizioApplicativo readServizioApplicativo(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ServizioApplicativo) this.xmlToObj(file, ServizioApplicativo.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativo}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ServizioApplicativo readServizioApplicativo(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ServizioApplicativo) this.xmlToObj(in, ServizioApplicativo.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativo}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ServizioApplicativo readServizioApplicativo(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ServizioApplicativo) this.xmlToObj(in, ServizioApplicativo.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativo}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ServizioApplicativo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ServizioApplicativo readServizioApplicativoFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ServizioApplicativo) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), ServizioApplicativo.class);
	 Object: Property
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Property}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Property}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Property}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Property readProperty(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Property) this.xmlToObj(fileName, Property.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Property}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Property}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Property}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Property readProperty(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Property) this.xmlToObj(file, Property.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Property}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Property}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Property}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Property readProperty(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Property) this.xmlToObj(in, Property.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Property}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Property}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Property}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Property readProperty(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Property) this.xmlToObj(in, Property.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Property}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Property}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Property}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Property readPropertyFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Property) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), Property.class);
	 Object: openspcoop-appender
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopAppender}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopAppender}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopAppender}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public OpenspcoopAppender readOpenspcoopAppender(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (OpenspcoopAppender) this.xmlToObj(fileName, OpenspcoopAppender.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopAppender}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopAppender}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopAppender}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public OpenspcoopAppender readOpenspcoopAppender(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (OpenspcoopAppender) this.xmlToObj(file, OpenspcoopAppender.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopAppender}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopAppender}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopAppender}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public OpenspcoopAppender readOpenspcoopAppender(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (OpenspcoopAppender) this.xmlToObj(in, OpenspcoopAppender.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopAppender}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopAppender}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopAppender}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public OpenspcoopAppender readOpenspcoopAppender(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (OpenspcoopAppender) this.xmlToObj(in, OpenspcoopAppender.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopAppender}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopAppender}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopAppender}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public OpenspcoopAppender readOpenspcoopAppenderFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (OpenspcoopAppender) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), OpenspcoopAppender.class);
	 Object: registro-plugin
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugin}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugin}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugin}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RegistroPlugin readRegistroPlugin(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RegistroPlugin) this.xmlToObj(fileName, RegistroPlugin.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugin}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugin}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugin}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RegistroPlugin readRegistroPlugin(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RegistroPlugin) this.xmlToObj(file, RegistroPlugin.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugin}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugin}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugin}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RegistroPlugin readRegistroPlugin(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RegistroPlugin) this.xmlToObj(in, RegistroPlugin.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugin}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugin}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugin}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RegistroPlugin readRegistroPlugin(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RegistroPlugin) this.xmlToObj(in, RegistroPlugin.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugin}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugin}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugin}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RegistroPlugin readRegistroPluginFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RegistroPlugin) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), RegistroPlugin.class);
	 Object: registro-plugins
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugins}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugins}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugins}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RegistroPlugins readRegistroPlugins(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RegistroPlugins) this.xmlToObj(fileName, RegistroPlugins.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugins}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugins}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugins}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RegistroPlugins readRegistroPlugins(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RegistroPlugins) this.xmlToObj(file, RegistroPlugins.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugins}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugins}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugins}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RegistroPlugins readRegistroPlugins(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RegistroPlugins) this.xmlToObj(in, RegistroPlugins.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugins}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugins}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugins}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RegistroPlugins readRegistroPlugins(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RegistroPlugins) this.xmlToObj(in, RegistroPlugins.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugins}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugins}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPlugins}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RegistroPlugins readRegistroPluginsFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RegistroPlugins) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), RegistroPlugins.class);
	 Object: porta-delegata-autorizzazione-servizi-applicativi
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi readPortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi) this.xmlToObj(fileName, PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi readPortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi) this.xmlToObj(file, PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi readPortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi readPortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi readPortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativiFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneServiziApplicativi.class);
	 Object: porta-delegata-autorizzazione-token
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken readPortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken) this.xmlToObj(fileName, PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken readPortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken) this.xmlToObj(file, PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken readPortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken readPortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken readPortaDelegataAutorizzazioneTokenFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), PortaDelegataAutorizzazioneToken.class);
	 Object: configurazione-url-invocazione-regola
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola readConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola) this.xmlToObj(fileName, ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola readConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola) this.xmlToObj(file, ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola readConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola) this.xmlToObj(in, ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola readConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola) this.xmlToObj(in, ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola readConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegolaFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneRegola.class);
	 Object: id-porta-applicativa
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaApplicativa}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaApplicativa}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaApplicativa}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public IdPortaApplicativa readIdPortaApplicativa(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (IdPortaApplicativa) this.xmlToObj(fileName, IdPortaApplicativa.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaApplicativa}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaApplicativa}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaApplicativa}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public IdPortaApplicativa readIdPortaApplicativa(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (IdPortaApplicativa) this.xmlToObj(file, IdPortaApplicativa.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaApplicativa}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaApplicativa}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaApplicativa}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public IdPortaApplicativa readIdPortaApplicativa(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (IdPortaApplicativa) this.xmlToObj(in, IdPortaApplicativa.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaApplicativa}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaApplicativa}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaApplicativa}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public IdPortaApplicativa readIdPortaApplicativa(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (IdPortaApplicativa) this.xmlToObj(in, IdPortaApplicativa.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaApplicativa}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaApplicativa}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaApplicativa}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public IdPortaApplicativa readIdPortaApplicativaFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (IdPortaApplicativa) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), IdPortaApplicativa.class);
	 Object: porta-applicativa-soggetto-virtuale
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale readPortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale) this.xmlToObj(fileName, PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale readPortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale) this.xmlToObj(file, PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale readPortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale readPortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale readPortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtualeFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), PortaApplicativaSoggettoVirtuale.class);
	 Object: tracciamento-configurazione-filetrace-connector
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector readTracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector) this.xmlToObj(fileName, TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector readTracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector) this.xmlToObj(file, TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector readTracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector) this.xmlToObj(in, TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector readTracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector) this.xmlToObj(in, TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector readTracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnectorFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceConnector.class);
	 Object: tracciamento-configurazione-filetrace
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace readTracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace) this.xmlToObj(fileName, TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace readTracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace) this.xmlToObj(file, TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace readTracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace) this.xmlToObj(in, TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace readTracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace) this.xmlToObj(in, TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace readTracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletraceFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), TracciamentoConfigurazioneFiletrace.class);
	 Object: trasformazione-regola-risposta
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta readTrasformazioneRegolaRisposta(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta) this.xmlToObj(fileName, TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta readTrasformazioneRegolaRisposta(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta) this.xmlToObj(file, TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta readTrasformazioneRegolaRisposta(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta) this.xmlToObj(in, TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta readTrasformazioneRegolaRisposta(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta) this.xmlToObj(in, TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta readTrasformazioneRegolaRispostaFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), TrasformazioneRegolaRisposta.class);
	 Object: message-security-flow-parameter
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlowParameter}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlowParameter}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlowParameter}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MessageSecurityFlowParameter readMessageSecurityFlowParameter(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MessageSecurityFlowParameter) this.xmlToObj(fileName, MessageSecurityFlowParameter.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlowParameter}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlowParameter}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlowParameter}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MessageSecurityFlowParameter readMessageSecurityFlowParameter(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MessageSecurityFlowParameter) this.xmlToObj(file, MessageSecurityFlowParameter.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlowParameter}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlowParameter}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlowParameter}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MessageSecurityFlowParameter readMessageSecurityFlowParameter(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MessageSecurityFlowParameter) this.xmlToObj(in, MessageSecurityFlowParameter.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlowParameter}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlowParameter}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlowParameter}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MessageSecurityFlowParameter readMessageSecurityFlowParameter(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MessageSecurityFlowParameter) this.xmlToObj(in, MessageSecurityFlowParameter.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlowParameter}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlowParameter}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlowParameter}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MessageSecurityFlowParameter readMessageSecurityFlowParameterFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MessageSecurityFlowParameter) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), MessageSecurityFlowParameter.class);
	 Object: porta-delegata-soggetto-erogatore
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore readPortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore) this.xmlToObj(fileName, PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore readPortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore) this.xmlToObj(file, PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore readPortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore readPortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore readPortaDelegataSoggettoErogatoreFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), PortaDelegataSoggettoErogatore.class);
	 Object: porta-applicativa-servizio-applicativo-connettore
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore readPortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore) this.xmlToObj(fileName, PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore readPortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore) this.xmlToObj(file, PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore readPortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore readPortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore readPortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettoreFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoConnettore.class);
	 Object: proprieta-oggetto
