- /*
- * GovWay - A customizable API Gateway
- *
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2005-2025 srl (
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- *
- */
- package org.openspcoop2.core.config.driver.db;
- import java.sql.Connection;
- import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
- import java.sql.ResultSet;
- import java.sql.SQLException;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.HashMap;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Map;
- import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
- import org.openspcoop2.core.byok.IDriverBYOK;
- import org.openspcoop2.core.commons.Filtri;
- import org.openspcoop2.core.commons.ISearch;
- import org.openspcoop2.core.commons.SearchUtils;
- import org.openspcoop2.core.config.GenericProperties;
- import org.openspcoop2.core.config.Property;
- import org.openspcoop2.core.config.driver.DriverConfigurazioneException;
- import org.openspcoop2.core.config.driver.DriverConfigurazioneNotFound;
- import org.openspcoop2.core.constants.CostantiDB;
- import org.openspcoop2.core.constants.CostantiProprieta;
- import org.openspcoop2.utils.jdbc.JDBCUtilities;
- import org.openspcoop2.utils.sql.ISQLQueryObject;
- import org.openspcoop2.utils.sql.SQLObjectFactory;
- /**
- * DriverConfigurazioneDB_genericPropertiesDriver
- *
- *
- * @author Sandra Giangrandi (
- * @author Stefano Corallo (
- * @author $Author$
- * @version $Rev$, $Date$
- */
- public class DriverConfigurazioneDB_genericPropertiesDriver {
- private static Map<String, List<String>> propertiesConfidentials = new HashMap<>();
- static {
- propertiesConfidentials.put(CostantiProprieta.TOKEN_VALIDATION_ID, CostantiProprieta.getTokenValidationProperties());
- propertiesConfidentials.put(CostantiProprieta.TOKEN_NEGOZIAZIONE_ID, CostantiProprieta.getTokenRetrieveProperties());
- propertiesConfidentials.put(CostantiProprieta.ATTRIBUTE_AUTHORITY_ID, CostantiProprieta.getAttributeAuthorityProperties());
- List<String> messageSecurityIds = CostantiProprieta.getMessageSecurityIds();
- if(messageSecurityIds!=null && !messageSecurityIds.isEmpty()) {
- for (String id : messageSecurityIds) {
- propertiesConfidentials.put(id, CostantiProprieta.getMessageSecurityProperties(id));
- }
- }
- }
- public static void addConfidentialProperty(String tipo, String nome){
- List<String> l = propertiesConfidentials.computeIfAbsent(tipo, k -> new ArrayList<>());
- if(!l.contains(nome)) {
- l.add(nome);
- }
- }
- public static boolean isConfidentialProperty(String tipo, String nome) {
- if(tipo==null || nome==null) {
- return false;
- }
- List<String> l = propertiesConfidentials.get(tipo);
- if(l!=null) {
- return isConfidentialProperty(l, nome);
- }
- return false;
- }
- private static boolean isConfidentialProperty(List<String> l, String nome) {
- if(l.isEmpty()) {
- return false;
- }
- if(l.contains(nome)) {
- return true;
- }
- if(nome.contains(CostantiProprieta.KEY_PROPERTIES_CUSTOM_SEPARATOR)) {
- return isConfidentialPropertyCustomSeparator(l, nome);
- }
- else if(nome.contains(CostantiProprieta.KEY_PROPERTIES_DEFAULT_SEPARATOR)) {
- return isConfidentialPropertyDefaultSeparator(l, nome);
- }
- return false;
- }
- private static boolean isConfidentialPropertyCustomSeparator(List<String> l, String nome) {
- String [] tmp = nome.split(CostantiProprieta.KEY_PROPERTIES_CUSTOM_SEPARATOR);
- if(tmp!=null && tmp.length>1 && tmp[1]!=null){
- for (String s : l) {
- if(tmp[1].equals(s)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- private static boolean isConfidentialPropertyDefaultSeparator(List<String> l, String nome) {
