- /*
- * GovWay - A customizable API Gateway
- *
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2005-2025 srl (
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- *
- */
- package;
- import java.util.Map;
- import java.util.Objects;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import org.openspcoop2.core.constants.CostantiDB;
- import org.openspcoop2.core.constants.TipiConnettore;
- import org.openspcoop2.core.registry.Connettore;
- import org.openspcoop2.web.ctrlstat.servlet.connettori.ConnettoreStatusParams;
- import org.openspcoop2.web.ctrlstat.servlet.connettori.ConnettoriCostanti;
- import org.openspcoop2.web.lib.mvc.ServletUtils;
- /**
- * ConnettoreStatusApiHelper
- *
- * @author Tommaso Burlon (
- * @author $Author$
- * @version $Rev$, $Date$
- */
- public class ConnettoreStatusApiHelper extends AbstractConnettoreApiHelper<ConnettoreStatus> {
- @Override
- protected boolean connettoreCheckData(ConnettoreStatus conn, ErogazioniEnv env, boolean erogazione) throws Exception {
- return !ConnettoreStatusParams.check(env.apsHelper, null, null).getParsingErrors();
- }
- @Override
- public Connettore fillConnettoreRegistro(org.openspcoop2.core.registry.Connettore regConnettore,
- ErogazioniEnv env,
- ConnettoreStatus conn,
- String oldConnT) throws Exception {
- ConnettoreStatusParams params = new ConnettoreStatusParams()
- .statusResponseType(conn.getRisposta().toString())
- .testConnectivity(conn.isVerificaConnettivita())
- .testStatistics(false);
- if (conn.getVerificaStatistica() != null) {
- params.testStatistics(true);
- params.periodValue(conn.getVerificaStatistica().getIntervallo());
- params.period(conn.getVerificaStatistica().getFrequenza().toString());
- params.statLifetime(conn.getVerificaStatistica().getCacheLifeTime());
- }
- env.apsHelper.fillConnettore(
- regConnettore,
- conn.isDebug() == Boolean.TRUE ? "true" : "false", // this.connettoreDebug,
- TipiConnettore.STATUS.getNome(), // endpointtype
- oldConnT, // oldConnT
- "", // tipoConn Personalizzato
- null, // this.url,
- null, // this.nome,
- null, // this.tipo,
- null,
- null,
- null, // this.initcont,
- null, // this.urlpgk,
- null, // this.url,
- null, // this.connfact,
- null, // this.sendas,
- null, // this.httpsurl,
- null, // this.httpstipologia
- false, // this.httpshostverify,
- ConnettoriCostanti.DEFAULT_CONNETTORE_HTTPS_TRUST_VERIFY_CERTS, // httpsTrustVerifyCert
- null, // this.httpspath
- null, // this.httpstipo,
- null, // this.httpspwd,
- null, // this.httpsalgoritmo
- false,
- null, // this.httpskeystore,
- "", // this.httpspwdprivatekeytrust
- null, // pathkey
- null, // this.httpstipokey
- null, // this.httpspwdkey
- null, // this.httpspwdprivatekey,
- null, // this.httpsalgoritmokey,
- null, // httpsKeyAlias
- null, // httpsTrustStoreCRLs
- null, // httpsTrustStoreOCSPPolicy
- null, // httpsKeyStoreBYOKPolicy
- ServletUtils.boolToCheckBoxStatus( false ),
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- ServletUtils.boolToCheckBoxStatus( false ),
- null, // this.tempiRisposta_connectionTimeout,
- null, //null, // this.tempiRisposta_readTimeout,
- null, // this.tempiRisposta_tempoMedioRisposta,
- "no", // this.opzioniAvanzate,
- "", // this.transfer_mode,
- "", // this.transfer_mode_chunk_size,
- "", // this.redirect_mode,
- "", // this.redirect_max_hop,
- null, // this.requestOutputFileName,
- null, // this.requestOutputFileName_permissions
- null, // this.requestOutputFileNameHeaders,
- null, // this.requestOutputFileNameHeaders_permissions
- null, // this.requestOutputParentDirCreateIfNotExists,
- null, // this.requestOutputOverwriteIfExists,
- null, // this.responseInputMode,
- null, // this.responseInputFileName,
- null, // this.responseInputFileNameHeaders,
- null, // this.responseInputDeleteAfterRead,
- null, // this.responseInputWaitTime,
- null, // tokenPolicy
- null, null, // apiKeyHeader, apiKeyValue
- null, null, // appIdHeader, appIdValue
- params, // connettoreStatusParams
- null // listExtendedConnettore
- );
- return regConnettore;
- }
- @Override
- public org.openspcoop2.core.config.Connettore buildConnettoreConfigurazione(
- org.openspcoop2.core.config.Connettore regConnettore, ErogazioniEnv env, ConnettoreStatus conn,
- String oldConnType) throws Exception {
- ConnettoreStatusParams params = new ConnettoreStatusParams()
- .statusResponseType(conn.getRisposta().toString())
- .testConnectivity(conn.isVerificaConnettivita())
- .testStatistics(false);