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProprietaOggetto}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProprietaOggetto}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProprietaOggetto}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ProprietaOggetto readProprietaOggetto(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ProprietaOggetto) this.xmlToObj(fileName, ProprietaOggetto.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProprietaOggetto}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProprietaOggetto}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProprietaOggetto}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ProprietaOggetto readProprietaOggetto(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ProprietaOggetto) this.xmlToObj(file, ProprietaOggetto.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProprietaOggetto}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProprietaOggetto}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProprietaOggetto}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ProprietaOggetto readProprietaOggetto(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ProprietaOggetto) this.xmlToObj(in, ProprietaOggetto.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProprietaOggetto}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProprietaOggetto}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProprietaOggetto}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ProprietaOggetto readProprietaOggetto(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ProprietaOggetto) this.xmlToObj(in, ProprietaOggetto.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProprietaOggetto}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProprietaOggetto}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProprietaOggetto}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ProprietaOggetto readProprietaOggettoFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ProprietaOggetto) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), ProprietaOggetto.class);
	 Object: registro-plugin-archivio
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPluginArchivio}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPluginArchivio}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPluginArchivio}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RegistroPluginArchivio readRegistroPluginArchivio(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RegistroPluginArchivio) this.xmlToObj(fileName, RegistroPluginArchivio.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPluginArchivio}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPluginArchivio}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPluginArchivio}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RegistroPluginArchivio readRegistroPluginArchivio(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RegistroPluginArchivio) this.xmlToObj(file, RegistroPluginArchivio.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPluginArchivio}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPluginArchivio}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPluginArchivio}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RegistroPluginArchivio readRegistroPluginArchivio(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RegistroPluginArchivio) this.xmlToObj(in, RegistroPluginArchivio.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPluginArchivio}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPluginArchivio}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPluginArchivio}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RegistroPluginArchivio readRegistroPluginArchivio(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RegistroPluginArchivio) this.xmlToObj(in, RegistroPluginArchivio.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPluginArchivio}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPluginArchivio}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RegistroPluginArchivio}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RegistroPluginArchivio readRegistroPluginArchivioFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RegistroPluginArchivio) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), RegistroPluginArchivio.class);
	 Object: id-porta-delegata
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaDelegata}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaDelegata}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaDelegata}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public IdPortaDelegata readIdPortaDelegata(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (IdPortaDelegata) this.xmlToObj(fileName, IdPortaDelegata.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaDelegata}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaDelegata}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaDelegata}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public IdPortaDelegata readIdPortaDelegata(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (IdPortaDelegata) this.xmlToObj(file, IdPortaDelegata.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaDelegata}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaDelegata}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaDelegata}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public IdPortaDelegata readIdPortaDelegata(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (IdPortaDelegata) this.xmlToObj(in, IdPortaDelegata.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaDelegata}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaDelegata}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaDelegata}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public IdPortaDelegata readIdPortaDelegata(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (IdPortaDelegata) this.xmlToObj(in, IdPortaDelegata.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaDelegata}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaDelegata}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdPortaDelegata}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public IdPortaDelegata readIdPortaDelegataFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (IdPortaDelegata) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), IdPortaDelegata.class);
	 Object: porta-delegata-servizio
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizio}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizio}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizio}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataServizio readPortaDelegataServizio(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataServizio) this.xmlToObj(fileName, PortaDelegataServizio.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizio}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizio}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizio}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataServizio readPortaDelegataServizio(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataServizio) this.xmlToObj(file, PortaDelegataServizio.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizio}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizio}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizio}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataServizio readPortaDelegataServizio(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataServizio) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaDelegataServizio.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizio}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizio}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizio}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataServizio readPortaDelegataServizio(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataServizio) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaDelegataServizio.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizio}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizio}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizio}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataServizio readPortaDelegataServizioFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataServizio) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), PortaDelegataServizio.class);
	 Object: porta-delegata-azione
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAzione}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAzione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAzione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataAzione readPortaDelegataAzione(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataAzione) this.xmlToObj(fileName, PortaDelegataAzione.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAzione}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAzione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAzione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataAzione readPortaDelegataAzione(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataAzione) this.xmlToObj(file, PortaDelegataAzione.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAzione}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAzione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAzione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataAzione readPortaDelegataAzione(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataAzione) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaDelegataAzione.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAzione}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAzione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAzione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataAzione readPortaDelegataAzione(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataAzione) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaDelegataAzione.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAzione}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAzione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataAzione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataAzione readPortaDelegataAzioneFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataAzione) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), PortaDelegataAzione.class);
	 Object: porta-delegata-servizio-applicativo
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo readPortaDelegataServizioApplicativo(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo) this.xmlToObj(fileName, PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo readPortaDelegataServizioApplicativo(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo) this.xmlToObj(file, PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo readPortaDelegataServizioApplicativo(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo readPortaDelegataServizioApplicativo(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo readPortaDelegataServizioApplicativoFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), PortaDelegataServizioApplicativo.class);
	 Object: autorizzazione-scope
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneScope}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneScope}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneScope}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AutorizzazioneScope readAutorizzazioneScope(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AutorizzazioneScope) this.xmlToObj(fileName, AutorizzazioneScope.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneScope}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneScope}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneScope}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AutorizzazioneScope readAutorizzazioneScope(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AutorizzazioneScope) this.xmlToObj(file, AutorizzazioneScope.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneScope}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneScope}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneScope}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AutorizzazioneScope readAutorizzazioneScope(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AutorizzazioneScope) this.xmlToObj(in, AutorizzazioneScope.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneScope}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneScope}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneScope}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AutorizzazioneScope readAutorizzazioneScope(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AutorizzazioneScope) this.xmlToObj(in, AutorizzazioneScope.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneScope}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneScope}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AutorizzazioneScope}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AutorizzazioneScope readAutorizzazioneScopeFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AutorizzazioneScope) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), AutorizzazioneScope.class);
	 Object: porta-delegata-local-forward
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataLocalForward}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataLocalForward}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataLocalForward}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataLocalForward readPortaDelegataLocalForward(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataLocalForward) this.xmlToObj(fileName, PortaDelegataLocalForward.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataLocalForward}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataLocalForward}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataLocalForward}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataLocalForward readPortaDelegataLocalForward(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataLocalForward) this.xmlToObj(file, PortaDelegataLocalForward.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataLocalForward}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataLocalForward}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataLocalForward}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataLocalForward readPortaDelegataLocalForward(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataLocalForward) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaDelegataLocalForward.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataLocalForward}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataLocalForward}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataLocalForward}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataLocalForward readPortaDelegataLocalForward(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataLocalForward) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaDelegataLocalForward.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataLocalForward}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataLocalForward}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaDelegataLocalForward}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaDelegataLocalForward readPortaDelegataLocalForwardFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaDelegataLocalForward) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), PortaDelegataLocalForward.class);
	 Object: message-security
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurity}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurity}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurity}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MessageSecurity readMessageSecurity(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MessageSecurity) this.xmlToObj(fileName, MessageSecurity.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurity}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurity}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurity}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MessageSecurity readMessageSecurity(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MessageSecurity) this.xmlToObj(file, MessageSecurity.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurity}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurity}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurity}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MessageSecurity readMessageSecurity(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MessageSecurity) this.xmlToObj(in, MessageSecurity.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurity}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurity}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurity}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MessageSecurity readMessageSecurity(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MessageSecurity) this.xmlToObj(in, MessageSecurity.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurity}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurity}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurity}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MessageSecurity readMessageSecurityFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MessageSecurity) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), MessageSecurity.class);
	 Object: validazione-contenuti-applicativi
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi readValidazioneContenutiApplicativi(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi) this.xmlToObj(fileName, ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi readValidazioneContenutiApplicativi(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi) this.xmlToObj(file, ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi readValidazioneContenutiApplicativi(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi) this.xmlToObj(in, ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi readValidazioneContenutiApplicativi(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi) this.xmlToObj(in, ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi readValidazioneContenutiApplicativiFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), ValidazioneContenutiApplicativi.class);
	 Object: correlazione-applicativa
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativa}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativa}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativa}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorrelazioneApplicativa readCorrelazioneApplicativa(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorrelazioneApplicativa) this.xmlToObj(fileName, CorrelazioneApplicativa.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativa}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativa}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativa}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorrelazioneApplicativa readCorrelazioneApplicativa(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorrelazioneApplicativa) this.xmlToObj(file, CorrelazioneApplicativa.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativa}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativa}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativa}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorrelazioneApplicativa readCorrelazioneApplicativa(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorrelazioneApplicativa) this.xmlToObj(in, CorrelazioneApplicativa.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativa}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativa}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativa}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorrelazioneApplicativa readCorrelazioneApplicativa(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorrelazioneApplicativa) this.xmlToObj(in, CorrelazioneApplicativa.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativa}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativa}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativa}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorrelazioneApplicativa readCorrelazioneApplicativaFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorrelazioneApplicativa) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), CorrelazioneApplicativa.class);
	 Object: correlazione-applicativa-risposta
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta readCorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta) this.xmlToObj(fileName, CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta readCorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta) this.xmlToObj(file, CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta readCorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta) this.xmlToObj(in, CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta readCorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta) this.xmlToObj(in, CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta readCorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), CorrelazioneApplicativaRisposta.class);
	 Object: dump-configurazione