- String [] tmp = nome.split(CostantiProprieta.KEY_PROPERTIES_DEFAULT_SEPARATOR);
- if(tmp!=null && tmp.length>1 && tmp[1]!=null){
- for (String s : l) {
- if(tmp[1].equals(s)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- private DriverConfigurazioneDB driver = null;
- private DriverConfigurazioneDBUtils utilsDriver = null;
- protected DriverConfigurazioneDB_genericPropertiesDriver(DriverConfigurazioneDB driver) {
- this.driver = driver;
- this.utilsDriver = new DriverConfigurazioneDBUtils(driver);
- }
- /**
- * Restituisce le proprieta' generiche di una tipologia utilizzate dalla PdD
- *
- * @return proprieta' generiche
- *
- */
- protected List<GenericProperties> getGenericProperties() throws DriverConfigurazioneException,DriverConfigurazioneNotFound{
- return getGenericProperties(null);
- }
- /**
- * Restituisce le proprieta' generiche utilizzate dalla PdD
- *
- * @return proprieta' generiche
- *
- */
- protected List<GenericProperties> getGenericProperties(String tipologia) throws DriverConfigurazioneException,DriverConfigurazioneNotFound{
- List<String> listTipologia = new ArrayList<>();
- if(tipologia!=null) {
- listTipologia.add(tipologia);
- }
- return getGenericProperties(listTipologia, null, null,true, null);
- }
- protected GenericProperties getGenericProperties(String tipologia, String name) throws DriverConfigurazioneException,DriverConfigurazioneNotFound{
- List<String> listTipologia = new ArrayList<>();
- if(tipologia!=null) {
- listTipologia.add(tipologia);
- }
- List<GenericProperties> l = getGenericProperties(listTipologia, null, null,true, name);
- if(l==null || l.isEmpty()) {
- throw new DriverConfigurazioneNotFound("[getGenericProperties] Configurazione Generic Properties non presenti con tipologia '"+tipologia+"' e nome '"+name+"'");
- }
- else if(l.size()>1) {
- throw new DriverConfigurazioneException("[getGenericProperties] Trovata più di una collezione di proprietà con tipologia '"+tipologia+"' e nome '"+name+"'");
- }
- return l.get(0);
- }
- /**
- * Restituisce le proprieta' generiche utilizzate dalla PdD
- *
- * @return proprieta' generiche
- *
- */
- protected List<GenericProperties> getGenericProperties(List<String> tipologia, Integer idLista, ISearch ricerca, boolean throwNotFoundException) throws DriverConfigurazioneException,DriverConfigurazioneNotFound{
- return getGenericProperties(tipologia, idLista, ricerca, throwNotFoundException, null);
- }
- private List<GenericProperties> getGenericProperties(List<String> tipologia, Integer idLista, ISearch ricerca, boolean throwNotFoundException, String nomeEsatto) throws DriverConfigurazioneException,DriverConfigurazioneNotFound{
- Connection con = null;
- PreparedStatement stm = null;
- ResultSet rs = null;
- Integer offset = null;
- Integer limit =null;
- String search = "";
- String filterTipoTokenPolicy = null;
- if(idLista != null && ricerca != null) {
- limit = ricerca.getPageSize(idLista);
- offset = ricerca.getIndexIniziale(idLista);
- search = (org.openspcoop2.core.constants.Costanti.SESSION_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_RICERCA_UNDEFINED.equals(ricerca.getSearchString(idLista)) ? "" : ricerca.getSearchString(idLista));
- filterTipoTokenPolicy = SearchUtils.getFilter(ricerca, idLista, Filtri.FILTRO_TIPO_TOKEN_POLICY);
- this.driver.logDebug("search : " + search);
- this.driver.logDebug("filterTipoTokenPolicy : " + filterTipoTokenPolicy);
- }
- String sqlQuery = "";
- if (this.driver.atomica) {
- try {
- con = this.driver.getConnectionFromDatasource("getGenericProperties");