- if (conn.getVerificaStatistica() != null) {
- params.testStatistics(true);
- params.periodValue(conn.getVerificaStatistica().getIntervallo());
- params.period(conn.getVerificaStatistica().getFrequenza().toString());
- params.statLifetime(conn.getVerificaStatistica().getCacheLifeTime());
- }
- env.apsHelper.fillConnettore(
- regConnettore,
- conn.isDebug() == Boolean.TRUE ? "true" : "false", // this.connettoreDebug,
- TipiConnettore.STATUS.getNome(), // endpointtype
- oldConnType, // oldConnT
- "", // tipoConn Personalizzato
- null, // this.url,
- null, // this.nome,
- null, // this.tipo,
- null,
- null,
- null, // this.initcont,
- null, // this.urlpgk,
- null, // this.url,
- null, // this.connfact,
- null, // this.sendas,
- null, // this.httpsurl,
- null, // this.httpstipologia
- false, // this.httpshostverify,
- ConnettoriCostanti.DEFAULT_CONNETTORE_HTTPS_TRUST_VERIFY_CERTS, // httpsTrustVerifyCert
- null, // this.httpspath
- null, // this.httpstipo,
- null, // this.httpspwd,
- null, // this.httpsalgoritmo
- false,
- null, // this.httpskeystore,
- "", // this.httpspwdprivatekeytrust
- null, // pathkey
- null, // this.httpstipokey
- null, // this.httpspwdkey
- null, // this.httpspwdprivatekey,
- null, // this.httpsalgoritmokey,
- null, // httpsKeyAlias
- null, // httpsTrustStoreCRLs
- null, // httpsTrustStoreOCSPPolicy
- null, // httpsKeyStoreBYOKPolicy
- ServletUtils.boolToCheckBoxStatus( false ),
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- ServletUtils.boolToCheckBoxStatus( false ),
- null, // this.tempiRisposta_connectionTimeout,
- null, //null, // this.tempiRisposta_readTimeout,
- null, // this.tempiRisposta_tempoMedioRisposta,
- "no", // this.opzioniAvanzate,
- "", // this.transfer_mode,
- "", // this.transfer_mode_chunk_size,
- "", // this.redirect_mode,
- "", // this.redirect_max_hop,
- null, // this.requestOutputFileName,
- null, // this.requestOutputFileName_permissions
- null, // this.requestOutputFileNameHeaders,
- null, // this.requestOutputFileNameHeaders_permissions
- null, // this.requestOutputParentDirCreateIfNotExists,
- null, // this.requestOutputOverwriteIfExists,
- null, // this.responseInputMode,
- null, // this.responseInputFileName,
- null, // this.responseInputFileNameHeaders,
- null, // this.responseInputDeleteAfterRead,
- null, // this.responseInputWaitTime,
- null, // tokenPolicy
- null, null, // apiKeyHeader, apiKeyValue
- null, null, // appIdHeader, appIdValue
- params, // connettoreStatusParams
- null // listExtendedConnettore
- );
- return regConnettore;
- }
- @Override
- public ConnettoreStatus buildConnettore(Map<String, String> props, String tipo) {
- String verificaConnettivita = props.get(CostantiDB.CONNETTORE_STATUS_TEST_CONNECTIVITY);
- String statusResponseType = props.get(CostantiDB.CONNETTORE_STATUS_RESPONSE_TYPE);
- String period = props.get(CostantiDB.CONNETTORE_STATUS_STATISTICAL_PERIOD);
- String periodValue = props.get(CostantiDB.CONNETTORE_STATUS_STATISTICAL_PERIOD_VALUE);
- String cacheLifetime = props.get(CostantiDB.CONNETTORE_STATUS_STAT_LIFETIME);
- String debug = props.get(CostantiDB.CONNETTORE_DEBUG);
- ConnettoreStatusVerificaStatistica verificaStatistica = null;
- if (period != null) {
- verificaStatistica = new ConnettoreStatusVerificaStatistica()
- .intervallo(Integer.valueOf(periodValue))
- .frequenza(TipoPeriodoStatisticoEnum.fromValue(period))
- .cacheLifeTime(cacheLifetime == null ? null : Integer.valueOf(cacheLifetime));
- }
- return new ConnettoreStatus()
- .tipo(ConnettoreEnum.STATUS)
- .risposta(TipoRispostaStatusEnum.fromValue(statusResponseType))
- .debug(Objects.requireNonNullElse(debug, Boolean.FALSE).equals(Boolean.TRUE))
- .verificaConnettivita(Objects.requireNonNullElse(verificaConnettivita, Boolean.FALSE).equals(Boolean.TRUE))
- .verificaStatistica(verificaStatistica);
- }
- @Override
- public String getUrlConnettore(Map<String, String> props, String tipoConnettore) throws Exception {
- return "[status] govway://status";
- }
- @Override
- protected ConnettoreStatus getConnettore(OneOfConnettoreErogazioneConnettore conn) throws Exception {
- return (ConnettoreStatus) conn;
- }
- @Override
- protected ConnettoreStatus getConnettore(OneOfConnettoreFruizioneConnettore conn) throws Exception {
- return (ConnettoreStatus) conn;
- }
- @Override
- protected ConnettoreStatus getConnettore(OneOfApplicativoServerConnettore conn) throws Exception {
- return (ConnettoreStatus) conn;
- }
- }