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazione}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public DumpConfigurazione readDumpConfigurazione(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (DumpConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(fileName, DumpConfigurazione.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazione}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public DumpConfigurazione readDumpConfigurazione(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (DumpConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(file, DumpConfigurazione.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazione}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public DumpConfigurazione readDumpConfigurazione(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (DumpConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(in, DumpConfigurazione.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazione}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public DumpConfigurazione readDumpConfigurazione(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (DumpConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(in, DumpConfigurazione.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazione}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public DumpConfigurazione readDumpConfigurazioneFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (DumpConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), DumpConfigurazione.class);
	 Object: porta-tracciamento
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaTracciamento}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaTracciamento}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaTracciamento}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaTracciamento readPortaTracciamento(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaTracciamento) this.xmlToObj(fileName, PortaTracciamento.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaTracciamento}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaTracciamento}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaTracciamento}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaTracciamento readPortaTracciamento(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaTracciamento) this.xmlToObj(file, PortaTracciamento.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaTracciamento}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaTracciamento}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaTracciamento}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaTracciamento readPortaTracciamento(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaTracciamento) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaTracciamento.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaTracciamento}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaTracciamento}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaTracciamento}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaTracciamento readPortaTracciamento(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaTracciamento) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaTracciamento.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaTracciamento}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaTracciamento}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaTracciamento}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaTracciamento readPortaTracciamentoFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaTracciamento) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), PortaTracciamento.class);
	 Object: cors-configurazione
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazione}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorsConfigurazione readCorsConfigurazione(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorsConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(fileName, CorsConfigurazione.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazione}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorsConfigurazione readCorsConfigurazione(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorsConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(file, CorsConfigurazione.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazione}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorsConfigurazione readCorsConfigurazione(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorsConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(in, CorsConfigurazione.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazione}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorsConfigurazione readCorsConfigurazione(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorsConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(in, CorsConfigurazione.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazione}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorsConfigurazione readCorsConfigurazioneFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorsConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), CorsConfigurazione.class);
	 Object: response-caching-configurazione
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazione}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ResponseCachingConfigurazione readResponseCachingConfigurazione(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ResponseCachingConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(fileName, ResponseCachingConfigurazione.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazione}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ResponseCachingConfigurazione readResponseCachingConfigurazione(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ResponseCachingConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(file, ResponseCachingConfigurazione.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazione}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ResponseCachingConfigurazione readResponseCachingConfigurazione(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ResponseCachingConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(in, ResponseCachingConfigurazione.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazione}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ResponseCachingConfigurazione readResponseCachingConfigurazione(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ResponseCachingConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(in, ResponseCachingConfigurazione.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazione}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ResponseCachingConfigurazione readResponseCachingConfigurazioneFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ResponseCachingConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), ResponseCachingConfigurazione.class);
	 Object: trasformazioni
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Trasformazioni}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Trasformazioni}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Trasformazioni}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Trasformazioni readTrasformazioni(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Trasformazioni) this.xmlToObj(fileName, Trasformazioni.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Trasformazioni}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Trasformazioni}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Trasformazioni}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Trasformazioni readTrasformazioni(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Trasformazioni) this.xmlToObj(file, Trasformazioni.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Trasformazioni}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Trasformazioni}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Trasformazioni}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Trasformazioni readTrasformazioni(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Trasformazioni) this.xmlToObj(in, Trasformazioni.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Trasformazioni}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Trasformazioni}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Trasformazioni}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Trasformazioni readTrasformazioni(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Trasformazioni) this.xmlToObj(in, Trasformazioni.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Trasformazioni}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Trasformazioni}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Trasformazioni}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Trasformazioni readTrasformazioniFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Trasformazioni) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), Trasformazioni.class);
	 Object: configurazione-porta-handler
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazionePortaHandler}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazionePortaHandler}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazionePortaHandler}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazionePortaHandler readConfigurazionePortaHandler(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazionePortaHandler) this.xmlToObj(fileName, ConfigurazionePortaHandler.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazionePortaHandler}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazionePortaHandler}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazionePortaHandler}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazionePortaHandler readConfigurazionePortaHandler(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazionePortaHandler) this.xmlToObj(file, ConfigurazionePortaHandler.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazionePortaHandler}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazionePortaHandler}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazionePortaHandler}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazionePortaHandler readConfigurazionePortaHandler(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazionePortaHandler) this.xmlToObj(in, ConfigurazionePortaHandler.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazionePortaHandler}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazionePortaHandler}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazionePortaHandler}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazionePortaHandler readConfigurazionePortaHandler(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazionePortaHandler) this.xmlToObj(in, ConfigurazionePortaHandler.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazionePortaHandler}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazionePortaHandler}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazionePortaHandler}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazionePortaHandler readConfigurazionePortaHandlerFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazionePortaHandler) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), ConfigurazionePortaHandler.class);
	 Object: attribute-authority
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AttributeAuthority}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AttributeAuthority}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AttributeAuthority}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AttributeAuthority readAttributeAuthority(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AttributeAuthority) this.xmlToObj(fileName, AttributeAuthority.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AttributeAuthority}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AttributeAuthority}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AttributeAuthority}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AttributeAuthority readAttributeAuthority(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AttributeAuthority) this.xmlToObj(file, AttributeAuthority.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AttributeAuthority}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AttributeAuthority}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AttributeAuthority}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AttributeAuthority readAttributeAuthority(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AttributeAuthority) this.xmlToObj(in, AttributeAuthority.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AttributeAuthority}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AttributeAuthority}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AttributeAuthority}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AttributeAuthority readAttributeAuthority(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AttributeAuthority) this.xmlToObj(in, AttributeAuthority.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AttributeAuthority}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AttributeAuthority}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AttributeAuthority}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AttributeAuthority readAttributeAuthorityFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AttributeAuthority) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), AttributeAuthority.class);
	 Object: response-caching-configurazione-regola
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola readResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola) this.xmlToObj(fileName, ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola readResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola) this.xmlToObj(file, ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola readResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola) this.xmlToObj(in, ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola readResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola) this.xmlToObj(in, ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola readResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegolaFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), ResponseCachingConfigurazioneRegola.class);
	 Object: generic-properties
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GenericProperties}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GenericProperties}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GenericProperties}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public GenericProperties readGenericProperties(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (GenericProperties) this.xmlToObj(fileName, GenericProperties.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GenericProperties}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GenericProperties}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GenericProperties}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public GenericProperties readGenericProperties(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (GenericProperties) this.xmlToObj(file, GenericProperties.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GenericProperties}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GenericProperties}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GenericProperties}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public GenericProperties readGenericProperties(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (GenericProperties) this.xmlToObj(in, GenericProperties.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GenericProperties}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GenericProperties}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GenericProperties}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public GenericProperties readGenericProperties(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (GenericProperties) this.xmlToObj(in, GenericProperties.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GenericProperties}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GenericProperties}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.GenericProperties}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public GenericProperties readGenericPropertiesFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (GenericProperties) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), GenericProperties.class);
	 Object: id-servizio-applicativo
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdServizioApplicativo}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdServizioApplicativo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdServizioApplicativo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public IdServizioApplicativo readIdServizioApplicativo(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (IdServizioApplicativo) this.xmlToObj(fileName, IdServizioApplicativo.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdServizioApplicativo}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdServizioApplicativo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdServizioApplicativo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public IdServizioApplicativo readIdServizioApplicativo(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (IdServizioApplicativo) this.xmlToObj(file, IdServizioApplicativo.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdServizioApplicativo}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdServizioApplicativo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdServizioApplicativo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public IdServizioApplicativo readIdServizioApplicativo(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (IdServizioApplicativo) this.xmlToObj(in, IdServizioApplicativo.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdServizioApplicativo}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdServizioApplicativo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdServizioApplicativo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public IdServizioApplicativo readIdServizioApplicativo(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (IdServizioApplicativo) this.xmlToObj(in, IdServizioApplicativo.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdServizioApplicativo}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdServizioApplicativo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IdServizioApplicativo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public IdServizioApplicativo readIdServizioApplicativoFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (IdServizioApplicativo) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), IdServizioApplicativo.class);
	 Object: canale-configurazione
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazione}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CanaleConfigurazione readCanaleConfigurazione(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CanaleConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(fileName, CanaleConfigurazione.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazione}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CanaleConfigurazione readCanaleConfigurazione(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CanaleConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(file, CanaleConfigurazione.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazione}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CanaleConfigurazione readCanaleConfigurazione(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CanaleConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(in, CanaleConfigurazione.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazione}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CanaleConfigurazione readCanaleConfigurazione(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CanaleConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(in, CanaleConfigurazione.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazione}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CanaleConfigurazione readCanaleConfigurazioneFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CanaleConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), CanaleConfigurazione.class);
	 Object: tracciamento-configurazione