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new DriverConfigurazioneException("[getGenericProperties] Exception accedendo al datasource :" + e.getMessage(),e);
- }
- } else
- con = this.driver.globalConnection;
- this.driver.logDebug("operazione this.driver.atomica = " + this.driver.atomica);
- List<Long> listIdLong = new ArrayList<>();
- try {
- ISQLQueryObject sqlQueryObject = SQLObjectFactory.createSQLQueryObject(this.driver.tipoDB);
- sqlQueryObject.addFromTable(CostantiDB.CONFIG_GENERIC_PROPERTIES);
- sqlQueryObject.addSelectCountField("*", "cont");
- if(tipologia!=null && !tipologia.isEmpty()) {
- sqlQueryObject.addWhereINCondition("tipologia", true, tipologia.toArray(new String[1]));
- }
- if(filterTipoTokenPolicy!=null && !"".equals(filterTipoTokenPolicy)) {
- sqlQueryObject.addWhereCondition("tipo=?");
- }
- if(nomeEsatto!=null) {
- sqlQueryObject.addWhereCondition("nome=?");
- }
- if (!search.equals("")) {
- //query con search
- sqlQueryObject.addWhereLikeCondition("nome", search, true, true);
- }
- sqlQueryObject.setANDLogicOperator(true);
- sqlQuery = sqlQueryObject.createSQLQuery();
- stm = con.prepareStatement(sqlQuery);
- int index = 1;
- if(filterTipoTokenPolicy!=null && !"".equals(filterTipoTokenPolicy)) {
- stm.setString(index++, filterTipoTokenPolicy);
- }
- if(nomeEsatto!=null) {
- stm.setString(index++, nomeEsatto);
- }
- rs = stm.executeQuery();
- if ( && ricerca != null)
- ricerca.setNumEntries(idLista,rs.getInt(1));
- rs.close();
- stm.close();
- // ricavo le entries
- if (limit!= null && limit == 0) // con limit
- limit = ISQLQueryObject.LIMIT_DEFAULT_VALUE;
- sqlQueryObject = SQLObjectFactory.createSQLQueryObject(this.driver.tipoDB);
- sqlQueryObject.addFromTable(CostantiDB.CONFIG_GENERIC_PROPERTIES);
- sqlQueryObject.addSelectField("id");
- sqlQueryObject.addSelectField("nome");
- if(tipologia!=null && !tipologia.isEmpty()) {
- sqlQueryObject.addWhereINCondition("tipologia", true, tipologia.toArray(new String[1]));
- }
- if(filterTipoTokenPolicy!=null && !"".equals(filterTipoTokenPolicy)) {
- sqlQueryObject.addWhereCondition("tipo=?");
- }
- if(nomeEsatto!=null) {
- sqlQueryObject.addWhereCondition("nome=?");
- }
- if (!search.equals("")) {
- //query con search
- sqlQueryObject.addWhereLikeCondition("nome", search, true, true);
- }
- sqlQueryObject.setANDLogicOperator(true);
- sqlQueryObject.addOrderBy("nome");
- sqlQueryObject.setSortType(true);
- if(limit!= null)
- sqlQueryObject.setLimit(limit);
- if(offset != null)
- sqlQueryObject.setOffset(offset);
- sqlQuery = sqlQueryObject.createSQLQuery();
- stm = con.prepareStatement(sqlQuery);
- index = 1;
- if(filterTipoTokenPolicy!=null && !"".equals(filterTipoTokenPolicy)) {
- stm.setString(index++, filterTipoTokenPolicy);
- }
- if(nomeEsatto!=null) {
- stm.setString(index++, nomeEsatto);
- }
- rs = stm.executeQuery();
- while({
- long idP = rs.getLong("id");
- listIdLong.add(idP);
- }
- rs.close();
- stm.close();
- } catch (SQLException se) {
- throw new DriverConfigurazioneException("[getGenericProperties] SqlException: " + se.getMessage(),se);
- }catch (Exception se) {
- throw new DriverConfigurazioneException("[getGenericProperties] Exception: " + se.getMessage(),se);
- } finally {
- JDBCUtilities.closeResources(rs, stm);
- this.driver.closeConnection(con);
- }
- List<GenericProperties> genericPropertiesList = new ArrayList<>();
- if(!listIdLong.isEmpty()) {
- for (Long id : listIdLong) {
- genericPropertiesList.add(this.getGenericProperties(id));
- }
- }
- if((genericPropertiesList==null || genericPropertiesList.isEmpty()) && throwNotFoundException)