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazione}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TracciamentoConfigurazione readTracciamentoConfigurazione(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TracciamentoConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(fileName, TracciamentoConfigurazione.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazione}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TracciamentoConfigurazione readTracciamentoConfigurazione(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TracciamentoConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(file, TracciamentoConfigurazione.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazione}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TracciamentoConfigurazione readTracciamentoConfigurazione(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TracciamentoConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(in, TracciamentoConfigurazione.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazione}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TracciamentoConfigurazione readTracciamentoConfigurazione(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TracciamentoConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(in, TracciamentoConfigurazione.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazione}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TracciamentoConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TracciamentoConfigurazione readTracciamentoConfigurazioneFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TracciamentoConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), TracciamentoConfigurazione.class);
	 Object: configurazione-tracciamento-porta
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta readConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta) this.xmlToObj(fileName, ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta readConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta) this.xmlToObj(file, ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta readConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta) this.xmlToObj(in, ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta readConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta) this.xmlToObj(in, ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta readConfigurazioneTracciamentoPortaFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), ConfigurazioneTracciamentoPorta.class);
	 Object: transazioni
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Transazioni}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Transazioni}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Transazioni}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Transazioni readTransazioni(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Transazioni) this.xmlToObj(fileName, Transazioni.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Transazioni}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Transazioni}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Transazioni}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Transazioni readTransazioni(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Transazioni) this.xmlToObj(file, Transazioni.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Transazioni}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Transazioni}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Transazioni}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Transazioni readTransazioni(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Transazioni) this.xmlToObj(in, Transazioni.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Transazioni}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Transazioni}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Transazioni}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Transazioni readTransazioni(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Transazioni) this.xmlToObj(in, Transazioni.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Transazioni}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Transazioni}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Transazioni}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Transazioni readTransazioniFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Transazioni) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), Transazioni.class);
	 Object: cors-configurazione-headers
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneHeaders}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneHeaders}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneHeaders}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorsConfigurazioneHeaders readCorsConfigurazioneHeaders(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorsConfigurazioneHeaders) this.xmlToObj(fileName, CorsConfigurazioneHeaders.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneHeaders}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneHeaders}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneHeaders}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorsConfigurazioneHeaders readCorsConfigurazioneHeaders(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorsConfigurazioneHeaders) this.xmlToObj(file, CorsConfigurazioneHeaders.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneHeaders}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneHeaders}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneHeaders}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorsConfigurazioneHeaders readCorsConfigurazioneHeaders(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorsConfigurazioneHeaders) this.xmlToObj(in, CorsConfigurazioneHeaders.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneHeaders}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneHeaders}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneHeaders}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorsConfigurazioneHeaders readCorsConfigurazioneHeaders(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorsConfigurazioneHeaders) this.xmlToObj(in, CorsConfigurazioneHeaders.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneHeaders}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneHeaders}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneHeaders}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorsConfigurazioneHeaders readCorsConfigurazioneHeadersFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorsConfigurazioneHeaders) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), CorsConfigurazioneHeaders.class);
	 Object: canali-configurazione
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaliConfigurazione}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaliConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaliConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CanaliConfigurazione readCanaliConfigurazione(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CanaliConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(fileName, CanaliConfigurazione.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaliConfigurazione}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaliConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaliConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CanaliConfigurazione readCanaliConfigurazione(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CanaliConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(file, CanaliConfigurazione.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaliConfigurazione}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaliConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaliConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CanaliConfigurazione readCanaliConfigurazione(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CanaliConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(in, CanaliConfigurazione.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaliConfigurazione}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaliConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaliConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CanaliConfigurazione readCanaliConfigurazione(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CanaliConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(in, CanaliConfigurazione.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaliConfigurazione}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaliConfigurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaliConfigurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CanaliConfigurazione readCanaliConfigurazioneFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CanaliConfigurazione) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), CanaliConfigurazione.class);
	 Object: canale-configurazione-nodo
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazioneNodo}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazioneNodo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazioneNodo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CanaleConfigurazioneNodo readCanaleConfigurazioneNodo(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CanaleConfigurazioneNodo) this.xmlToObj(fileName, CanaleConfigurazioneNodo.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazioneNodo}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazioneNodo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazioneNodo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CanaleConfigurazioneNodo readCanaleConfigurazioneNodo(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CanaleConfigurazioneNodo) this.xmlToObj(file, CanaleConfigurazioneNodo.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazioneNodo}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazioneNodo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazioneNodo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CanaleConfigurazioneNodo readCanaleConfigurazioneNodo(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CanaleConfigurazioneNodo) this.xmlToObj(in, CanaleConfigurazioneNodo.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazioneNodo}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazioneNodo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazioneNodo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CanaleConfigurazioneNodo readCanaleConfigurazioneNodo(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CanaleConfigurazioneNodo) this.xmlToObj(in, CanaleConfigurazioneNodo.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazioneNodo}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazioneNodo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CanaleConfigurazioneNodo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CanaleConfigurazioneNodo readCanaleConfigurazioneNodoFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CanaleConfigurazioneNodo) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), CanaleConfigurazioneNodo.class);
	 Object: trasformazione-regola-applicabilita-richiesta
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta readTrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta) this.xmlToObj(fileName, TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta readTrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta) this.xmlToObj(file, TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta readTrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta) this.xmlToObj(in, TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta readTrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta) this.xmlToObj(in, TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta readTrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiestaFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaRichiesta.class);
	 Object: trasformazione-regola-applicabilita-soggetto
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto readTrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto) this.xmlToObj(fileName, TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto readTrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto) this.xmlToObj(file, TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto readTrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto) this.xmlToObj(in, TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto readTrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto) this.xmlToObj(in, TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto readTrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggettoFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaSoggetto.class);
	 Object: trasformazione-regola-applicabilita-servizio-applicativo
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo readTrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo) this.xmlToObj(fileName, TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo readTrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo) this.xmlToObj(file, TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo readTrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo) this.xmlToObj(in, TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo readTrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo) this.xmlToObj(in, TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo readTrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativoFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), TrasformazioneRegolaApplicabilitaServizioApplicativo.class);
	 Object: porta-applicativa-servizio-applicativo
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo readPortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo) this.xmlToObj(fileName, PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo readPortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo) this.xmlToObj(file, PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo readPortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo readPortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo readPortaApplicativaServizioApplicativoFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), PortaApplicativaServizioApplicativo.class);
	 Object: correlazione-applicativa-risposta-elemento
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento readCorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento) this.xmlToObj(fileName, CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento readCorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento) this.xmlToObj(file, CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento readCorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento) this.xmlToObj(in, CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento readCorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento) this.xmlToObj(in, CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento readCorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElementoFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), CorrelazioneApplicativaRispostaElemento.class);
	 Object: configurazione-handler
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneHandler}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneHandler}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneHandler}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneHandler readConfigurazioneHandler(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneHandler) this.xmlToObj(fileName, ConfigurazioneHandler.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneHandler}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneHandler}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneHandler}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneHandler readConfigurazioneHandler(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneHandler) this.xmlToObj(file, ConfigurazioneHandler.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneHandler}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneHandler}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneHandler}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneHandler readConfigurazioneHandler(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneHandler) this.xmlToObj(in, ConfigurazioneHandler.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneHandler}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneHandler}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneHandler}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneHandler readConfigurazioneHandler(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneHandler) this.xmlToObj(in, ConfigurazioneHandler.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneHandler}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneHandler}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneHandler}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneHandler readConfigurazioneHandlerFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneHandler) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), ConfigurazioneHandler.class);
	 Object: configurazione-message-handlers
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers readConfigurazioneMessageHandlers(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers) this.xmlToObj(fileName, ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers readConfigurazioneMessageHandlers(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers) this.xmlToObj(file, ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers readConfigurazioneMessageHandlers(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers) this.xmlToObj(in, ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers readConfigurazioneMessageHandlers(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers) this.xmlToObj(in, ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers readConfigurazioneMessageHandlersFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), ConfigurazioneMessageHandlers.class);
	 Object: system-properties
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.SystemProperties}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.SystemProperties}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.SystemProperties}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public SystemProperties readSystemProperties(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (SystemProperties) this.xmlToObj(fileName, SystemProperties.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.SystemProperties}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.SystemProperties}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.SystemProperties}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public SystemProperties readSystemProperties(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (SystemProperties) this.xmlToObj(file, SystemProperties.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.SystemProperties}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.SystemProperties}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.SystemProperties}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public SystemProperties readSystemProperties(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (SystemProperties) this.xmlToObj(in, SystemProperties.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.SystemProperties}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.SystemProperties}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.SystemProperties}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public SystemProperties readSystemProperties(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (SystemProperties) this.xmlToObj(in, SystemProperties.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.SystemProperties}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.SystemProperties}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.SystemProperties}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public SystemProperties readSystemPropertiesFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (SystemProperties) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), SystemProperties.class);
	 Object: correlazione-applicativa-elemento
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento readCorrelazioneApplicativaElemento(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento) this.xmlToObj(fileName, CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento readCorrelazioneApplicativaElemento(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento) this.xmlToObj(file, CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento readCorrelazioneApplicativaElemento(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento) this.xmlToObj(in, CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento readCorrelazioneApplicativaElemento(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento) this.xmlToObj(in, CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento readCorrelazioneApplicativaElementoFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), CorrelazioneApplicativaElemento.class);
	 Object: trasformazione-regola
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegola}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegola}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegola}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegola readTrasformazioneRegola(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegola) this.xmlToObj(fileName, TrasformazioneRegola.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegola}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegola}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegola}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegola readTrasformazioneRegola(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegola) this.xmlToObj(file, TrasformazioneRegola.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegola}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegola}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegola}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegola readTrasformazioneRegola(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegola) this.xmlToObj(in, TrasformazioneRegola.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegola}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegola}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegola}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegola readTrasformazioneRegola(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegola) this.xmlToObj(in, TrasformazioneRegola.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegola}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegola}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TrasformazioneRegola}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TrasformazioneRegola readTrasformazioneRegolaFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TrasformazioneRegola) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), TrasformazioneRegola.class);
	 Object: inoltro-buste-non-riscontrate
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate readInoltroBusteNonRiscontrate(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate) this.xmlToObj(fileName, InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate readInoltroBusteNonRiscontrate(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate) this.xmlToObj(file, InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate readInoltroBusteNonRiscontrate(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate) this.xmlToObj(in, InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate readInoltroBusteNonRiscontrate(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate) this.xmlToObj(in, InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate readInoltroBusteNonRiscontrateFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), InoltroBusteNonRiscontrate.class);
	 Object: route-gateway
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteGateway}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteGateway}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteGateway}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RouteGateway readRouteGateway(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RouteGateway) this.xmlToObj(fileName, RouteGateway.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteGateway}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteGateway}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteGateway}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RouteGateway readRouteGateway(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RouteGateway) this.xmlToObj(file, RouteGateway.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteGateway}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteGateway}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteGateway}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RouteGateway readRouteGateway(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RouteGateway) this.xmlToObj(in, RouteGateway.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteGateway}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteGateway}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteGateway}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RouteGateway readRouteGateway(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RouteGateway) this.xmlToObj(in, RouteGateway.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteGateway}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteGateway}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RouteGateway}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RouteGateway readRouteGatewayFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RouteGateway) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), RouteGateway.class);
	 Object: openspcoop2
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Openspcoop2}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Openspcoop2}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Openspcoop2}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Openspcoop2 readOpenspcoop2(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Openspcoop2) this.xmlToObj(fileName, Openspcoop2.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Openspcoop2}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Openspcoop2}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Openspcoop2}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Openspcoop2 readOpenspcoop2(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Openspcoop2) this.xmlToObj(file, Openspcoop2.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Openspcoop2}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Openspcoop2}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Openspcoop2}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Openspcoop2 readOpenspcoop2(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Openspcoop2) this.xmlToObj(in, Openspcoop2.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Openspcoop2}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Openspcoop2}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Openspcoop2}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Openspcoop2 readOpenspcoop2(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Openspcoop2) this.xmlToObj(in, Openspcoop2.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Openspcoop2}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Openspcoop2}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Openspcoop2}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Openspcoop2 readOpenspcoop2FromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Openspcoop2) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), Openspcoop2.class);
	 Object: configurazione
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Configurazione}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Configurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Configurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Configurazione readConfigurazione(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Configurazione) this.xmlToObj(fileName, Configurazione.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Configurazione}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Configurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Configurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Configurazione readConfigurazione(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Configurazione) this.xmlToObj(file, Configurazione.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Configurazione}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Configurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Configurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Configurazione readConfigurazione(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Configurazione) this.xmlToObj(in, Configurazione.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Configurazione}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Configurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Configurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Configurazione readConfigurazione(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Configurazione) this.xmlToObj(in, Configurazione.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Configurazione}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Configurazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Configurazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Configurazione readConfigurazioneFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Configurazione) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), Configurazione.class);
	 Object: cors-configurazione-origin
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneOrigin}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneOrigin}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneOrigin}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorsConfigurazioneOrigin readCorsConfigurazioneOrigin(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorsConfigurazioneOrigin) this.xmlToObj(fileName, CorsConfigurazioneOrigin.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneOrigin}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneOrigin}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneOrigin}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorsConfigurazioneOrigin readCorsConfigurazioneOrigin(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorsConfigurazioneOrigin) this.xmlToObj(file, CorsConfigurazioneOrigin.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneOrigin}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneOrigin}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneOrigin}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorsConfigurazioneOrigin readCorsConfigurazioneOrigin(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorsConfigurazioneOrigin) this.xmlToObj(in, CorsConfigurazioneOrigin.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneOrigin}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneOrigin}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneOrigin}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorsConfigurazioneOrigin readCorsConfigurazioneOrigin(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorsConfigurazioneOrigin) this.xmlToObj(in, CorsConfigurazioneOrigin.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneOrigin}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneOrigin}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneOrigin}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorsConfigurazioneOrigin readCorsConfigurazioneOriginFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorsConfigurazioneOrigin) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), CorsConfigurazioneOrigin.class);
	 Object: cors-configurazione-methods
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneMethods}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneMethods}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneMethods}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorsConfigurazioneMethods readCorsConfigurazioneMethods(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorsConfigurazioneMethods) this.xmlToObj(fileName, CorsConfigurazioneMethods.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneMethods}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneMethods}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneMethods}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorsConfigurazioneMethods readCorsConfigurazioneMethods(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorsConfigurazioneMethods) this.xmlToObj(file, CorsConfigurazioneMethods.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneMethods}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneMethods}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneMethods}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorsConfigurazioneMethods readCorsConfigurazioneMethods(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorsConfigurazioneMethods) this.xmlToObj(in, CorsConfigurazioneMethods.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneMethods}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneMethods}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneMethods}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorsConfigurazioneMethods readCorsConfigurazioneMethods(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorsConfigurazioneMethods) this.xmlToObj(in, CorsConfigurazioneMethods.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneMethods}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneMethods}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.CorsConfigurazioneMethods}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public CorsConfigurazioneMethods readCorsConfigurazioneMethodsFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (CorsConfigurazioneMethods) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), CorsConfigurazioneMethods.class);
	 Object: scope
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Scope}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Scope}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Scope}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Scope readScope(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Scope) this.xmlToObj(fileName, Scope.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Scope}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Scope}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Scope}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Scope readScope(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Scope) this.xmlToObj(file, Scope.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Scope}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Scope}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Scope}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Scope readScope(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Scope) this.xmlToObj(in, Scope.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Scope}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Scope}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Scope}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Scope readScope(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Scope) this.xmlToObj(in, Scope.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Scope}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Scope}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Scope}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Scope readScopeFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Scope) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), Scope.class);
	 Object: accesso-dati-consegna-applicativi
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi readAccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi) this.xmlToObj(fileName, AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi readAccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi) this.xmlToObj(file, AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi readAccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi) this.xmlToObj(in, AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi readAccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi) this.xmlToObj(in, AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi readAccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativiFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), AccessoDatiConsegnaApplicativi.class);
	 Object: tipo-filtro-abilitazione-servizi
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi readTipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi) this.xmlToObj(fileName, TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi readTipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi) this.xmlToObj(file, TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi readTipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi) this.xmlToObj(in, TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi readTipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi) this.xmlToObj(in, TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi readTipoFiltroAbilitazioneServiziFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), TipoFiltroAbilitazioneServizi.class);
	 Object: stato-servizi-pdd-porta-applicativa
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa readStatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa) this.xmlToObj(fileName, StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa readStatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa) this.xmlToObj(file, StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa readStatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa) this.xmlToObj(in, StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa readStatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa) this.xmlToObj(in, StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa readStatoServiziPddPortaApplicativaFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), StatoServiziPddPortaApplicativa.class);
	 Object: messaggi-diagnostici
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessaggiDiagnostici}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessaggiDiagnostici}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessaggiDiagnostici}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MessaggiDiagnostici readMessaggiDiagnostici(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MessaggiDiagnostici) this.xmlToObj(fileName, MessaggiDiagnostici.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessaggiDiagnostici}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessaggiDiagnostici}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessaggiDiagnostici}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MessaggiDiagnostici readMessaggiDiagnostici(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MessaggiDiagnostici) this.xmlToObj(file, MessaggiDiagnostici.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessaggiDiagnostici}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessaggiDiagnostici}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessaggiDiagnostici}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MessaggiDiagnostici readMessaggiDiagnostici(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MessaggiDiagnostici) this.xmlToObj(in, MessaggiDiagnostici.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessaggiDiagnostici}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessaggiDiagnostici}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessaggiDiagnostici}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MessaggiDiagnostici readMessaggiDiagnostici(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MessaggiDiagnostici) this.xmlToObj(in, MessaggiDiagnostici.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessaggiDiagnostici}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessaggiDiagnostici}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessaggiDiagnostici}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MessaggiDiagnostici readMessaggiDiagnosticiFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MessaggiDiagnostici) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), MessaggiDiagnostici.class);
	 Object: openspcoop-sorgente-dati
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopSorgenteDati}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopSorgenteDati}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopSorgenteDati}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public OpenspcoopSorgenteDati readOpenspcoopSorgenteDati(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (OpenspcoopSorgenteDati) this.xmlToObj(fileName, OpenspcoopSorgenteDati.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopSorgenteDati}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopSorgenteDati}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopSorgenteDati}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public OpenspcoopSorgenteDati readOpenspcoopSorgenteDati(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (OpenspcoopSorgenteDati) this.xmlToObj(file, OpenspcoopSorgenteDati.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopSorgenteDati}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopSorgenteDati}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopSorgenteDati}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public OpenspcoopSorgenteDati readOpenspcoopSorgenteDati(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (OpenspcoopSorgenteDati) this.xmlToObj(in, OpenspcoopSorgenteDati.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopSorgenteDati}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopSorgenteDati}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopSorgenteDati}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public OpenspcoopSorgenteDati readOpenspcoopSorgenteDati(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (OpenspcoopSorgenteDati) this.xmlToObj(in, OpenspcoopSorgenteDati.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopSorgenteDati}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopSorgenteDati}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.OpenspcoopSorgenteDati}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public OpenspcoopSorgenteDati readOpenspcoopSorgenteDatiFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (OpenspcoopSorgenteDati) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), OpenspcoopSorgenteDati.class);