- throw new DriverConfigurazioneNotFound("Generic Properties non presenti");
- return genericPropertiesList;
- }
- protected void createGenericProperties(GenericProperties genericProperties) throws DriverConfigurazioneException{
- Connection con = null;
- boolean error = false;
- if (this.driver.atomica) {
- try {
- con = this.driver.getConnectionFromDatasource("createGenericProperties");
- con.setAutoCommit(false);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new DriverConfigurazioneException("[DriverConfigurazioneDB::createGenericProperties] Exception accedendo al datasource :" + e.getMessage(),e);
- }
- } else
- con = this.driver.globalConnection;
- this.driver.logDebug("operazione this.driver.atomica = " + this.driver.atomica);
- try {
- this.driver.logDebug("CRUDGenericPropertiesPdD type = 1");
- DriverConfigurazioneDB_configLIB.CRUDGenericProperties(1, genericProperties, con, this.driver.getDriverWrapBYOK());
- } catch (Exception qe) {
- error = true;
- throw new DriverConfigurazioneException("[DriverConfigurazioneDB::createGenericProperties] Errore durante la createSystemPropertiesPdD : " + qe.getMessage(),qe);
- } finally {
- this.driver.closeConnection(error,con);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Aggiorna le informazioni sulle proprieta' generiche della PdD
- *
- * @param genericProperties
- * @throws DriverConfigurazioneException
- */
- protected void updateGenericProperties(GenericProperties genericProperties) throws DriverConfigurazioneException{
- Connection con = null;
- boolean error = false;
- if (this.driver.atomica) {
- try {
- con = this.driver.getConnectionFromDatasource("updateGenericProperties");
- con.setAutoCommit(false);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new DriverConfigurazioneException("[DriverConfigurazioneDB::updateGenericProperties] Exception accedendo al datasource :" + e.getMessage(),e);
- }
- } else
- con = this.driver.globalConnection;
- this.driver.logDebug("operazione this.driver.atomica = " + this.driver.atomica);
- try {
- this.driver.logDebug("updateGenericProperties type = 2");
- DriverConfigurazioneDB_configLIB.CRUDGenericProperties(2, genericProperties, con, this.driver.getDriverWrapBYOK());
- } catch (Exception qe) {
- error = true;
- throw new DriverConfigurazioneException("[DriverConfigurazioneDB::updateGenericProperties] Errore durante la updateSystemPropertiesPdD : " + qe.getMessage(),qe);
- } finally {
- this.driver.closeConnection(error,con);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Elimina le informazioni sulle proprieta' generiche della PdD
- *
- * @param genericProperties
- * @throws DriverConfigurazioneException
- */
- protected void deleteGenericProperties(GenericProperties genericProperties) throws DriverConfigurazioneException{
- Connection con = null;
- boolean error = false;
- if (this.driver.atomica) {
- try {
- con = this.driver.getConnectionFromDatasource("deleteGenericProperties");
- con.setAutoCommit(false);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new DriverConfigurazioneException("[DriverConfigurazioneDB::deleteGenericProperties] Exception accedendo al datasource :" + e.getMessage(),e);
- }
- } else
- con = this.driver.globalConnection;
- this.driver.logDebug("operazione this.driver.atomica = " + this.driver.atomica);
- try {
- this.driver.logDebug("deleteGenericProperties type = 3");
- DriverConfigurazioneDB_configLIB.CRUDGenericProperties(3, genericProperties, con, this.driver.getDriverWrapBYOK());
- } catch (Exception qe) {
- error = true;