	 Object: configurazione-generale-handler
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler readConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler) this.xmlToObj(fileName, ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler readConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler) this.xmlToObj(file, ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler readConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler) this.xmlToObj(in, ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler readConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler) this.xmlToObj(in, ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler readConfigurazioneGeneraleHandlerFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), ConfigurazioneGeneraleHandler.class);
	 Object: configurazione-service-handlers
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers readConfigurazioneServiceHandlers(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers) this.xmlToObj(fileName, ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers readConfigurazioneServiceHandlers(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers) this.xmlToObj(file, ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers readConfigurazioneServiceHandlers(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers) this.xmlToObj(in, ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers readConfigurazioneServiceHandlers(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers) this.xmlToObj(in, ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers readConfigurazioneServiceHandlersFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), ConfigurazioneServiceHandlers.class);
	 Object: response-caching-configurazione-control
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl readResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl) this.xmlToObj(fileName, ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl readResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl) this.xmlToObj(file, ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl readResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl) this.xmlToObj(in, ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl readResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl) this.xmlToObj(in, ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl readResponseCachingConfigurazioneControlFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), ResponseCachingConfigurazioneControl.class);
	 Object: credenziali
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Credenziali}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Credenziali}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Credenziali}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Credenziali readCredenziali(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Credenziali) this.xmlToObj(fileName, Credenziali.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Credenziali}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Credenziali}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Credenziali}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Credenziali readCredenziali(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Credenziali) this.xmlToObj(file, Credenziali.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Credenziali}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Credenziali}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Credenziali}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Credenziali readCredenziali(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Credenziali) this.xmlToObj(in, Credenziali.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Credenziali}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Credenziali}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Credenziali}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Credenziali readCredenziali(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Credenziali) this.xmlToObj(in, Credenziali.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Credenziali}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Credenziali}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Credenziali}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Credenziali readCredenzialiFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Credenziali) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), Credenziali.class);
	 Object: invocazione-porta
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePorta}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePorta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePorta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public InvocazionePorta readInvocazionePorta(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (InvocazionePorta) this.xmlToObj(fileName, InvocazionePorta.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePorta}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePorta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePorta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public InvocazionePorta readInvocazionePorta(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (InvocazionePorta) this.xmlToObj(file, InvocazionePorta.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePorta}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePorta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePorta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public InvocazionePorta readInvocazionePorta(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (InvocazionePorta) this.xmlToObj(in, InvocazionePorta.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePorta}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePorta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePorta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public InvocazionePorta readInvocazionePorta(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (InvocazionePorta) this.xmlToObj(in, InvocazionePorta.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePorta}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePorta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePorta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public InvocazionePorta readInvocazionePortaFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (InvocazionePorta) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), InvocazionePorta.class);
	 Object: invocazione-porta-gestione-errore
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore readInvocazionePortaGestioneErrore(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore) this.xmlToObj(fileName, InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore readInvocazionePortaGestioneErrore(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore) this.xmlToObj(file, InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore readInvocazionePortaGestioneErrore(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore) this.xmlToObj(in, InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore readInvocazionePortaGestioneErrore(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore) this.xmlToObj(in, InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore readInvocazionePortaGestioneErroreFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), InvocazionePortaGestioneErrore.class);
	 Object: accesso-dati-richieste
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiRichieste}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiRichieste}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiRichieste}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiRichieste readAccessoDatiRichieste(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiRichieste) this.xmlToObj(fileName, AccessoDatiRichieste.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiRichieste}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiRichieste}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiRichieste}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiRichieste readAccessoDatiRichieste(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiRichieste) this.xmlToObj(file, AccessoDatiRichieste.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiRichieste}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiRichieste}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiRichieste}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiRichieste readAccessoDatiRichieste(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiRichieste) this.xmlToObj(in, AccessoDatiRichieste.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiRichieste}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiRichieste}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiRichieste}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiRichieste readAccessoDatiRichieste(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiRichieste) this.xmlToObj(in, AccessoDatiRichieste.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiRichieste}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiRichieste}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiRichieste}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiRichieste readAccessoDatiRichiesteFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiRichieste) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), AccessoDatiRichieste.class);
	 Object: tracciamento
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Tracciamento}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Tracciamento}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Tracciamento}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Tracciamento readTracciamento(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Tracciamento) this.xmlToObj(fileName, Tracciamento.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Tracciamento}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Tracciamento}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Tracciamento}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Tracciamento readTracciamento(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Tracciamento) this.xmlToObj(file, Tracciamento.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Tracciamento}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Tracciamento}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Tracciamento}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Tracciamento readTracciamento(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Tracciamento) this.xmlToObj(in, Tracciamento.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Tracciamento}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Tracciamento}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Tracciamento}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Tracciamento readTracciamento(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Tracciamento) this.xmlToObj(in, Tracciamento.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Tracciamento}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Tracciamento}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Tracciamento}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Tracciamento readTracciamentoFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Tracciamento) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), Tracciamento.class);
	 Object: configurazione-gestione-errore
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore readConfigurazioneGestioneErrore(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore) this.xmlToObj(fileName, ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore readConfigurazioneGestioneErrore(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore) this.xmlToObj(file, ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore readConfigurazioneGestioneErrore(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore) this.xmlToObj(in, ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore readConfigurazioneGestioneErrore(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore) this.xmlToObj(in, ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore readConfigurazioneGestioneErroreFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), ConfigurazioneGestioneErrore.class);
	 Object: accesso-dati-attribute-authority
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority readAccessoDatiAttributeAuthority(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority) this.xmlToObj(fileName, AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority readAccessoDatiAttributeAuthority(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority) this.xmlToObj(file, AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority readAccessoDatiAttributeAuthority(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority) this.xmlToObj(in, AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority readAccessoDatiAttributeAuthority(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority) this.xmlToObj(in, AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority readAccessoDatiAttributeAuthorityFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), AccessoDatiAttributeAuthority.class);
	 Object: accesso-dati-autorizzazione
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutorizzazione}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutorizzazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutorizzazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiAutorizzazione readAccessoDatiAutorizzazione(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiAutorizzazione) this.xmlToObj(fileName, AccessoDatiAutorizzazione.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutorizzazione}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutorizzazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutorizzazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiAutorizzazione readAccessoDatiAutorizzazione(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiAutorizzazione) this.xmlToObj(file, AccessoDatiAutorizzazione.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutorizzazione}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutorizzazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutorizzazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiAutorizzazione readAccessoDatiAutorizzazione(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiAutorizzazione) this.xmlToObj(in, AccessoDatiAutorizzazione.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutorizzazione}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutorizzazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutorizzazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiAutorizzazione readAccessoDatiAutorizzazione(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiAutorizzazione) this.xmlToObj(in, AccessoDatiAutorizzazione.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutorizzazione}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutorizzazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutorizzazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiAutorizzazione readAccessoDatiAutorizzazioneFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiAutorizzazione) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), AccessoDatiAutorizzazione.class);
	 Object: porta-applicativa-servizio
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizio}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizio}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizio}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaServizio readPortaApplicativaServizio(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaServizio) this.xmlToObj(fileName, PortaApplicativaServizio.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizio}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizio}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizio}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaServizio readPortaApplicativaServizio(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaServizio) this.xmlToObj(file, PortaApplicativaServizio.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizio}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizio}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizio}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaServizio readPortaApplicativaServizio(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaServizio) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaApplicativaServizio.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizio}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizio}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizio}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaServizio readPortaApplicativaServizio(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaServizio) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaApplicativaServizio.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizio}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizio}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaServizio}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaServizio readPortaApplicativaServizioFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaServizio) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), PortaApplicativaServizio.class);
	 Object: porta-applicativa-azione
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAzione}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAzione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAzione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaAzione readPortaApplicativaAzione(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaAzione) this.xmlToObj(fileName, PortaApplicativaAzione.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAzione}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAzione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAzione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaAzione readPortaApplicativaAzione(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaAzione) this.xmlToObj(file, PortaApplicativaAzione.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAzione}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAzione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAzione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaAzione readPortaApplicativaAzione(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaAzione) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaApplicativaAzione.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAzione}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAzione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAzione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaAzione readPortaApplicativaAzione(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaAzione) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaApplicativaAzione.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAzione}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAzione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaAzione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaAzione readPortaApplicativaAzioneFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaAzione) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), PortaApplicativaAzione.class);
	 Object: porta-applicativa-behaviour
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaBehaviour}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaBehaviour}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaBehaviour}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaBehaviour readPortaApplicativaBehaviour(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaBehaviour) this.xmlToObj(fileName, PortaApplicativaBehaviour.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaBehaviour}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaBehaviour}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaBehaviour}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaBehaviour readPortaApplicativaBehaviour(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaBehaviour) this.xmlToObj(file, PortaApplicativaBehaviour.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaBehaviour}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaBehaviour}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaBehaviour}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaBehaviour readPortaApplicativaBehaviour(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaBehaviour) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaApplicativaBehaviour.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaBehaviour}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaBehaviour}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaBehaviour}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaBehaviour readPortaApplicativaBehaviour(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaBehaviour) this.xmlToObj(in, PortaApplicativaBehaviour.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaBehaviour}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaBehaviour}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.PortaApplicativaBehaviour}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public PortaApplicativaBehaviour readPortaApplicativaBehaviourFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (PortaApplicativaBehaviour) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), PortaApplicativaBehaviour.class);
	 Object: routing-table
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTable}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTable}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTable}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RoutingTable readRoutingTable(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RoutingTable) this.xmlToObj(fileName, RoutingTable.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTable}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTable}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTable}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RoutingTable readRoutingTable(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RoutingTable) this.xmlToObj(file, RoutingTable.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTable}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTable}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTable}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RoutingTable readRoutingTable(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RoutingTable) this.xmlToObj(in, RoutingTable.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTable}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTable}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTable}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RoutingTable readRoutingTable(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RoutingTable) this.xmlToObj(in, RoutingTable.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTable}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTable}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTable}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RoutingTable readRoutingTableFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RoutingTable) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), RoutingTable.class);
	 Object: accesso-registro
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistro}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistro}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistro}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoRegistro readAccessoRegistro(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoRegistro) this.xmlToObj(fileName, AccessoRegistro.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistro}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistro}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistro}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoRegistro readAccessoRegistro(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoRegistro) this.xmlToObj(file, AccessoRegistro.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistro}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistro}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistro}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoRegistro readAccessoRegistro(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoRegistro) this.xmlToObj(in, AccessoRegistro.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistro}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistro}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistro}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoRegistro readAccessoRegistro(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoRegistro) this.xmlToObj(in, AccessoRegistro.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistro}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistro}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoRegistro}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoRegistro readAccessoRegistroFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoRegistro) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), AccessoRegistro.class);
	 Object: accesso-dati-autenticazione
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutenticazione}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutenticazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutenticazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiAutenticazione readAccessoDatiAutenticazione(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiAutenticazione) this.xmlToObj(fileName, AccessoDatiAutenticazione.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutenticazione}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutenticazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutenticazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiAutenticazione readAccessoDatiAutenticazione(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiAutenticazione) this.xmlToObj(file, AccessoDatiAutenticazione.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutenticazione}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutenticazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutenticazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiAutenticazione readAccessoDatiAutenticazione(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiAutenticazione) this.xmlToObj(in, AccessoDatiAutenticazione.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutenticazione}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutenticazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutenticazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiAutenticazione readAccessoDatiAutenticazione(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiAutenticazione) this.xmlToObj(in, AccessoDatiAutenticazione.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutenticazione}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutenticazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.AccessoDatiAutenticazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public AccessoDatiAutenticazione readAccessoDatiAutenticazioneFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (AccessoDatiAutenticazione) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), AccessoDatiAutenticazione.class);
	 Object: configurazione-multitenant
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMultitenant}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMultitenant}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMultitenant}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneMultitenant readConfigurazioneMultitenant(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneMultitenant) this.xmlToObj(fileName, ConfigurazioneMultitenant.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMultitenant}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMultitenant}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMultitenant}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneMultitenant readConfigurazioneMultitenant(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneMultitenant) this.xmlToObj(file, ConfigurazioneMultitenant.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMultitenant}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMultitenant}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMultitenant}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneMultitenant readConfigurazioneMultitenant(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneMultitenant) this.xmlToObj(in, ConfigurazioneMultitenant.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMultitenant}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMultitenant}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMultitenant}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneMultitenant readConfigurazioneMultitenant(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneMultitenant) this.xmlToObj(in, ConfigurazioneMultitenant.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMultitenant}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMultitenant}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneMultitenant}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneMultitenant readConfigurazioneMultitenantFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneMultitenant) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), ConfigurazioneMultitenant.class);
	 Object: configurazione-url-invocazione
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione readConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione) this.xmlToObj(fileName, ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione readConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione) this.xmlToObj(file, ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione readConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione) this.xmlToObj(in, ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione readConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione) this.xmlToObj(in, ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione readConfigurazioneUrlInvocazioneFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), ConfigurazioneUrlInvocazione.class);
	 Object: validazione-buste
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneBuste}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneBuste}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneBuste}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ValidazioneBuste readValidazioneBuste(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ValidazioneBuste) this.xmlToObj(fileName, ValidazioneBuste.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneBuste}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneBuste}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneBuste}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ValidazioneBuste readValidazioneBuste(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ValidazioneBuste) this.xmlToObj(file, ValidazioneBuste.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneBuste}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneBuste}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneBuste}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ValidazioneBuste readValidazioneBuste(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ValidazioneBuste) this.xmlToObj(in, ValidazioneBuste.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneBuste}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneBuste}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneBuste}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ValidazioneBuste readValidazioneBuste(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ValidazioneBuste) this.xmlToObj(in, ValidazioneBuste.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneBuste}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneBuste}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ValidazioneBuste}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ValidazioneBuste readValidazioneBusteFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ValidazioneBuste) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), ValidazioneBuste.class);
	 Object: indirizzo-risposta
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IndirizzoRisposta}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IndirizzoRisposta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IndirizzoRisposta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public IndirizzoRisposta readIndirizzoRisposta(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (IndirizzoRisposta) this.xmlToObj(fileName, IndirizzoRisposta.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IndirizzoRisposta}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IndirizzoRisposta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IndirizzoRisposta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public IndirizzoRisposta readIndirizzoRisposta(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (IndirizzoRisposta) this.xmlToObj(file, IndirizzoRisposta.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IndirizzoRisposta}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IndirizzoRisposta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IndirizzoRisposta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public IndirizzoRisposta readIndirizzoRisposta(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (IndirizzoRisposta) this.xmlToObj(in, IndirizzoRisposta.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IndirizzoRisposta}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IndirizzoRisposta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IndirizzoRisposta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public IndirizzoRisposta readIndirizzoRisposta(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (IndirizzoRisposta) this.xmlToObj(in, IndirizzoRisposta.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IndirizzoRisposta}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IndirizzoRisposta}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IndirizzoRisposta}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public IndirizzoRisposta readIndirizzoRispostaFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (IndirizzoRisposta) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), IndirizzoRisposta.class);
	 Object: attachments
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Attachments}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Attachments}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Attachments}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Attachments readAttachments(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Attachments) this.xmlToObj(fileName, Attachments.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Attachments}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Attachments}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Attachments}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Attachments readAttachments(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Attachments) this.xmlToObj(file, Attachments.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Attachments}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Attachments}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Attachments}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Attachments readAttachments(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Attachments) this.xmlToObj(in, Attachments.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Attachments}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Attachments}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Attachments}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Attachments readAttachments(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Attachments) this.xmlToObj(in, Attachments.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Attachments}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Attachments}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Attachments}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Attachments readAttachmentsFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Attachments) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), Attachments.class);
	 Object: risposte
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Risposte}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Risposte}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Risposte}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Risposte readRisposte(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Risposte) this.xmlToObj(fileName, Risposte.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Risposte}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Risposte}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Risposte}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Risposte readRisposte(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Risposte) this.xmlToObj(file, Risposte.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Risposte}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Risposte}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Risposte}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Risposte readRisposte(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Risposte) this.xmlToObj(in, Risposte.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Risposte}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Risposte}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Risposte}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Risposte readRisposte(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Risposte) this.xmlToObj(in, Risposte.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Risposte}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Risposte}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Risposte}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Risposte readRisposteFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Risposte) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), Risposte.class);
	 Object: dump
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Dump}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Dump}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Dump}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Dump readDump(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Dump) this.xmlToObj(fileName, Dump.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Dump}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Dump}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Dump}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Dump readDump(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Dump) this.xmlToObj(file, Dump.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Dump}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Dump}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Dump}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Dump readDump(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Dump) this.xmlToObj(in, Dump.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Dump}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Dump}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Dump}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Dump readDump(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Dump) this.xmlToObj(in, Dump.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Dump}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Dump}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.Dump}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public Dump readDumpFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (Dump) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), Dump.class);
	 Object: integration-manager