- throw new DriverConfigurazioneException("[DriverConfigurazioneDB::deleteGenericProperties] Errore durante la deleteSystemPropertiesPdD : " + qe.getMessage(),qe);
- } finally {
- this.driver.closeConnection(error,con);
- }
- }
- protected GenericProperties getGenericProperties(long idGenericProperties) throws DriverConfigurazioneException,DriverConfigurazioneNotFound{
- Connection con = null;
- PreparedStatement stm = null;
- ResultSet rs = null;
- PreparedStatement stm2 = null;
- ResultSet rs2 = null;
- String sqlQuery = "";
- if (this.driver.atomica) {
- try {
- con = this.driver.getConnectionFromDatasource("getGenericProperties");
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new DriverConfigurazioneException("[getGenericProperties] Exception accedendo al datasource :" + e.getMessage(),e);
- }
- } else
- con = this.driver.globalConnection;
- this.driver.logDebug("operazione this.atomica = " + this.driver.atomica);
- try {
- GenericProperties genericProperties = null;
- ISQLQueryObject sqlQueryObject = SQLObjectFactory.createSQLQueryObject(this.driver.tipoDB);
- sqlQueryObject.addFromTable(CostantiDB.CONFIG_GENERIC_PROPERTIES);
- sqlQueryObject.addSelectField("*");
- sqlQueryObject.addWhereCondition("id=?");
- sqlQuery = sqlQueryObject.createSQLQuery();
- stm = con.prepareStatement(sqlQuery);
- stm.setLong(1, idGenericProperties);
- rs = stm.executeQuery();
- if({
- genericProperties = new GenericProperties();
- genericProperties.setNome(rs.getString("nome"));
- genericProperties.setDescrizione(rs.getString("descrizione"));
- genericProperties.setTipologia(rs.getString("tipologia"));
- genericProperties.setTipo(rs.getString("tipo"));
- // Proprieta Oggetto
- genericProperties.setProprietaOggetto(this.utilsDriver.readProprietaOggetto(rs,false));
- long idP = rs.getLong("id");
- genericProperties.setId(idP);
- //prendo le proprieta
- sqlQueryObject = SQLObjectFactory.createSQLQueryObject(this.driver.tipoDB);
- sqlQueryObject.addFromTable(CostantiDB.CONFIG_GENERIC_PROPERTY);
- sqlQueryObject.addSelectField("*");
- sqlQueryObject.addWhereCondition("id_props = ?");
- sqlQuery = sqlQueryObject.createSQLQuery();
- stm2 = con.prepareStatement(sqlQuery);
- stm2.setLong(1, idP);
- rs2 = stm2.executeQuery();
- Property genericProperty = null;
- while(
- {
- genericProperty = new Property();
- //proprieta
- genericProperty.setId(rs2.getLong("id"));
- genericProperty.setNome(rs2.getString("nome"));
- String plainValue = rs2.getString("valore");
- String encValue = rs2.getString("enc_value");
- if(encValue!=null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(encValue)) {
- IDriverBYOK driverBYOK = this.driver.getDriverUnwrapBYOK();
- if(driverBYOK!=null) {
- genericProperty.setValore(driverBYOK.unwrapAsString(encValue));
- }
- else {
- genericProperty.setValore(encValue);
- }
- }
- else {
- genericProperty.setValore(plainValue);
- }
- genericProperties.addProperty(genericProperty);
- }
- rs2.close();
- stm2.close();
- }
- rs.close();
- stm.close();
- if(genericProperties==null )
- throw new DriverConfigurazioneNotFound("Generic Properties non presenti");
- return genericProperties;
- } catch (SQLException se) {
- throw new DriverConfigurazioneException("[getGenericProperties] SqlException: " + se.getMessage(),se);
- }catch (DriverConfigurazioneNotFound e) {
- throw new DriverConfigurazioneNotFound(e);
- }catch (Exception se) {
- throw new DriverConfigurazioneException("[getGenericProperties] Exception: " + se.getMessage(),se);
- } finally {
- //Chiudo statement and resultset
- JDBCUtilities.closeResources(rs2, stm2);
- JDBCUtilities.closeResources(rs, stm);
- this.driver.closeConnection(con);
- }
- }
- }