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IntegrationManager}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IntegrationManager}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IntegrationManager}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public IntegrationManager readIntegrationManager(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (IntegrationManager) this.xmlToObj(fileName, IntegrationManager.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IntegrationManager}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IntegrationManager}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IntegrationManager}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public IntegrationManager readIntegrationManager(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (IntegrationManager) this.xmlToObj(file, IntegrationManager.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IntegrationManager}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IntegrationManager}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IntegrationManager}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public IntegrationManager readIntegrationManager(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (IntegrationManager) this.xmlToObj(in, IntegrationManager.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IntegrationManager}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IntegrationManager}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IntegrationManager}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public IntegrationManager readIntegrationManager(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (IntegrationManager) this.xmlToObj(in, IntegrationManager.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IntegrationManager}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IntegrationManager}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.IntegrationManager}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public IntegrationManager readIntegrationManagerFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (IntegrationManager) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), IntegrationManager.class);
	 Object: stato-servizi-pdd
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPdd}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPdd}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPdd}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public StatoServiziPdd readStatoServiziPdd(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (StatoServiziPdd) this.xmlToObj(fileName, StatoServiziPdd.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPdd}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPdd}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPdd}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public StatoServiziPdd readStatoServiziPdd(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (StatoServiziPdd) this.xmlToObj(file, StatoServiziPdd.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPdd}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPdd}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPdd}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public StatoServiziPdd readStatoServiziPdd(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (StatoServiziPdd) this.xmlToObj(in, StatoServiziPdd.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPdd}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPdd}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPdd}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public StatoServiziPdd readStatoServiziPdd(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (StatoServiziPdd) this.xmlToObj(in, StatoServiziPdd.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPdd}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPdd}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPdd}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public StatoServiziPdd readStatoServiziPddFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (StatoServiziPdd) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), StatoServiziPdd.class);
	 Object: response-caching-configurazione-generale
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale readResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale) this.xmlToObj(fileName, ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale readResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale) this.xmlToObj(file, ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale readResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale) this.xmlToObj(in, ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale readResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale) this.xmlToObj(in, ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale readResponseCachingConfigurazioneGeneraleFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), ResponseCachingConfigurazioneGenerale.class);
	 Object: response-caching-configurazione-hash-generator
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator readResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator) this.xmlToObj(fileName, ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator readResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator) this.xmlToObj(file, ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator readResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator) this.xmlToObj(in, ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator readResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator) this.xmlToObj(in, ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator readResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGeneratorFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), ResponseCachingConfigurazioneHashGenerator.class);
	 Object: mtom-processor-flow-parameter
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlowParameter}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlowParameter}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlowParameter}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MtomProcessorFlowParameter readMtomProcessorFlowParameter(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MtomProcessorFlowParameter) this.xmlToObj(fileName, MtomProcessorFlowParameter.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlowParameter}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlowParameter}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlowParameter}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MtomProcessorFlowParameter readMtomProcessorFlowParameter(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MtomProcessorFlowParameter) this.xmlToObj(file, MtomProcessorFlowParameter.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlowParameter}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlowParameter}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlowParameter}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MtomProcessorFlowParameter readMtomProcessorFlowParameter(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MtomProcessorFlowParameter) this.xmlToObj(in, MtomProcessorFlowParameter.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlowParameter}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlowParameter}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlowParameter}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MtomProcessorFlowParameter readMtomProcessorFlowParameter(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MtomProcessorFlowParameter) this.xmlToObj(in, MtomProcessorFlowParameter.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlowParameter}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlowParameter}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MtomProcessorFlowParameter}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MtomProcessorFlowParameter readMtomProcessorFlowParameterFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MtomProcessorFlowParameter) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), MtomProcessorFlowParameter.class);
	 Object: routing-table-destinazione
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDestinazione}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDestinazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDestinazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RoutingTableDestinazione readRoutingTableDestinazione(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RoutingTableDestinazione) this.xmlToObj(fileName, RoutingTableDestinazione.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDestinazione}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDestinazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDestinazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RoutingTableDestinazione readRoutingTableDestinazione(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RoutingTableDestinazione) this.xmlToObj(file, RoutingTableDestinazione.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDestinazione}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDestinazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDestinazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RoutingTableDestinazione readRoutingTableDestinazione(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RoutingTableDestinazione) this.xmlToObj(in, RoutingTableDestinazione.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDestinazione}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDestinazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDestinazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RoutingTableDestinazione readRoutingTableDestinazione(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RoutingTableDestinazione) this.xmlToObj(in, RoutingTableDestinazione.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDestinazione}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDestinazione}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.RoutingTableDestinazione}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public RoutingTableDestinazione readRoutingTableDestinazioneFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (RoutingTableDestinazione) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), RoutingTableDestinazione.class);
	 Object: invocazione-servizio
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneServizio}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneServizio}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneServizio}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public InvocazioneServizio readInvocazioneServizio(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (InvocazioneServizio) this.xmlToObj(fileName, InvocazioneServizio.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneServizio}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneServizio}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneServizio}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public InvocazioneServizio readInvocazioneServizio(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (InvocazioneServizio) this.xmlToObj(file, InvocazioneServizio.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneServizio}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneServizio}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneServizio}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public InvocazioneServizio readInvocazioneServizio(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (InvocazioneServizio) this.xmlToObj(in, InvocazioneServizio.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneServizio}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneServizio}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneServizio}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public InvocazioneServizio readInvocazioneServizio(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (InvocazioneServizio) this.xmlToObj(in, InvocazioneServizio.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneServizio}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneServizio}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.InvocazioneServizio}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public InvocazioneServizio readInvocazioneServizioFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (InvocazioneServizio) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), InvocazioneServizio.class);
	 Object: protocol-property
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProtocolProperty}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProtocolProperty}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProtocolProperty}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ProtocolProperty readProtocolProperty(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ProtocolProperty) this.xmlToObj(fileName, ProtocolProperty.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProtocolProperty}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProtocolProperty}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProtocolProperty}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ProtocolProperty readProtocolProperty(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ProtocolProperty) this.xmlToObj(file, ProtocolProperty.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProtocolProperty}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProtocolProperty}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProtocolProperty}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ProtocolProperty readProtocolProperty(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ProtocolProperty) this.xmlToObj(in, ProtocolProperty.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProtocolProperty}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProtocolProperty}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProtocolProperty}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ProtocolProperty readProtocolProperty(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ProtocolProperty) this.xmlToObj(in, ProtocolProperty.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProtocolProperty}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProtocolProperty}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.ProtocolProperty}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public ProtocolProperty readProtocolPropertyFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (ProtocolProperty) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), ProtocolProperty.class);
	 Object: stato-servizi-pdd-porta-delegata
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata readStatoServiziPddPortaDelegata(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata) this.xmlToObj(fileName, StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata readStatoServiziPddPortaDelegata(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata) this.xmlToObj(file, StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata readStatoServiziPddPortaDelegata(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata) this.xmlToObj(in, StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata readStatoServiziPddPortaDelegata(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata) this.xmlToObj(in, StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata readStatoServiziPddPortaDelegataFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), StatoServiziPddPortaDelegata.class);
	 Object: stato-servizi-pdd-integration-manager
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager readStatoServiziPddIntegrationManager(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager) this.xmlToObj(fileName, StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager readStatoServiziPddIntegrationManager(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager) this.xmlToObj(file, StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager readStatoServiziPddIntegrationManager(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager) this.xmlToObj(in, StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager readStatoServiziPddIntegrationManager(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager) this.xmlToObj(in, StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager readStatoServiziPddIntegrationManagerFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), StatoServiziPddIntegrationManager.class);
	 Object: dump-configurazione-regola
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazioneRegola}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazioneRegola}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazioneRegola}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public DumpConfigurazioneRegola readDumpConfigurazioneRegola(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (DumpConfigurazioneRegola) this.xmlToObj(fileName, DumpConfigurazioneRegola.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazioneRegola}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazioneRegola}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazioneRegola}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public DumpConfigurazioneRegola readDumpConfigurazioneRegola(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (DumpConfigurazioneRegola) this.xmlToObj(file, DumpConfigurazioneRegola.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazioneRegola}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazioneRegola}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazioneRegola}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public DumpConfigurazioneRegola readDumpConfigurazioneRegola(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (DumpConfigurazioneRegola) this.xmlToObj(in, DumpConfigurazioneRegola.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazioneRegola}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazioneRegola}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazioneRegola}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public DumpConfigurazioneRegola readDumpConfigurazioneRegola(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (DumpConfigurazioneRegola) this.xmlToObj(in, DumpConfigurazioneRegola.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazioneRegola}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazioneRegola}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.DumpConfigurazioneRegola}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public DumpConfigurazioneRegola readDumpConfigurazioneRegolaFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (DumpConfigurazioneRegola) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), DumpConfigurazioneRegola.class);
	 Object: message-security-flow
	 * Transform the xml in <var>fileName</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlow}
	 * @param fileName Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlow}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlow}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MessageSecurityFlow readMessageSecurityFlow(String fileName) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MessageSecurityFlow) this.xmlToObj(fileName, MessageSecurityFlow.class);
	 * Transform the xml in <var>file</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlow}
	 * @param file Xml file to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlow}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlow}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MessageSecurityFlow readMessageSecurityFlow(File file) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MessageSecurityFlow) this.xmlToObj(file, MessageSecurityFlow.class);
	 * Transform the input stream <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlow}
	 * @param in InputStream to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlow}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlow}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MessageSecurityFlow readMessageSecurityFlow(InputStream in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MessageSecurityFlow) this.xmlToObj(in, MessageSecurityFlow.class);
	 * Transform the byte array <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlow}
	 * @param in Byte array to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlow}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlow}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MessageSecurityFlow readMessageSecurityFlow(byte[] in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MessageSecurityFlow) this.xmlToObj(in, MessageSecurityFlow.class);
	 * Transform the String <var>in</var> in the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlow}
	 * @param in String to use for the reconstruction of the object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlow}
	 * @return Object type {@link org.openspcoop2.core.config.MessageSecurityFlow}
	 * @throws DeserializerException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during deserialization
	public MessageSecurityFlow readMessageSecurityFlowFromString(String in) throws DeserializerException {
		return (MessageSecurityFlow) this.xmlToObj(in.getBytes(), MessageSecurityFlow.class);
